Does anyone else struggle to feel sexy?



  • I used to struggle with it but not anymore! About 2 years ago I found out my husband had several affairs, devastating to me of course and blame alot on myself at that time, "not sexy enough, not confident enough, etc" until I got a phone call from a good friend (male) he told me to repeat after him and said:
    1. I am a sexy woman
    2. I am a confident woman
    3. I am a smart woman

    He told me that those are the 3 qualities men most adore in a woman and that I had all 3. Just those words made a difference in me and changed my perspective.

    Sexy is a state of mind, and if you display your confidence, that is very sexy! I am not a size 2 or 4, I am a size 14/16 and everywhere I go I get looks from other men even when I am with my husband. My husband never realized what he had, but realizes it now!
  • i never feel sexy enough!!!
  • Every single day. However, I've never really been able to feel that way. I don't think there's a sexy bone in my body! God forgot to put that in my hardwiring ;) haha
  • newmrswood
    newmrswood Posts: 167 Member
    I've discovered that in order to feel sexy you have to do sexy things! Make yourself BE sexy! Put on a pair of heels in your lingerie, dress up for aYOURSELF and do something with the girls. You have to feel sexy to you and build your self-confidence up.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am really happy about this thread. I have always felt like the odd one out having no concept of feeling sexy whatsoever. I just don't get it at all. Men sometimes talk about me flirting, or tell me I should flirt more to get my way, and I just go "huh?" I wouldn't know how to pretend to be sexy if my life depended on it.

    Matching underwear makes me feel awkward and try hard. I don't like heels, I only wear boots, I don't even use hair conditioner, let alone straighten it, or wear make up, or tweeze. I have no fingernails to speak of so varnish is out if I don't want my fingers to look like smarties.

    So I am glad I am not the only one!
  • jmorrisof2
    jmorrisof2 Posts: 108 Member
    My Partner is going through this at the moment & although you might not want "guy input" here it comes. I Love her, do I wish she was healthier, YES, do I still wish to touch & make love to her OH BOY YES. I luv making out, touching & well you get the idea, I have a pretty high sex drive & she used to match if not exceed this. But a number of things have contributed to her lack of drive BUT it is the extra pounds that really concern her.

    MY POINT - ladies your man loves you(unless he is a user, negative pig/you'll know the difference) & he STILL fancies you, yes a little bit because he is wired to get erect at a tree falling down BUT SERIOUSLY, he took care of himself before & during(when you're at work/asleep/cooking, etc) So if that is what he wanted he would leave you alone.



    Thank you for posting this for all the women out there. It is great to know there are good men out there that love us no matter what.
  • I'm the same, I used to be real thin and did'nt have to work for it but as I got older I started to gain weight and I have a hrad time feeling good with the extra weight. So here I am, and doing very well with this. I do exercise 6 days a week most weeks anyway, and use a fat detox which I love so things are happening for me..
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I never "feel" sexy or even call myself that. Guys I date say I'm sexy right before they start ripping my clothes off. I think there's a connection there...I'm only sexy when they get to enjoy it. FML
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    As a woman, I am my own worst enemy. I have never, ever felt sexy. Pretty maybe, if im dressed up and going to dinner or something. My husband always tells me im beautiful, but I never see it for myself, even though I get looks from men when we go out, and I even catch guys at the gym watching me. Im working on seeing myself in a different light, no matter what my size or weight. We all should.
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    ive been struggling with the way i look ever since i had my kids!!! before i was 116 and now im 184.2 my goal is 116 again,now im not being negative im working my way to my goal but i think i wont feel good in my skin or feel sexy or anything till im back to my old weight...
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    I recommend anyone who wants to feel accepted and sexy in their body join a burlesque class.

    This is exactly why I want to take a burlesque class. Hoping that it will help.
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I rarely ever feel sexy, even though my hubby says it constantly!!! I just don't see it with my eyes!!!:noway:
  • i found the thinner i got the more i worried about my figure and if i looked fat in a dress etc...weird never bothered me when i was 4st heavier!