does weight loss cause this? LADIES!



  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 845 Member
    I agree. Not related to weight loss. It might be your b/c dose needs to be revisited, or any number of other things. Personally I think I'd go to my GP's office, explain loudly (but not rudely) in detail what's been happening, and then just sit there. Tell them you're willing to come in on a cancellation, or whatever. Or like others said, get your oncologist involved.

    Also, no b/c is 100% effective so it's possible you've had an early miscarriage. That might be an effective way to be seen, actually, is if you tell them you think you've had a miscarriage and the bleeding won't stop.

    Whatever it is... keep feeding yourself healthy food and keep taking your iron... I'd probably quit the b/c if I were you. And I would stay away from any of the IUDs because while it's rare, they can actually cause internal injury and bleeding.
  • mlc3409
    mlc3409 Posts: 45 Member
    With that amount of bleeding your Nurse practitioner should have ordered blood work, at the very least an H&H. Call your oncologist too. Maybe you need a biopsy of your uterine wall. It is ridiculous and potentially unsafe that they are making you wait.

    I agree with this. The Oncologist might want to do a Uterine Biopsy (that is what I had done) and maybe a D&C The weight loss might have something to do with the Strength of the BC that you are on. Maybe that needs to be adjusted. You are Obviously getting too much of one hormone and not enough of the other.

    If you had Cervical Cancer in July I would NOT wait for the other DR call your Oncologist.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Failing that, I'd start googling your symptoms and reading up. Try to separate the wheat from the chaff. Not ideal, I realize, but sometimes our health care system is so broken it leaves us few viable choices.

    DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!! :explode: Cannot BELIEVE someone would SUGGEST this! WOW!!!!!!!!! :noway:


    Whatever you read online is probably going to terrify you into thinking you have some sort of terrible flesh-eating disease and you're going to die, & then you are going to sit around paranoid as hell not sleeping & stressing that it's some seriously terrible medical condition & then you'll find out that it's just a hormonal imbalance or something.

    I've had problems with my lady-bits recently.... & was REALLY super scared. And mine turned out to be something fixable with a 1" laproscopic incision under my bikini bottom that comes with a 1-day hospital recovery & a 1-week "vacation" from work.

    Is there significant pain involved? If there is, go to a hospital... WHILE on your period so they can't do an internal exam. That way, they HAVE to peek at your insides via some kind of scan like an ultrasound. AGAIN... IF you can afford it. If you CAN'T... you may have to look into other options to pay like a loan or something before you go. Cuz let's face it... sudden heavy bleeding isn't nice, it isn't fun, it isn't normal, & it' CERTAINLY isn't something you should ignore, or wait for an answer about.

    Good luck. I hope it all works well for you.
  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    Like everyone else said, your MD needs to pull it together and get you seen right away. Your GynOnc is definitely a resource as well in case it's related to your previous cancer. I will also say, like others have, this could be a BC issue. My OBGYN tried me on at least 4 different BCs before we found one that worked - with all the others I had permanent periods and permanent cramping. It was miserable. But I'm on BC for PCOS and another medical issue, not for contraception (not necessary in lesbian relationships after all! lol!) In the end I decided to take a chance on the higher risk factors associated with the BC patch and got back on it. No more problems, thank goodness!
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    I agree with everyone on here that you should insist on an appointment sooner. That being said, it sounds like you are doing your best to do that. I was having very heavy periods...I had not lost any weight or anything & growing up I never really had problems with my period. My mom & sister both had heavy periods, but I always thought it was because I was so active that I didn't. Once I got in my 40's I had awful periods...cramping and heavy bleeding. When I discussed it with my GYN, she suggested the Mirena IUD. It lasts 5 yrs and it is supposed to help with heavy bleeding. My insurance paid the majority of the bill for it. They put it in during an office is pretty uncomfortable when they place it, I won't lie, but my discomfort only lasted the rest of that day. The first couple of months I was still bleeding & I began to wonder if I had done the right thing. Then, stopped... Now my periods are practically non-existent...and maybe a cramp once in a while....I love it. I definitely recommend it. But you definitely need to get checked out first. Good luck!!!
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    I went through this once myself, it was not due to weight loss. I started my period one day and it never stopped! I went to my ob after I had been bleeding for 3 weeks, they gave me some hormone pills, did not help, in fact it made it worse. I went back to my ob over and over and they tried hormone after hormone, to try to make me stop bleeding, none of them worked. So, I finally went to another ob for a second opinion, she told me that after being on birth control for so long, some women's bodies start to reject it. I went off the pill and the bleeding stopped in less then a week. I bled for 6 months straight! the pill has never worked for me again, I am on Mirena now, it is an IUD. works great! Hope you get it figured out, this was just my experience. Good luck to you.
  • fillefatale
    I would consider it of paramount importance that you insist upon an immediate appointment. I assume that your Doctor's office was aware of your recent history with cervical cancer, making an already worryingly blasé attitude to your heavy bleeding frankly bordering on medical negligence. Please see a medical professional ASAP. I do not wish to alarm you, incidentally.
  • beccapos
    I would definitely demand to see your gynocologist or oncologist asap. Incidentally, is your oncologist a gynecological oncologist? I beat uterine cancer last jan. and, not to freak you out, but I had very similar symptoms before I was diagnosed. Congratulations, fellow cancer beater!! I hope it turns out to be something easy to fix. :) Best of luck!
  • richelle67
    Most clinics have appointments available for emergency's or walk ins. I would call every doctor in town until you find one who will see you immediately! I have been having issues also, I got the call today with my results from my ultra sound and they are going to do a uterine ablasion in 2 weeks to hopefully stop the bleeding! Best of luck!!!
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    Call in a couple times a day asking if there are any cancellations that can get you in sooner!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Call in a couple times a day asking if there are any cancellations that can get you in sooner!

