100+ Pounds to Lose? Come on in!



  • LovelyLady1977
    So yesterday I jump on the scale and noticed that I'd gained a couple pounds. Today I found out why: TOM! Wasn't she just here visiting me??? Gosh, I'm just now bouncing back and getting in the groove from the last time. :grumble: I am going to try my best to make sure that it doesn't take me as long to get back...or not even fall off...on the wagon this time! :smile:
  • LovelyLady1977
    Just looked at the weather forecast for the weekend. Guess what we're getting??? Snow!!! The WHOLE weekend...from tonight through Sunday! Now I'm really up for chatting, as I won't be going anywhere. Even thinking about playing hooky a few days from work! :laugh:
  • chubbymexicanswife
    Hey everyone...I was on MFP about a month ago and then I stopped logging and gained back all I had lost plus some. So, I'm back and hoping to stay motivated this time around. Any help would be appreciated!
  • LovelyLady1977
    Hey everyone...I was on MFP about a month ago and then I stopped logging and gained back all I had lost plus some. So, I'm back and hoping to stay motivated this time around. Any help would be appreciated!

    Welcome aboard hon!
  • LovelyLady1977
    So disappointed that I couldn't weigh in today. Darn that TOM!!! :grumble: :laugh:
  • logiesmom
    logiesmom Posts: 142
    I have 99 lbs to lose. Just started today and feel like crap from caffeine withdrawel so I need all the motivation I can get!!!
  • VishousBabe
    Hi All!!! Yes, I've been very busy and haven't been on for a long while. but, i'm backnow. YAY!! lol
    Benn keeping in touch but haven't been on this thread. Just want to say HEY!!!! to all the lovely new people and a BIG WELCOME!!!!
    Lovely Lady, hon, I'm right there with you! I knew I was craving chocolate for SOME reason!!
    Good to be back with my buddies... and for anyone who wants to add me- i saw the messenger discussion- mine is empressoftheuniverse1964. Just let me know. I usually get on sometime everyday. Would love to chat there too with ya'll!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    :happy: :huh: :cry: :devil: :indifferent: :grumble:
    So disappointed that I couldn't weigh in today. Darn that TOM!!! :grumble: :laugh:
    I double HATE HIM! it sucks big time to be crying one moment, totally confused why, then remembering.ohhhhhhh yea...hormones....GRrrrrrrrrrrr then laughing, then confused, and well we all know how it goes...

    I'm in a lonely crying looking for a bridge place at the moment myself...

    food? I have no interest...barely got down a p & J sandwich and one bottle of water today...SO not like me...I'm such a water drinker and I couldn't even get up to do that....shows how crazy my hormones are this time round...

    Is it only me, please tell me NO :sad: But does anyone else deal with this like every other week....I deal with pre-pms like twice a month, then my period comes (now) and normally I'm A-OK and fine, it's actually normally a relief for me...oh except the water gain...UGH which strangely enough didn't seem to happen this week....

    ok, back to that.....does anyone else deal with the whole hormone deal more than once a month and maybe I've just missed hearing about it? seems pre-pms for me is just before ovulation then it's party feeling time, then pre-pms AGAIN just before my period....then it's usually PARTY again (ok cept this time, it's doin a thing all on it's own and my hormones are going wacky)

    So am I the only one that fights this more than a few days a month??? Say it ain't so Joe, say it ain't so......:grumble: :sad: :heart: :drinker: :smokin: :flowerforyou: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :noway: :glasses: :sick: :brokenheart:

    so as you can see with my clickin all the icons all willy nilly , just how fast my moods are FLIPPIN around today...
    grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... usually going to the gym whips it right outta me and I feel GREAT....I went sat. take sundays off and usually go in monday for a couple hours...and yea, tomorrow a new day so I'll be working out in the afternoon for a couple hrs then do weights, same on W, Th, F, S so now I just need to get there.....see another weird thing...I LOVE GOING TO THE GYM...so by not allowing myself to get there today it was like a crazy part of the hormone hell as well. It's evil I tell ya evil.... my high point? YEA I watched Heroes....while I ate a few bites of my sandwich...lol and totally got out of myself and into the show.

    I SO cannot see the forest for the trees at the moment.......:sad: :noway: :mad: :frown: :drinker: :cry: :huh: I would love to say HELP ME but I know hormones are what they are...and there's no reaching in to grab anyone out or they'll get YOU next time! :huh: :laugh: :noway:

    Maybe I threw myself off by not going today.....but I couldn't do anything it seemed but crawl deeper into the covers...finally eating something around 9pm tonight.

    I woulda blown off food completely in the mood I'm in except I'm T2 so I could tell my sugars were like ZERO so I knew I needed to eat something to make sure I wake up...:laugh: ok, so that's not really funny but that's the icon my mouse picked out for it!:noway:

    Thanks for letting me lose my mind here for a bit.....you all are great...

