Why does it seem so many people on this site are so angry an



  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    so instead of us complaining about the complainers, I think we need a solution for all of the hatred spewing from the MFP forums.

    I propose to offer the complainers / haters a virtual cookie to stuff their mouth with. I can't think of anything else at the moment, ideas are welcomed.

    Just kill them with kindness!! :wink:
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    LOLOL thats what happens when you take chocolate from a woman LMAOOO I get super grumpy LMAOO
  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    Is there a dead horse around here that we can beat?



    OMG dude the dead horse pics are hilarious!!!!!!
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Because people keep posting topics asking why people are the way they are and telling them they need to be something else so they can make the OP happy.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    It's a weeding process, initiation to the gang, the new kid "he/she is weird" thought pattern. Only the strong will survive - but what is missed is those who are asking the "stupid, repetitive" question (as many would see them) are the ones who need the most help...

    A simple - "this is what has worked for me...." or "I have read on that dieting method and it doesn't seem as healthy as it is pumped up to be, perhaps you should do some more research on it.." would have a better effect on the "newbs" than completely mocking the lack of knowledge they might have on the subject. - just my thought!!!
  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 653 Member
    so instead of us complaining about the complainers, I think we need a solution for all of the hatred spewing from the MFP forums.

    I propose to offer the complainers / haters a virtual cookie to stuff their mouth with. I can't think of anything else at the moment, ideas are welcomed.

    Just kill them with kindness!! :wink:

    I wish that would work. I saw the natiest thread yesterday of girl who was just posting her opinion and people actually called her stupid. I mean it's like people are stuck in a grade 5 mentality or did not get enough motherly love growing up.
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    LIVE WITH THE THREE E'S OF LIFE ...ENERGY, ENTHUSIASM AND EMPATHY! .....AND every morning we should take a walk of gratitude. I call it a "thank you walk" It will create a fertile mind ready for success!!!!

    Someone told me about this at the new yr and its really a good way to look at life everyday!

    I love this idea, I'm gonna try and remember it!
  • It's not just on here, it's everywhere. People are meaner and snarkier (it's a new word, what?!?!) when they are insecure.

    So, what's this site for? Losing weight (hopefully getting healthier) and looking better. If you're still in the losing process, you might not be feeling better about yourself just yet--and some people have self-esteem that is so damaged that a just a small dent in their weight loss goal isn't enough to resuscitate it.

    So, they spew out their negativity at everyone else--it has to go somewhere. I try to meet these attitudes with kindness and love, rather than perpetuating their poor self-image by hurtling insults back at them. That doesn't help anything or anyone.

    And...I agree with the folks who have said "yer doin' it wrong if yer hungry"--

  • First, I just ignore most of the negative stuff. I don't even know if my posts have been met with negativity.

    I do like your attitude in that you can see it happening and wish it didn't. Me too.

    As for hunger being a reason people are grouchy...... If people are that hungry, then something is really wrong. there is nothing wrong with feeling mild hunger for a while each day. But if people are feeling so hungry that the hunger is impacting their lives and making them unhappy and negative and rude or cruel, then they may be headed for disaster in a diet.

    I have done diets that left me hungry most of the time, and I believe those diets are one reason I'm so fat now. As soon as I'd hit my goal weight, and sometimes even before, I'd go on "maintenance" and start gaining again. And I'd gain over what I lost.

    This time I am more comfortable. I see no reason to be miserable while losing weight. Life is meant to be truly LIVED. Health should make us feel happier, not angry or overly hungry or negative. Health is a GOOD thing. Weight loss is good if done in the pursuit of health.
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    We are all hungry...

    Hahaha!!! :D
  • We are too Blessed to be Stressed.
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    ******* I have been on this site since 2008 and it started out great. What bothers me is that (I hope I don't offend people) the atmosphere here has changed. It's no longer constructive criticism at times it's down right rude and hurtful. I have seen it and tried to stay quiet about it. It's really bothersome. There is a way to get your point across with having some sort of heart for the person your saying it too. It shouldn't matter if someone CAN'T SPELL or use the BEST GRAMMAR. We are all here to support, motivate and obtain a goal not to beat each other down, that's what the outside world has been doing which is why people came here to begin with.
    Totally agree. I had a good friend leave the site for this very reason.

    I agree to the agreement....
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member

    Just trying to get my two cents in before this post gets locked too! No time for the whiny forums today- this mama needs a new pair of jeans... #occupyNordstroms
  • jtcc91
    jtcc91 Posts: 88 Member
    Cheers to that! :drinker: And I *love* that picture! Too funny..

    I tend to glaze over the types of posts you are referring to. There's already too much negativity in the world. I'm here for positive feedback, even if that means constructive criticism, and motivation, ideas, and suggestions from people who are on the same get-fit-n-healthy train I am on!
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    I've been crabby lately, but I think it's because I'm not getting as much booty as I deserve. Just saying :noway:

    LOL you and my husband must be friends in real life!! LOL
  • We are all hungry...

    I personally am starving.

    Not just hungry effin STARVING.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I only see it in the forums.... stay out of the forums. Its where trolls live.

    You don't want the trolls to be homeless do you? They gotta live somewhere!

    Seriously, I agree - lighten the fugg up people...
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I agree...when I first started using the forums everyone was SO helpful and supportive. People still are, but i've noticed a lot more trolling, and i've also noticed that when someone posts a serious subject (ie "i'm feeling really depressed" etc) that people just jump on them to get over it. Not sure what caused the shift to happen.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    This is a legit question and it's not just to those being rude and crude. I've been on MFP for awhile. Been on the forums a solid 6 months now posting quite a bit. My first post here was the middle of August. Anyways the difference alone from then and is crazy on how much angrier and whiny people in general seem to be on this site. Maybe it's just my personality but it really turns me off to the forums a bit. Which means I'm doing the thing I'm complaining about. I'm getting angry over people being angry. I don't want things to be just cheery but there is just a lot more whining overall going on lately. We are all adults, let's have some fun, lose some weight, and enjoy the ride! These are great times, we are taking control of our bodies. We rule this day, no reason not to feel boss about that!

    Here are the reasons I've seen for such things:

    1. It's the Internet. As someone else mentioned, the forums are where the trolls live. The sense of anonymity makes people feel bolder, which means the people that are polite in real life feel free to be jerks, and the jerks in real life feel free to be total *kitten*.

    2. There are a lot of questions posted on here that have been asked a dozen times before, or, even better, are in the stickies that say READ ME FIRST (I see it at least once a day). By asking the question that has been asked a million times, it says to everyone else that the person didn't bother to read or pay enough attention to at least try to find out for themselves before asking. I think it would help tremendously if MFP implemented a system like what StackOverflow (stackoverflow.com) has - as you post a question, it looks for potential duplicates, to avoid the situations of asking the same question over and over (and duplicates also get shut down pretty quickly, with a reference to the original question).

    3. Humor is lost in text, due to the lack of non-verbal communication that goes on when people talk face-to-face. As such, things that are obviously humorous to some aren't to others.

    4. Some people are just overly sensitive, and on a site dedicated to weight management, that percentage is higher than most places. Someone then gets their panties in a wad, and it just spirals out of control from there.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Every body just needs to listen to a little Bob Marley...."Don't worry bout a thing...cause every little things gonna be alright!" And St. John's Wort should be put in the water!!! :) Happy Friday!!!

    Now you're just trying to piss me off

    I keed, I keed
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