Beautiful Blue Team WEEK 5



  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Here are some questions for all of you beautiful Blue's.

    1. How long do you work out for at one time?
    2. How many calories do you typically burn?

    I am just looking for some camparisons. I know the calories vary by weight, but just curious.

    I typically work out for an hour and burn anywhere between 400-800 calories, depending on what i am doing. On strength days it is closer to the 400 and on Cardio days it is closer to the 800.

    I usually work out for about an hour every day (or, I try to). Sometimes I break it up into two 30 minute sessions. Cardio, I burn about 600 calories or more. Strength training, about 200.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I usually do an hour or more of cardio, weights, or a circuit of both-that's big burn! I for burn at least 400 cals or more or I will dance around and get my HR up between sets.:wink:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Alright today I was feeling great got lots done. Was hoping it wouldn't bit me in the @$$ tomorrow well it didn't wait for tomorrow it did it tonight. I don't know how many seizures I ended up with but I know that the friends that know I don't want the ambulance called almost called them because I was unresponsive. Luckly, they called my hubby first and he went 80 to get home. As, soon as I came to he said You do WAY too much you need to slow down. With the shake of my head I told him no. He told me then I was stuborn. I shook my head yes. Besides my exercise on the wii active tomorrow, laundry and maybe a load of dishes I don't think my hubby is going to be letting me do much more than that. My house does look pretty good right now though :bigsmile: What would I do without the blue team you guys have been great to me. :heart:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Here are some questions for all of you beautiful Blue's.

    1. How long do you work out for at one time?
    2. How many calories do you typically burn?

    I am just looking for some camparisons. I know the calories vary by weight, but just curious.

    I typically work out for an hour and burn anywhere between 400-800 calories, depending on what i am doing. On strength days it is closer to the 400 and on Cardio days it is closer to the 800.

    I will work out from 45m - 1 hr 15 minutes - I've actually changed up where I don't work out as long becuase I wasn't eating enough of the calories back....I am ABOUT 300 calories per 30 minutes....somedays more if I do the elliptical but recently I've focused on C25k and the strength class - a little less on strength only days (maybe 400 for the hour).

    Jess- glad to see you were able to get up and about - hang in there - the worse thing you can do to yourself is OVERDOING!!
    We went away for the weekend and I had to eat out everymeal - I only went over on Sat by about 100 calories - otherwise did great - I wasn't able to log food so I was on my own and I did it - I even lost .4 pounds while gone and with no exercise - this just keeps getting better!!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Here are some questions for all of you beautiful Blue's.

    1. How long do you work out for at one time?
    2. How many calories do you typically burn?

    I am just looking for some camparisons. I know the calories vary by weight, but just curious.

    I typically work out for an hour and burn anywhere between 400-800 calories, depending on what i am doing. On strength days it is closer to the 400 and on Cardio days it is closer to the 800.

    Great questions!! I'm enjoying reading the comparisons as well!!

    I usually aim to work out for an hour to an hour and a half.
    5-6 days a week.
    I aim to burn 450 - 500 cals at a time.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Here are some questions for all of you beautiful Blue's.

    1. How long do you work out for at one time?
    2. How many calories do you typically burn?

    I am just looking for some camparisons. I know the calories vary by weight, but just curious.

    I typically work out for an hour and burn anywhere between 400-800 calories, depending on what i am doing. On strength days it is closer to the 400 and on Cardio days it is closer to the 800.

    I workout anywhere from half an hour to an hour. The calorie burn depends on the activity. When I'm using my bike, I'll burn around 300 in half an hour. The elliptical, I'll burn around 450 in half an hour. Circuit training, around 250-300 per half hour. I usually split it up and do half an hour of one activity and half an hour of another, if I do a full hour.

    rach - sounds like you are doing excellent with your walking!!! congrats. :flowerforyou: I read where someone else said you have had very happy posts the past week and I agree! Yay!! I knew you'd be fine. :heart:

    j_g - you're definitely a motivator. :wink: Take it easy!! lol, the house is clean, clothes and dishes are done, family is fed, workout is complete... break time!! :bigsmile:

    sanifrey - glad to see you are back!!! :flowerforyou:

    chrissy - I looked at your food diary the other day when you posted about making it available to friends. It looked REALLY good... LOL, you have a great balance of everything! That's something I need to work on. (It made me hungry! lol!)

    I went a little (okay, a lot) over yesterday, but I'm just going to call it a cheat day and move on. I really didn't eat bad foods... just too much! And... my mom rescued a kitten over the weekend... so I've been playing with it and trying to get the other cats used to having a baby in the house. :smile: There are lots of stray cats where my mom works... she's rescued several that have been sick, injured, starving, dehydrated, etc. This poor little thing was soooo hungry and had no water and was stuck behind a door!