    I was gonna suggest a PMS chat room..:laugh: :laugh: :noway: :noway: :sad: :sad: :huh: NO....insanity was typing in that comment...can you even IMAGINE a room will with only PMS'n woman...well it certainly couldn't be virtual.... it would need some small bits of dark chocolate scattered around the room and crunchy things...weird, now I'm into crunch things during PMS....baby carrots...how strange hm? :laugh:

    Ok, guess it's time to go to bed and try and lose this craziness in my sleep and wake up all happy happy like we have to be even when dealing with this lovely gift we woman are given.:laugh: :noway: :devil:

    Thanks for listening all.......or moving quickly past the post if that was a better thing for you...:yawn:

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I have 99 lbs to lose. Just started today and feel like crap from caffeine withdrawel so I need all the motivation I can get!!!

    After just a few days of my caffeine withdrawel I was feeling better. Now most of the time I dont even want a soda. I had a sip of my sons Dr Pepper last week because it was the only thing in the car and I thought it was to sweet. GO FIGURE I was addicted to tthose things. I only drink water now most of the time unless its milk or grapefruit juice.

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    :flowerforyou: Ok, I'm normal again....:laugh: Got some good sleep and feel good this morning....was sorta hopin to still see the 'edit' button my crazed pms post this morning...but oh well, probably one of the few times I told exactly how I was feeling since I've been here so probably not a bad thing...that way I didn't go out in the cold wet night looking for a bridge to sob on.:noway: :laugh:

    Hope you all have a great day...gonna workout this afternoon for several hours so I'm looking forward to that...especially the weights...I always feel so empowered when I've finished them, as well as while doing them.:drinker:

    I'll do a couple water aerobic classes while I'm out there as well...should be a super day!!:drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Good luck on the stopping caffeine logiesmom...YOU CAN DO IT!!:drinker: I KNOW YOU CAN!!

    Just keep downing that WATER...amazing how it helps flush all the junk outta your body and that will help you through the headaches or any other dealings that come along during the caffeine/sugar withdrawal.

    I know it must seem pretty tough right now...but when you're on the other side? You'll be amazed at how thankful you are that you DID it...it's huge what you're doing for your body/mind/future! Your body will reward you for it. BIG TIME:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    YAY YOU:flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    :happy: :huh: :cry: :devil: :indifferent: :grumble:
    So disappointed that I couldn't weigh in today. Darn that TOM!!! :grumble: :laugh:
    I double HATE HIM! it sucks big time to be crying one moment, totally confused why, then remembering.ohhhhhhh yea...hormones....GRrrrrrrrrrrr then laughing, then confused, and well we all know how it goes...

    I'm in a lonely crying looking for a bridge place at the moment myself...

    food? I have no interest...barely got down a p & J sandwich and one bottle of water today...SO not like me...I'm such a water drinker and I couldn't even get up to do that....shows how crazy my hormones are this time round...

    Is it only me, please tell me NO :sad: But does anyone else deal with this like every other week....I deal with pre-pms like twice a month, then my period comes (now) and normally I'm A-OK and fine, it's actually normally a relief for me...oh except the water gain...UGH which strangely enough didn't seem to happen this week....

    ok, back to that.....does anyone else deal with the whole hormone deal more than once a month and maybe I've just missed hearing about it? seems pre-pms for me is just before ovulation then it's party feeling time, then pre-pms AGAIN just before my period....then it's usually PARTY again (ok cept this time, it's doin a thing all on it's own and my hormones are going wacky)

    So am I the only one that fights this more than a few days a month??? Say it ain't so Joe, say it ain't so......:grumble: :sad: :heart: :drinker: :smokin: :flowerforyou: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :noway: :glasses: :sick: :brokenheart:

    so as you can see with my clickin all the icons all willy nilly , just how fast my moods are FLIPPIN around today...
    grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... usually going to the gym whips it right outta me and I feel GREAT....I went sat. take sundays off and usually go in monday for a couple hours...and yea, tomorrow a new day so I'll be working out in the afternoon for a couple hrs then do weights, same on W, Th, F, S so now I just need to get there.....see another weird thing...I LOVE GOING TO THE GYM...so by not allowing myself to get there today it was like a crazy part of the hormone hell as well. It's evil I tell ya evil.... my high point? YEA I watched Heroes....while I ate a few bites of my sandwich...lol and totally got out of myself and into the show.

    I SO cannot see the forest for the trees at the moment.......:sad: :noway: :mad: :frown: :drinker: :cry: :huh: I would love to say HELP ME but I know hormones are what they are...and there's no reaching in to grab anyone out or they'll get YOU next time! :huh: :laugh: :noway:

    Maybe I threw myself off by not going today.....but I couldn't do anything it seemed but crawl deeper into the covers...finally eating something around 9pm tonight.

    I woulda blown off food completely in the mood I'm in except I'm T2 so I could tell my sugars were like ZERO so I knew I needed to eat something to make sure I wake up...:laugh: ok, so that's not really funny but that's the icon my mouse picked out for it!:noway:

    Thanks for letting me lose my mind here for a bit.....you all are great...

    I was gonna suggest a PMS chat room..:laugh: :laugh: :noway: :noway: :sad: :sad: :huh: NO....insanity was typing in that comment...can you even IMAGINE a room will with only PMS'n woman...well it certainly couldn't be virtual.... it would need some small bits of dark chocolate scattered around the room and crunchy things...weird, now I'm into crunch things during PMS....baby carrots...how strange hm? :laugh:

    Ok, guess it's time to go to bed and try and lose this craziness in my sleep and wake up all happy happy like we have to be even when dealing with this lovely gift we woman are given.:laugh: :noway: :devil:

    Thanks for listening all.......or moving quickly past the post if that was a better thing for you...:yawn:

    geesh....someone went nutty last night...:laugh: Who in their right mind would write such a crazy post...oh YEA...ME, I was feeling on the other side of CRAZY.

    Hey but at least it's colorful....

    OMG...I can't believe what a decent nights sleep can do and a shifting of hormones on one's body.

    Looking forward to having a great day....and hope you all do as well!:drinker: :drinker:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I have 99 lbs to lose. Just started today and feel like crap from caffeine withdrawel so I need all the motivation I can get!!!

    After just a few days of my caffeine withdrawel I was feeling better. Now most of the time I dont even want a soda. I had a sip of my sons Dr Pepper last week because it was the only thing in the car and I thought it was to sweet. GO FIGURE I was addicted to tthose things. I only drink water now most of the time unless its milk or grapefruit juice.


    Isn't it amazing how things from the past can have that overly sweet taste to them, when it's something we used to eat/drink everyday in the past....now that we know how good food tastes things of the past have lost their luster for the most part. I've noticed that too.....what a good feeling to be able to look back and yet see another way to measure our progress:drinker:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Hi All!!! Yes, I've been very busy and haven't been on for a long while. but, i'm backnow. YAY!! lol
    Benn keeping in touch but haven't been on this thread. Just want to say HEY!!!! to all the lovely new people and a BIG WELCOME!!!!
    Lovely Lady, hon, I'm right there with you! I knew I was craving chocolate for SOME reason!!
    Good to be back with my buddies... and for anyone who wants to add me- i saw the messenger discussion- mine is empressoftheuniverse1964. Just let me know. I usually get on sometime everyday. Would love to chat there too with ya'll!

    Hey VB!! HUGFriend-1.gif good to see you around and about again!!

    Regarding the chat deal...where is that standing now?? Did we decide to go the 'chat room' route?? Or are we going with the Yahoo Messenger still? I like the idea of the chatroom as more folks can be apart of it...but I did come in later on the chat about it all so..........

    Can someone fill me in on what you all have decided? :flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Hey everyone...I was on MFP about a month ago and then I stopped logging and gained back all I had lost plus some. So, I'm back and hoping to stay motivated this time around. Any help would be appreciated!

    Welcome back! Motivation? stick around kid....we'll all motivate one another!! Even if some days we struggle on here...we still have one another and each day, each hour is a new one...untainted and ready to begin anew...

    For me, I make a decision on what's the most important thing to me....living life fully or having a sucky life where I'm not happy, isolate, don't feel good about my choices, ya know life in general being sub par..

    Well, what motivates me is I get to chose each day and I always prefer to pick the 1st....:bigsmile:

    Hang in there...you'll get back in the rhythm and be rolling along again in no time:drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Coming back to MFP is a huge commitment in itself.:happy:
  • Nichole1017
    Nichole1017 Posts: 41 Member
    I have to lose about 145 pounds to get down to my normal weight. The most I weighed in high school was 221 and now that I've graduated from college, I'm at 295. I use to play sports and now that I don't have that motivation, I have gotten lazy and put it off until tomorrow. Then tomorrow becomes the next day. Who dates a 25 year old weighing 295? NOBODY! I want to start getting healthy and looking better and be the one to turn them down. I use to lift weights everyday and walk, but I haven't done any of that in over a year. I use to bench 200 pounds and squat over 300, but I haven't done that in a couple of years and now its all turned to mush. I didn't drink any pop this summer, but I felt the same and didn't lose any weight. I drink maybe one a day now. I know its gonna be a LONG road, I just hope I'm ready for it!
  • VishousBabe
    Hi Nicho;e! Welcome. We are here for you! I think you will fit right in with us! Good Luck and post often so we can keep in touch!

    And to my Chickie-Boo... Hey Hunni!!! I'm happy to be back and VERY happy you are better now. (was hiding under the bed after reading craziness ..lol) Nah, I completely understand! Glad you are feeling better, really!
  • keepnfaith
    keepnfaith Posts: 34 Member
    I'm in as well, need support and motivation! it took 17 months to lose 40 and less than 10 to gain it all back! CRUD!!! HELP!!!
  • kopqueen
    kopqueen Posts: 17
    Room for another?? Need all the help I can get:heart::cry: