What's your NSG (non scale goal)?



  • BanjoKd
    BanjoKd Posts: 150
    Lingerie football team

    edited to add....it's not at the top of my list but it's on there.
  • to be able to comfortably wear a bikini this summer. haven't done that since i was like 18. i was uncomfortable with it then but i never realized how skinny i was at 18 until i gained weight and look back at pictures. another goal of mine is to be in single digit jeans again. i have went from 17/19 to 11/13 so i am almost there :)
  • twoscimitars
    twoscimitars Posts: 272 Member
    I have several:

    To be a size 12
    To wear anything strapless/sleeveless
    To be Jessica Rabbit for Halloween
    To sit in a chair that has arms and my hips don't touch the arms.
    To ride rollercoasters again.
  • I just wanna look good at the pool this summer.
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    1) I wanna go horse back riding and not feel bad for the horse.

    2) My thighs not making that swishing sound when I wear pants and I'm walking.

    3) To be able to keep up with my grandbabies!!!
  • For my thighs not to rub together! :)
    Ooh, good one. No more chub rub!
  • CTK3989
    CTK3989 Posts: 109 Member
    My non scale goal is to have 18% body fat.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    Mine would be:

    1) my Size 4 jeans that used to fit GREAT ( darn pregnancy took them from me)
    2) Tube top for summer
    3) Bikini with no cover shirt or shorts

    That's it for now. A scale goal is 114-115, but I just want my clothes to look nice and to have some muscle definition, which is why a size 4 is good to me
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    to open a bar and eventually own a big nightclub.. all while looking freakin awesome living my healthy lifestyle.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    to comfortably wear a UK size 12
    to run rather than walk a 5k
    to run for pleasure rather than necessity
    to be happy
  • KaraH425
    KaraH425 Posts: 18 Member
    Current NSG? To wear those jeans that make my *kitten* look great, but that I haven't been able to wear in a couple years. They await patiently in my dresser drawer.

    Ultimate NSG? To wear a two-piece. I've never in my life been able to do that - even at my thinnest, I always had a stomach that was out of proportion with the rest of me and was just....big (I never incorporated weight training before now, so fingers crossed that will help!). This summer is a long shot, but maybe Summer 2013!
  • my NSG is to look good and a bikini and not have any flab hanging out of my jeans!
  • My NSG is to run a 5K

    I'm doing a 5k this Saturday! :happy:

    Me, too. It will be my first one.

    good luck!!!! i ran my first one in october and it felt so good to obtain that goal! hope it goes well for you all!
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    My NSG is to be comfortable wearing cute dresses and skirt!
    I also want to be able to take my kids to the park and run around with them and not feel horrible afterwards.
  • 1. To fit into my old outfit thats up on my wall waiting for me

    2. To NEVER worry about sucking my stupid stomach in again!!!
  • KaraH425
    KaraH425 Posts: 18 Member
    Also, to not cringe every time I get a notification that a photo of me has been tagged on Facebook!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    - Shop in the normal section for clothes again.
    - Compete in a Powerlifting meet (one day).
    - Run a half-marathon.

    and a series of lift goals that I'm still not 100% sure on yet.
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    to be able to shop in all the other sections at Nordstrom and all the stores at the mall! regular sizes, a 12 or 14 would be awesome!
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    I want to wear all of my crop tops without having to wear a shirt underneath. I want to be able to zip AND button my pants and keep them that way even after I eat. I want to feel good in a bikini at the beach and be able to show off my belly button piercing, and new tattoo!
  • Also, to not cringe every time I get a notification that a photo of me has been tagged on Facebook!