


  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    Don't use the diet pills, I did off and on during my life and it messed up my I'm on daily thryoid medication. I've been on MFP since 1/9 and my weights varies from one to three pounds up or down daily. I'm told to eat the amount of calories required and drink lots of water. Hope this helps. :smile:
    I have to say the same happened to me - I took diet pills for about 3 months, lost a heap of weight - gained it all back + more. I also now have a seriously under-active thyroid. I have slowly lost 30lbs over the last 8 months following 1200 cals a day and increasing my exercise. Plateaus happen regularly for me. It is disheartening - but I figure it took me a fair few years to get to the state I was in last June; I can't expect all that to change overnight. Good luck.
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    I never thought of doing measurements... I just went off birth control and this will be my first cycle all naturale. My eating has been good. Always under 1500 calories. Think I might just lower it down to 1200.

    So, it never occurred to you that because you're off birth control you may gain weight as your body is changing back to normal?

    Well I gained 10 pounds when I went on BC so going off of it I thought naturally it would come off again.

    When I went off BC I gained weight initially but then it came off (I too thought that since I gained when I went on them it would naturally come off when I stopped). I have heard that it can take several months before your body adjusts to being off BC (and having all the hormones out of your system).

    Hang in there and eat healthy and exercise.
  • liatski
    liatski Posts: 16 Member
    I was really frustrated when I first started MFP. I was going to the gym and working out with a trainer twice a week and playing tennis twice a week as well. The weight came off really slowly. After a while, even though I'd only lost 2 or 3 lbs, my jeans started getting loose. I was gaining muscle and losing fat (and, more importantly, losing inches). Now it's been about 6 months and I lost 11 pounds and gained a lot of muscle- all by eating as healthy as possible and working out 3 times a week. I'm really happy with the way I look and feel. The fact that it happened really slowly makes it easier to maintain. Also the more muscle you gain, the more calories you burn- so, long term, gaining muscle is more effective than diet pills.
    good luck!
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    If you've been on hormonal birth control for a long time, then you aren't used to your body's normal bloat/shed cycles. I bloat very badly right before/during menstruation (sometimes 5-7 lb!) and a little bit right around ovulation (around 2-3 lb). I was on HBC for a number of years and was freaked out by this when I came off of it, especially because at first the bloating was all over the place as my hormones settled into proper rhythm. Last time I went on them, I gained 9 lb in two months. It did take a few more months for those 9 lb to come off. It happens, but it just takes a little time!

    A few other things that others have touched on: when you make a lifestyle change, it can take time to show. Starting a new workout routine, or increasing intensity, can cause your body to retain water to heal itself. This is a good thing, even though it shows up on the scale as a gain, because it's all part of the process of getting fitter and healthier. I do highly recommend taking measurements and % body fat, as well as "before" pictures. We often don't notice little changes in definition until we compare before/after pictures, and that can be a huge boost on the weeks when the scale is being a jerk (which will happen from time to time). I haven't seen the scale move much in the past couple months, but my % body fat is dropping and my pics are showing much more definition change than I have noticed with my own eyes!

    If you get another month or so in and still aren't noticing many changes, it might be a good idea to get checked out by a doctor. Stress and addiction can both throw hormones out of whack, and it might be worth getting a check up just to make sure everything is settling into place and there are no underlying thyroid problems or anything of that nature.

    Good luck! :)
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    They will only prescribe diet pills for 3 months. Why don't you try eating healthy and exercising for 3 months first?

    Also, have you had your thyroid levels checked. I'm hypothyroid and it makes a HUGE difference.
  • AndiJ2011
    AndiJ2011 Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks to all the people who tried to help rather than reprimand... I will try drinking more water, weighing myself less, taking measurements... this experience is fairly new to me. I appreciate all your support.

    To all the people trying to reprimand me for sharing how I feel, go away. You aren't doing anyone any favors. This website is here for support not bullying. I pity you.

    girl no problem.... i get crazy all the time! i text my hubby I am so fat I want to cry. Then I go home start exercsing, playing with kids, doing homework, feeding kids & then I am all smiles. lol... it's life.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Thanks to all the people who tried to help rather than reprimand... I will try drinking more water, weighing myself less, taking measurements... this experience is fairly new to me. I appreciate all your support.

    To all the people trying to reprimand me for sharing how I feel, go away. You aren't doing anyone any favors. This website is here for support not bullying. I pity you.

    I would be happy to help, but need to see what you've been doing first.