Worst Wedding Proposal EVER



  • adamsonam
    adamsonam Posts: 127
    I don't have one to tell unfortunately but I can tell my parents'. They were getting the car one day and my dad threw the ring box across the top of the car at my mom and said "Here, try this on". End of story. LOL BTW they have been serperated for 3 years!
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    :grumble: im still waiting..it"ll be 11 yrs on feb 25th

    wow...11 years? You haven't b!tched enough

    I gave up b*tchin about 5 years ago..figured it was a lost cause... dont want to force him to do it..but didnt want to dump him either..
  • ffuunnnnyy__ggiirrll
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 246 Member
    we were both drunk at a house party, i was 17 he was 19 LOL almost 7 years later happier than ever and married for 4+ years :)
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Anyone have any stories about the worst wedding proposal??? Heres mine!!!

    Went to a local bar with my soon-to-be-fiance and two of his male friends. It was right after 9/11 and he told me that the local post office had an anthrax scare, and he wanted me to have some Levaquin (the anti-anthrax drug). He handed me a vile while his friends (who knew about it) watched. I opened it, and my diamond engagement ring was in there. He didn't even get on his friggin knee.
    He swears hes going to make it up to me.... but I doubt it.

    I'm so sorry that happened to you I worry my boyfriend will do something lame...I think in his mind you're boyfriend believed it was a good idea. He tried and I'm sure it was entertaining for them, but guys just don't seem to get it sometimes lol. I hope he figures out a new ROMANTIC way to ask you! <3
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I actually said, "So, are we going to get married?" while driving home from his parents' house. Haha. We did go pick out a ring together the next day, though. And my mom had bought one that she thought I would like (to help him out...he needs help with those kinds of things, haha). So...I got two rings out of the deal, and now I'm happily married regardless of the proposal. Win win.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Anyone have any stories about the worst wedding proposal??? Heres mine!!!

    Went to a local bar with my soon-to-be-fiance and two of his male friends. It was right after 9/11 and he told me that the local post office had an anthrax scare, and he wanted me to have some Levaquin (the anti-anthrax drug). He handed me a vile while his friends (who knew about it) watched. I opened it, and my diamond engagement ring was in there. He didn't even get on his friggin knee.
    He swears hes going to make it up to me.... but I doubt it.

    That's the funniest thing I've read in the last hour! Nothing says romance like sticking the ring in a vile and pretending it's an anti-anthrax drug!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Asked me over the phone....no ring I ended up buying my own engagement ring and our wedding bands.....um did I say that we are divorced and that's my ex husband...

    On the other hand my husband asked me on a walk on the beach in the rain (not pouring, I always wanted to kiss in the rain:) )
  • sesecat
    sesecat Posts: 124 Member
    Not really worse, just not what he wanted it to be. Hubs took out a loan to pay for the ring; we were already sharing an account. The bank accidentally deposited it into the main checking account. They caught it within 15 minutes, but I'll be dam*ed if I didn't log into the checking account at the right moment. That evening he said we were taking a weekend, and mom was watching the step son. Duh... lol. We got to the beach, and he was absolutely eager to get down to the water, where he's normally a "take my time" kinda guy. Double Duh. To this day he still doesn't know that I knew. :-) He's devastated when a surprise is ruined. In fact, I just had to turn off my posting settings so he wouldn't see this on my wall here. LOL
  • 1981simm
    1981simm Posts: 123 Member
    :grumble: im still waiting..it"ll be 11 yrs on feb 25th

    wow...11 years? You haven't b!tched enough

    That's funny stuff I agree
  • mrFerris
    mrFerris Posts: 122 Member
    My wife, or rather before she was my wife, did the proposing. We had been together five years and I was a bit nervous of the marriage thing after all my first marriage had ended badly and I lost everything including every stitch of clothing I had to a hired skip. Anyway, we were doing ok and I didn't want to spoil things so, my wife waited until we were visiting her parents and in the middle of a family conversation handed me a ring catalogue and said, 'choose one!'

    Ermmm ... How could I get out of that one with her parents' wide smiles staring at me?
  • leavingfat
    leavingfat Posts: 64 Member
    We'd talked about getting married before, but he texted me from work and said, "Do you want to go to Manchester tonight?"

    (I knew he meant go there to get married.)

    I said, "For what?" because I was irritated that he was saying it via text.

    He said, "Let's get married."

    I said, "I love you and I want to marry you, but I have so much debt in student loans."

    He said, "I don't care. I love you."

    ...so we drove to Manchester, got married and then I suggested grabbing a pizza. He looked at me funny and we went to a nice restaurant instead.