    Well... back to work. :glasses: Looking forward to finishing a movie tonight while using my stationary bike. :heart: Has anybody seen the Paradise Lost series about the West Memphis Three?
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Alright today I was feeling great got lots done. Was hoping it wouldn't bit me in the @$$ tomorrow well it didn't wait for tomorrow it did it tonight. I don't know how many seizures I ended up with but I know that the friends that know I don't want the ambulance called almost called them because I was unresponsive. Luckly, they called my hubby first and he went 80 to get home. As, soon as I came to he said You do WAY too much you need to slow down. With the shake of my head I told him no. He told me then I was stuborn. I shook my head yes. Besides my exercise on the wii active tomorrow, laundry and maybe a load of dishes I don't think my hubby is going to be letting me do much more than that. My house does look pretty good right now though :bigsmile: What would I do without the blue team you guys have been great to me. :heart:

    Oh j,:sad: :cry: :heart: that makes me so sad to hear what you have to go through. PLEASE take care of yourself. You're family needs you-big or small. Try to go easier girl, I know it's tough.:smooched:
  • kbehrends
    kbehrends Posts: 12
    Sorry I fell off the wagon for a long time! I am back and trying to do better. My weight was 227 this morning.
  • AZWildcatnNC
    AZWildcatnNC Posts: 178 Member
    Just worked out on my lunch hour despite still having a sinus infection. Today was the instructor's last day and I wanted to be there to say thank you and send her off with warm wishes. Back to logging in food today.

    Have the rest of the week off of work due to end of school events and we're moving this upcoming weekend. Expect I'll have a lot of exercise from that or from just chasing the kids into an area away from the movers :laugh:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Reading ya'lls exercise routines makes me feel like such a slacker! :laugh: Lately I've only been working out for a half hour five days a week doing my strength training in the morning because I haven't had time/ transportation issues making it nearly impossible to do my half hour of cardio in the evenings. :brokenheart:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Did Week 6 day 2 of C25K at lunchtime - whew - it was tough - when it's hot out (88 degrees) it's really hard but I didn't give up....

    I messed up though here I was thinking i'd do my running today, strength tomorrow but the class is tonight then the next class is Thur and I have something to do then too - I may have to bite the bullet and go to the 550am class to get it in-did I even think about getting up that early?!?!?!?!?
  • cellorocker
    cellorocker Posts: 290
    Ack, summer school started and working out is going to be harder. I already screwed up today, going out to breakfast with my mom, then letting my dad talk me into eating a piece of Chocolate Creme Pie. And I haven't even exercised.
    I better do better tomorrow.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Ack, summer school started and working out is going to be harder. I already screwed up today, going out to breakfast with my mom, then letting my dad talk me into eating a piece of Chocolate Creme Pie. And I haven't even exercised.
    I better do better tomorrow.

    I know exactly how you feel. I have been in summer school for a few weeks now and have been working about 20-30 hours a week. It has been extremely hard to get workouts in and eatting healthy is the furthest thing from my mind when I am stressed out.

    I hope that we are both able to get into a routine!!!

    :heart: J
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Girls you can do it!!!!!!!

    Maybe park further from the school - give you a few extra steps....
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    Hang in there and do what you can to fit it in. Like the post before park farther away, take the stairs, pack snacks. It is tough now, but this too shall pass.

    I do have to share this though, because i am on cloud 9 tonight.

    I had set a goal in March to be at 220 by 7/2. Well i reached that goal the beginning of May so i set a new goal of 215. Now i reached that goal so i set a new goal of 210. I can't believe i reached my goal already and that i am almost out of the 200's. Once I leave them i will never come back to it.
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Hey y'all! Sorry it's been so long since I checked in... I had to go on a trip for work. I'll be sure to check in this week with my weight although I'm sure it's not going to be good. Deployments tend to be one of the hard times for me... I have a lot of catching up to do on the threads, but I'll be around. Have a great week.
  • cellorocker
    cellorocker Posts: 290
    Girls you can do it!!!!!!!

    Maybe park further from the school - give you a few extra steps....

    LOL, I don't even have my license- I walk anyways. =D
  • cellorocker
    cellorocker Posts: 290
    Hang in there and do what you can to fit it in. Like the post before park farther away, take the stairs, pack snacks. It is tough now, but this too shall pass.

    I do have to share this though, because i am on cloud 9 tonight.

    I had set a goal in March to be at 220 by 7/2. Well i reached that goal the beginning of May so i set a new goal of 215. Now i reached that goal so i set a new goal of 210. I can't believe i reached my goal already and that i am almost out of the 200's. Once I leave them i will never come back to it.

    Wow! Congrats. Going below 200 is my goal for June 10th.. I never want to be in the 200s again. My mom got up to 249 before she caved and had gastric bypass. Sometimes I thought about just gaining the 40 pounds and having but, I went "WHAT? MAN, I'M TOO YOUNG FOR THIS. I CAN DO IT." All I have to do is look at her now. She can't enjoy many foods, it made her lactose intolerant, she can't have soda (surprisingly, I never really drink soda, but on the occasion I do, I'd like to have more than one sip, unlike her), bread is hard for her to eat.
    And with the bad habits I have, I'd probably gain it back. Ouch.

    I wish you well on your journey. Hope you reach your next goal!
  • cellorocker
    cellorocker Posts: 290
    I know exactly how you feel. I have been in summer school for a few weeks now and have been working about 20-30 hours a week. It has been extremely hard to get workouts in and eatting healthy is the furthest thing from my mind when I am stressed out.

    I hope that we are both able to get into a routine!!!

    :heart: J

    Hey, I don't have work hours, but we condense a whole year of school into 6 weeks- it's intense. We're responsible for whatever work isn't done in class (which amounts to about 5-6 hours a night, not including class hours).
    Thankfully, for the first 3 weeks, I'm in a shortened class, and I only go from 7-10 AM, instead of 7-12. I'm attempting to plan my homework hours with my class hours and my work out hours and still manage to be home by 6, so I can eat dinner with my parents. Ahhh...
    But I work pretty well under pressure. Actually, I thrive under pressure.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Check out my ticker - 70 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!