Awesome Husbands



  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I got so wrapped up in my story I forgot to mention he tells me I'm beautiful and smart and funny everyday! He wants me to follow my dreams (whatever they are, I'm still not sure what I want to be when I grow up), and be my own person. If my boys turn out like their dad they will be such amazing people and will make 2 ladies very happy one day!
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Having had the scare of a lifetime last Thursday dealing with my husband I'm more thankful than ever for him.
    He was on a trip to Idaho and I got a call Thursday morning that he had had a seizure and was being taken to the hospital. Once there, since he'd never had a seizure before, they performed a cat scan followed by an mri and found a mass. They wouldn't let him fly home to Tennessee and arranged surgery for Friday. Luckily I was able to get to Idaho Thursday night, it was a long 8 hours of plane rides but I wanted to be by his side. They took out the mass, and he's doing fantastic! He's had sporadic numbness and speech loss but nothing long lasting. I called out to Idaho today and they contacted me back to let me know that it wasn't cancerous which has laid my mind so much at ease. Right now it looks like a zipper is running over his head (41 staples...ugh) but he alert, talking, eating and being more and more like himself! I had never wanted to imagine my life without him, but that was one time that fear was right at my doorstep. Ladies, I know that sometimes we take them for granted but once in awhile really stop and tell them what good men the are...they like to hear it even if they are! :0)
  • CourteneyLove
    CourteneyLove Posts: 246 Member
    My husband is awesome,he works 13 hour days (sometimes for no pay since hes commision).He busts his butt for us. He always tells me im beautifull,and reminds me not to worry about the little things.The other day on his ONLY day off I fell asleep and woke to a spotless house,and he did the laundry. He holds my hair if I puke,and thinks I look sexy with a hangover. Im told im beautifull and perfect daily. Hes compleatly awesome.

    Now lets hear about everyone elses awesome SO

    does he have any younger brothers? :P
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,725 Member
    My husband is in my profile pic!!
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    OKAY I posted a few minutes ago but I had to come back to add a couple things!!! I can't help it, lol

    I also love:
    -his awesome sense of humor
    -that he is SO fun to be around
    -he makes me laugh every day
    -he always plans fun family trips for us to go on in the summer during his vacations and weekends
    -i feel safe with him
    -he taught me how to fish and because of him i have a new found interest of the outdoors! i LOVE nature and doing outdoor
    activities with him

    I'll probably keep coming back :laugh:
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    He sure tries hard...

    Mine too!
  • Lyndi4
    Lyndi4 Posts: 442 Member
    My husband is not only an amazing partner and father, but he is kind to others. He goes out of his way to help people that he meets. One time we were driving, and there were two, little, old ladies stranded by the side of the road, and he stopped, pushed their car to a nearby parking lot, assessed the situation with their car, and let them use his cell phone. He even offered them a ride. Another time, he took a homeless man to lunch, and he regularly mows the lady next door's lawn (her husband lives in a nursing home). These things always touch my heart because he is always looking for ways to serve and help others on top of working a full-time job (plus overtime & going on call, which includes over-nights once a month) and caring for our family. He takes our kids out on special days with dad. He is great at fixing things around the house and on the cars, and while I could take care of these things myself, it is so nice that he takes the time to do them. He loves to cook. He helps around the house, and he's always encouraging of me when I need a girl's night out. He still does little, romantic or thoughtful things for me. Even little things like putting gas in my car for me when he notices that I've let it run low AGAIN :wink: make me smile and know that he cares about me. He is supportive of me and he shares my dreams. He is absolutely wonderful, and I tell him that I am thankful for him each and every day! I try to do the same for him, and I hope that he would be able to say as many wonderful things about me! :heart:
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    My husband is awesome,he works 13 hour days (sometimes for no pay since hes commision).He busts his butt for us. He always tells me im beautifull,and reminds me not to worry about the little things.The other day on his ONLY day off I fell asleep and woke to a spotless house,and he did the laundry. He holds my hair if I puke,and thinks I look sexy with a hangover. Im told im beautifull and perfect daily. Hes compleatly awesome.

    Now lets hear about everyone elses awesome SO

    I don't have a husband but a long term boyfriend... he is also awesome as he wouldn't let me get so drunk I was sick. But if I was ill because of a bug, he'd do the same.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    My husband and I have had our ups and downs, we have 2 children, our daughter at 10 months old had major surgery and then another 4 months ago just before her 5th birthday, it put a ton of stress on our marriage, and I gained a ton of weight.
    He has never held that against me, he did tell me that as long as he didn't have to roll me out of bed with an oar he was OK.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    :heart: He tempers me.
    :heart: he boasts about me (especially that I can deadlift him)
    :heart: he shares his hopes & dreams with me
    :heart: he always works hards for us
    :heart: he never keeps count
    :heart: oh yeah, he loves me! :smooched:

  • - does the dishes
    - isn't afraid of diapers
    - watches the kiddo while I'm at the gym
    - tells me I'm beautiful because I have stretch marks because of our beautiful daughter, not in spite of
    - handles everything I'm afraid to
    - calms me down when I'm pissy
    - attempts to teach me logic

    He's the best. :love:

    OMG. It's like we have the same husband :tongue:
    But yeah my DH ( darling husband) is pretty much awesome. He is so neat and tidy. helps out with the kids A LOT! Praises me when I am doing good when it comes to my weight loss and if I start cheating on my diet he helps me get back on track. He's just amazing.
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    Well.. We aren't married yet, but my wonderful fiance is amazing!! He's active duty Marine Corps and he's currently deployed. But despite being deployed, he is just as amazing as EVER! He still is totally sweet and romantic, even across the world. He is still constantly looking out for me and his family, and he is always thinking about out future together.

    He came to visit me on pre-deployment leave and he was so helpful.. Helping me clean my apartment and doing little projects, all while understanding that I still had school. Gah!! I love him so much and I can't wait to be his wife!
  • repndalbc
    repndalbc Posts: 1 Member
    My husband was awesome last night. He stopped at a restaurant that only serves Japanese Ramen. I explained that I'm not eating carbs this week, and that if we went in there, I'd be stuck eating only salad or kimchi. We went down the street to Yakitori (bbq chicken), and had a wonderful dinner together, carb free.

    Thanks for awesome husbands!
  • ahmpierce1
    ahmpierce1 Posts: 221 Member
    He's not officially my husband until April 21st, but MFPer Eagles320 is the most amazing man a girl could ask for.

    Somehow this man has the perfect combination of manliness and sensitivity. The seemingly unattainable combo of traits reserved for Disney movies and fairy tales. Well ladies, I found him... my tattoed, buff, motorcycle lovin', handymand is ALSO a fabulous cuddler, diligent cleaner and loves shopping as much as I do.

    I feel pretty darn lucky to have him in my life.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    me too, me too!

    Mine is pretty awesome as well.

    He is so supportive. He does not need to lose and ounce, but has decided that he will eat just like I do in support. He also gets up at 5am on the weekends to go running with me.

    He does dishes, diapers, garbage duty, folds laundry (which I hate) and unloads the dishwasher (which I also hate). He kills all the spiders I need him to and he vacuums. I love it when he vacuums.

    He's my best friend. I love him to pieces. Not to mention he is sexy. And no matter what my weight is, he thinks I am beautiful. And he tells me.

    We have a physically disabled child who is a twin, who is almost 2. My husband is my rock. My support system. I handle everything I do, because he is right behind me. Just when I think that I cannot do it, or deal or handle- I can because he is right there with me.
  • smashatoms
    smashatoms Posts: 144 Member
    How do I post a picture?!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    My husband is awesome,he works 13 hour days (sometimes for no pay since hes commision).He busts his butt for us. He always tells me im beautifull,and reminds me not to worry about the little things.The other day on his ONLY day off I fell asleep and woke to a spotless house,and he did the laundry. He holds my hair if I puke,and thinks I look sexy with a hangover. Im told im beautifull and perfect daily. Hes compleatly awesome.

    Now lets hear about everyone elses awesome SO

    does he have any younger brothers? :P

    Nope just a sis
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    All of your husbands are soooo cute!!! :smile: Mine is a handsome one too, I would post a picture but he doesn't like his picture all over the interwebz :laugh:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Having had the scare of a lifetime last Thursday dealing with my husband I'm more thankful than ever for him.
    I'm so glad everything's OK. Reminds me too painfully of my own scare, when husband's liver started to fail. That was 2009. It's painful to talk about nearly losing him. But he's all better now!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    My awesome man!!