    I actually enjoyed it; I always knew I didn't want a wedding; I'm not super close with my family. The only thing I really missed was having my friends there.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    I was in a bar with him and a few friends. I went over to another table to chat to some people I knew and they were trying to get me to go to a party with them. I told them no and went back to my fellas table and they followed, still trying to get me to go with them. Fella stood up, went up to them and told them that they should go to their party now and leave me alone. He then turned around, took a ring of my right ring finger that he bought for me a couple of months beforehand 'because I liked it', got down on one knee to and told me he couldn't stand the thought of living the rest of his life without me and wanted to do it as my husband and nothing less. That was all very romantic. The worst part was it took me fifteen minutes to realise he's proposed and I'd just dismissed his ramblings as nonsense. We got married just over two years later and have been married over three years.

    My sister's fiance's parents got married when he was 16 and she was 17 and they had a one year old. They now have four children, four grandchildren and been married nearly 34 years.
  • LucieBear
    LucieBear Posts: 117 Member
    Here is my story. I met my husband at 14 (one month short of 15) we dated for 3 years then he said let's get engaged at xmas (I am now 18) and I said all excited OK... but then 2 years later he never talked about wedding or dates... so finally (I am now 20) I asked so will we ever get married or what... he says well grab the calendar and lets pick a date... seriously.. so 1 year later we got married and we just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary...
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    My husband had been married before, was separated (for 8yrs) but had never bothered getting a divorce. I already had four children and he had two (we both have full custody). We'd been together a while and I fell pregnant.

    We were walking down the street one day when he said, "I'm going to start divorce proceedings."
    "Oh," I replied, "What for?"
    "So we can get married!" he said.
    It threw me a bit as I'd actually never really thought about it.

    Fast forward a few months. Our son was a few months old by now. We'd been to choose an engagement ring but it needed to be resized. I didn't know that the job was done and he'd been to pick it up. We were watching our son wriggle and giggle on the floor when he brought out the ring and said, "So shall we get wed or what then?"

    We were married the following year.

    I bring it up at every opportunity, as is my right, lol.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Mine was actually very cute (his grandmother's ring, sent it to my parents, they had it sized, proposed this past Thanksgiving in front of my whole family :)) My parents, however...not so much.

    My mom had met my dad in a bar (classy) and lied about her age. She said she was 18, when she wasn't quite.She already had my sister when they met, but I guess he didn't care. Basically, he ended up getting her pregnant probably about a year into the relationship. Fast forward nine months, hello, me! They stayed together, still boyfriend and girlfriend. Fast forward another year and about 10 months, my mom a few months pregnant with my brother. They (read:she) is driving with two screaming toddlers in the back seat so he could meet the people who helped raise her for the first time. She tells him that they are very traditional, and since they aren't married, they would have to sleep in separate rooms. My dad's response was "Why don't we then." My mom said "Why don't we then, what?" He said, "Get married." So romantic. :laugh: But, they've been together ever since, so...I guess it worked out. It'll be 19 years in February.
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    He made a picnic in the livingroom after the kids went to bed because he couldn't get a babysitter and we had an argument earlier so I thought he was trying to apologize, so we ate dinner and watched a movie. Well, we ended up (go figure:blushing: ) making love and he started saying how happy I made him and how he really loved me, He reached under the pillow under my head and pulled out the ring box wrapped a sheet around himself and got on his knee and asked if I would marry him. Not my dream proposal, but it was nice. :love: I love him no matter what, plus, to me it isn't the way he proposes that matters, it is just the fact that he wants to marry me, especially since we have been living together for 3 years with 2 kids and I really didn't have the intention of getting married.
  • sunanmoon75
    My husband came home from work, I was doing homework ( college algebra which I HATE) and we were going to go to dinner that night. He goes to get a shower comes down and asks me to put his earing in for him so he gets on his knee in front of the couch. While I'm doing that he starts with the I love you speech and I'm all I love you too, let me finish this math so we can go put and he hits me with I want to get married. I was floored b/c we had discussed and were not getting married! So he's handing me a ring box and I'm handing it back and we both got it in our hand I'm pushing it away and he's pushing it to me. I said I thought we weren't getting married, he says I changed my mind, I said well you could have talked to me about it, he says I'm doing that now...Needless to say I did finally accept. We had just found out we got the house we had bid on and were moving bith families together permanetly so I thought why not. I'm glad I did now!
    NNSSJSKR Posts: 30 Member
    I kicked my husband in the balls when he was trying to propose...:embarassed: In my defense, he came running up to me when I was swinging on a swing set and there was absolutely no way for me to stop in time. He kept asking me if I promised to be nice from him from now on... haha.

    The rest of it was pretty romantic though. Except my family got a little crazy, but that is to be expected. They tend to be crazy even when nothing exciting is happening.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    "you found the ring... might as well put it on"

    and I wasn't even looking :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: