Anyone Doing This Without Their Spouse/SO?



  • BettyyRoss
    BettyyRoss Posts: 100 Member
    I pretty much do this alone. I don't have a gym partner at all. Sometimes hubs would help me with crunches and little things here and there. But overall I'm the one getting myself up every morning, dragging my butt to the gym, doing the workouts on my own and choosing my own meals. I'm proud to say I'm doing it alone. I'm glad I'm not depending on anyone else for this.
  • sbw2012
    sbw2012 Posts: 22
    my partner in crime is in this with me. it helps so much!!!!
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    My husband supports me and understands but he's not really trying. He's eating what I want to and "trying" not to eat as much to, but he rarely exercises unless it's ok weekends he will about 3/4 of the time tag along with me.

    He is loosing some on accident, but not on purpose.
  • peggyalex
    peggyalex Posts: 174 Member
    I have been going it alone for 2 yrs now. Have lost 50 lbs and have about 30 more I would like to get rid of! I would love to get him on board with me but he just isn't into it. He is very supportive of me just doesn't want it for himself.........................
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    yes im trying to..and my husband isnt..i guess he doesnt care enough..yet...i care what i look like and i dont feel good in this fat skin, i wanna be my skinny self again.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I'm trying to lose this last bit of weight and my boyfriend is trying to bulk up.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Going at it solo! :) My husband refuses to work out and lose with me but I think when I finally start to lose he'll be with me on the bandwagon. He is just butthead like that :op
  • lafrostjr
    lafrostjr Posts: 6 Member
    I have been married 28 years. I'm very low carb for the past 16 weeks and my wife will not eat meat. I did Atkins several years ago and lost ~100 lbs. I put it back on, and then some extra. It is hard, as she always needs the carbs, and never bought into the low carb - high protein life style.

    Why is this different? We went to a seminar lead by a local MD who she knew was well respected. He talked about grains and carbs, then explained how the body reacts to food. I signed up for two personal meeting with him, and ten meetings with his nutritionist. It was the best thing I could have done. Not to re-learn what I read in Atkins book many years ago, but now she is VERY supportive. I think she learn that it's okay for some people to be low carb, and a little carbs for me can trigger the need for more and more until it's out of control.

    So God bless our wives for the support they give us, good luck.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Right now, he's not on the plan but I'm gonna try to convince him otherwise.

    He doesn't eat well...and I'm worried.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I was doing this on my own, until hubby saw how much I lost, and that its not a"hard" to follow. I lost 96 pounds last yr, and am on maintainance since the end of aug. He has lost over 40 :)
  • Goldenbast
    Goldenbast Posts: 227 Member
    My hubby wants to do this with me, but he has a crazy schedule..he works 4 days on then 4 days off, 12 hour shifts....he is limited to what he can take with him to work so it makes it really hard for him to eat properly and at full calories while at work....but on his days off he is with me on this 100%. We are even buying a few items, such as a treadmill (its waaay cold to be walking outside), a set of dumbbells and a weight bench so that we can workout together.
  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 197 Member
    Yep, always on my own in this as my hubby is skinny naturally and always has been. In fact he needs to put on but doesnt seem to work for him. Very hard when you sometimes feel all alone which is why I joined this site :) good luck
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Solo all the way. As I was losing weight he was gaining weight. Now I am stuck @ a brick in the wall. He eats whatever he wants and often offers me his food. Such as fries, chips, cookies, chicken nuggets, ice cream... well you get the hint. Normally, I am able to pass while other times I just take a bite or two.
  • tlbates
    tlbates Posts: 7 Member
    I am new on the site also, not sure to add friends.....but I also would like support and I will help to motivate you. I have 3 kids--and my husband doesn't have any weight issues....he is supportive but he really doesn't get. I have lost weight before but have let my self go......because of health issues, stress, and a little depressed(I guess because of the weight) and also I guess a little lazy!! Anyhow, I would love for us to be fitness buddies!:bigsmile:
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    My fiance won't diet with me....I can barely get him to eat a veggie! lol He's supportive of my journey but he doesn't know what healthy eating is (and unfortunately the primary cook in the house) he's learning, but it's slow!! I know he doesn't do it intentionally but manages to try to sabotage me at every turn. Luckily for me, my outlook has changed and therefore I'm not as tempted as I have been in the past! But tonight it was my birthday so he made tacos - not the healthiest item he could have made, but not the worst I suppose! Good luck to everyone else going it alone :-)
  • HeidiLynnM
    I am doing this solo! :) He does see that I am doing it, and I notice him looking at the calories/fat on stuff!
  • kslager77
    kslager77 Posts: 51 Member
    Yes, going solo and finding it so hard! I cave very easily as soon as my boyfriend pulls out any bad food. :( I am trying my best though.
  • cassblue21
    I'm doing this on my own! Part of me is totally okay with it while the other part says this would be SO much easier if he was doing it with me. But, he's honestly never going to. He's the type that loves his food, he's afraid to admit he's getting older and he just doesn't lose weight like he used to. LOL.

    I'm 29 yrs old and sick of my excess flab. (Sexy I know!) So I'm doing something about it. I make healthier meals and sometimes he'll eat it and other times he'll just go get McDonald's.

    I'm gonna get back into shape and eat better! With or without him! :)

    This is my exact situation as well! And I absolutely get FURIOUS when he will just sit and watch me do my dvds like he is entranced with the dvd but wants to do no physical activity whatsoever! So annoying!
  • whitetiger011680
    whitetiger011680 Posts: 218 Member
    Yep. All alone. I don't have a spouse or SO. :frown:
    But not really alone because I have all of you! :bigsmile:
  • Bethee101
    Bethee101 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm going it alone too. Although my husband it super supportive!! He really doesn't need to loose weight and mine is mostly from pregnancy. He understands that going out to eat needs to be more specific and tailored to a healthy diet. Although he gets something out of me feeling good ;)