Crazy ~ Embarrassed to exercise in the living room in front



  • MrsHallum07
    MrsHallum07 Posts: 60 Member
    I know how you feel, I am the same way in front of my husband. My kids go w/ me to exercise class so its not big thing to them.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Good topic! I won't work out in front of anybody! I'm lucky enough to have a carpeted garage so the floor isn't cold. So that is "my" space. Still, there have been a couple of times when my husband knew I was out there working out, yet he felt the need to open the door and tell me something, like "a storm's a'brewin' outside." And then he just stood there. I'm like wth?...Totally threw me off and it took a few minutes to get back into my groove. I just can't do it if somebody's watching, or even if I just think they're watching.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    i was the same..but now..after being at it for 7 kids watch me..cause they are so amazed that I can do what I do...and what I have accomplished..
  • beckipercy
    beckipercy Posts: 160 Member
    Yes, I wait until my dad goes to bed, which can usually mean I do my exercise at about midnight!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    It's nuts right? Why would I be more inclined to go out and sweat like a hog in front of total strangers, rather than light aerobics in my living room where my kids are probably going to ignore me anyway? Does anyone else have this anxiety?? I am not a morning person, so getting up before everyone else, bright and early, just aint gonna happen, and Im not going to do it late at night after everyone goes to bed, cuz then Im too pumped to sleep (Ive tried it, obviously), so I guess Im going to have to get over this weird inhibition. Has anyone else faced this?? Im not just retarded right???

    I don't think it's nuts at all. I have a treadmill, it is in a back room, tucked away where I disappear every other day for an hour at a time. I DETEST it if somebody comes in that room, I get really narked if they insist on talking to me whilst I am trying to run, what the hell do they think I am for crying out loud, superwoman? LOL!

    Seriously though, I am the same.
  • beckipercy
    beckipercy Posts: 160 Member
    I totally understand...I hate exercising if my husband is even in the house, let alone the same room!

    Yeah I also won't exercise in my bedroom because I have laminate flooring and know people will here every jumping jack!!
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    I used to have this same anxiety. I felt so self-conscious working out in front of my kids, even though they were only 4 and 8 at the time. I used to kick them out of the room and yell at anyone who dared to walk by the family room entrance during my workouts. However, I soon realized that claiming that part of the house as private property for an hour was impractical so I grudgingly relented. Now, I work out in front of them all the time and it doesn't bother me at all. The best part? My kids have taken an interest in working out and even participate at times. I think it's good for them to see Mom working towards a healthier lifestyle and enjoying it along the way.

    I recommend setting some ground rules. In our house: Stay out of my way, for your safety and mine... Keep your voices to a reasonable level so as not to distract me... No snide remarks (zero tolerance on this). Usually, it's my husband who's more of a concern than the kids, ha!
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    I would think that would set a good example for your kids, maybe get them moving too.
  • SkinnyGirlFatBody
    SkinnyGirlFatBody Posts: 98 Member
    Your not nuts! I can't work out in front of people either, I figure when I am down to the healthy weight range I willstart going to the gym. But for now I just do my DVDs in my room at night. I've only even told my mom that I'm trying to lose weight, no one else.
  • Alexia_E_K
    Alexia_E_K Posts: 40 Member
    You are not nuts. I turned our office into a workout room. I lock myself in and moved all the furniture around so there is more floor space. I also turn music on so my husband can't hear me.
  • xXHeatherRaeXx
    xXHeatherRaeXx Posts: 175 Member
    It used to bother me to workout in front of my husband, but I never really cared if the kids were around. I felt like I was absolutely KILLING myself during my workout when my husband was there. Call it performance anxiety or something...who knows. Now I just don't care. He's generally on his laptop or eating (saying he feels like the 'bad husband' because while I'm killing myself, he's stuffing his face lol) now whenever I'm working out, so he's distracted. My one peeve is when I'm busting *kitten* and he decides to chit-chat. :grumble: That drives me to no end!
  • plumtree85
    I will excerise in the living room but my fiance is not allowed to watch's wierd and not cute least thats what i at least ;p
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    Nope - you're not crazy. When Mom's working out in this house, everyone has to go to their respective rooms. If they come in the living room, I roundhouse kick them - haha, they're teenagers, they can handle it.

    This is me! I make kids go to rooms while i use the living room! My husband just comes and goes but i try to make him stay away too! Its embarassing and distracting!
  • jrsey86
    jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member
    I do my 30 day shred in the bedroom. I cant bring myself to do it in front of the boyfriend. I know he wont laugh or anything, I just feel like I look like an orangutan in the middle of a seizure when I do it and don't want him to see me like that. I do it as soon as I get home, then I take a shower, put my makeup back on and if its my night to do it, make dinner.

    :embarassed: This! :embarassed:
  • jtcc91
    jtcc91 Posts: 88 Member
    You're not alone! I do not and will not workout in front of the family at home.. I just feel weird about it and I guess too self-conscious. If I do a DVD, I have enough space in my bedroom where I can close (and lock!) the door. Our treadmill is in our laundry room, also with a door that can be closed for privacy. I also look at it as my "me time". For that 1/2 hour or whatever length of time, I don't want anyone else bugging me! :wink:
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    I would rather exercise in front of total strangers! They don't know me. They don't care what I'm doing. They (usually) don't make comments like, What are you doing that for? LOL!
  • MadIrish
    Me! I close all the curtains in the off chance a neighbor might look over and see me in my window (that have sheers in them anyway). I don't mind if I am at the gym or whatever, but doing the exercise games and what have you are tough on me.
  • maleva720
    maleva720 Posts: 165 Member
    I just feel like I look like an orangutan in the middle of a seizure when I do it and don't want him to see me like that.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    that made me laugh out loud at work!!!

    and no, I wont exercise with an audience either......
  • SchollinJ
    No you're not crazy. I felt the same way but after losing 15 pounds of my 31 I want to I don't feel so self-conscious. I home school my son and added Physical training/education an hour each day to his curriculum, and I now do that with him on top of my P90x. Today we turned on some music and danced like we were crazy. Tomorrow is Yoga:)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I prefer no audience as well! I used to get so frustrated with my hubby on the odd days he'd get up early (he had a night job forever and still doesn't usually do mornings well!) and then I'd miss my workout. I'm not a super early morning person either, but have forced myself to start getting up a half hour earlier to get my workout done before anyone else is up. My daughter gets herself up (usually) when I'm nearly done, so she's around for part of my workout, but she's busy getting ready for school so no big deal. It was hard to get up so early at first, but it's getting easier, and it's awesome to get the workout done and get on with my day - I get more done that way!