    ^^ THIS and they might get annoyed enough to just double book you somewhere :-) It sounds like you've had a hell of an ordeal so I'm sorry they're putting this on you now. Find a new OB/GYN and call your oncologist. Good luck!!
  • lonestarlada
    lonestarlada Posts: 15 Member
    I would call your oncologist - even if you've been discharged. My sister beat cervical cancer last year as well, and then started having some crazy heavy bleeding after she had initially healed. Turned out it was something to do with some scar tisse after the loop proceedure (I'm not a doctor, so I'm sketchy on the details...just going on what I remember her telling me). Anyway, all was fine, etc., but she got in much faster, and got peace of mind earlier, by calling the oncologist's office. Just an idea...
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    Where I live, you can usually find an urgent care or clinic--not necessarily a woman's clinic. They are in strip mall type places and you can just walk in. Look around and see if you have one. I would try Urgent Care before ER, but if there is significant bleeding that lasts way longer than a normal period, then it is concerning. I bled forever with PCOS, but it wasn't heavy. Any time there is a lot of pain, especially if it is worse than normal menstrual cramp pain, it should be taken seriously.
  • SDBell1984
    SDBell1984 Posts: 1 Member
    I went over a year with the heavy nonstop 'period' My doctor provided birth control and even wanted to do a DNC because all of my tests were coming back normal. When I finally lost some weight the bleeding stopped and my cycle returned to normal so you might want to see if your doctor can do a DNC. That way they'll have something better to go on and for a while it'll help with the bleeding. It's really horrible when u go through the bleeding situation believe me I know what it is like!!
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    I found a lump in my breast one time and got the same month-or-so later appt. At the time my mother was battling breast cancer… and I burst into sobs over the phone and explained to the lady the situation. I was seen within a couple of days. Fortunately, it was just a cyst. So…. sobbing might help? I'm not too proud, I'm tellin' ya.
  • _Kate_P
    _Kate_P Posts: 132
    I'd definitely go to the ER or Urgent Care, even if they can't do anything about it, you can have them refer you and most doctors offices are more receptive when it's another dr saying that the situation is, in fact, urgent. They can also rule out certain things and know whether or not you'll be okay waiting for your appt and can soothe the symptoms if not the cause
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    My periods were AWLFUL!!!! It was so bad I also became anemic, I needed iron IV treatments to bring my blood levels back to normal. With my horrible periods, that lead to a D & C, which lead to....pre-uterine cancer. My Gynecologist decided to take my ovaries as well, to prevent a possible future...ovarian cancer scare.

    I would definately want to be checked for anemia, that's what I would do, if I was you....
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    A month is a long wait for a dr for that kind of problem.

    With school, work and a bf to manage stress has to be a very large factor.

    Your diary is closed but what about sugar? REALLY messes with that stuff. Big time. Could you be sensitive to something else as well? What other supplements are you on?

    Edit to add: Mine have been like that but if I have no sugar (and I mean NO sugar - even cut back fruit) it got much better.
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    I would go in to the office and say look, here's my situation, I'm going to sit in this lobby until you can get me in. I had a friend who was having an issue and they " couldn't get her in" for over a month, she did this, and the got her in within the hour. Go as close to when they open too, that'll help because there's no way they'll be behind yet.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    I had a cousin that was bleeding like that when she was on birth control. She later found out she was allergic to the one they gave her.