No, "it" isn't an open invitation for you to ....



  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Alrighty, so... At one point in time (a couple months ago actually) I had a pierced nose, blue hair, and a visible tattoo (I have four tats, most are usually covered by shirts... and I've had 13 piercings, but don't tend to wear them anymore). I had A CLIENT come in, and go off on me about how I look like a punk, like I have no self-worth, and about how 'everyone with tattoos looks like either a *kitten* or they've been shanghaid." ExfrickingSCUSE ME!?! He went on for 20 minutes.

    My visible tattoo? It's my medic-alert. Seriously. Wasps, Vespids, Demerol and Sulpha written, with the medic alert symbol and some pretty scroll work. Seriously. And he railed on about it. I AM ALLERGIC TO MY ALLERGY BRACELET! WTF else am I supposed to do??

  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Oh, also?

    My obvious obesity is NOT an invitation for you to:

    1) Give me diet advice.
    2) Give me work-out advice.
    3) Make pig noises, call me Shamu, tell me I'm eating a relative when I consume beef, or tell your wife that you two shouldn't join me in the elevator because I've already met the weight restriction.
    4) Assume that I'm lazy, unmotivated, or have low self esteem.
    5) Think it's okay to stigmatize me for my weight.
    6) Think that I'm unintelligent. Smarter than you are, likely, Dingus McCoy.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    My "it" is my hair. It's not ok to randomly walk up to a stranger and touch/grab/pet their hair. I don't mind people saying things (for the most part); I know it' uncommon. I'll even chat and answer questions if I'm not in a hurry to get somewhere. But please, don't touch me if you don't even know me.
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 341 Member
    I have a son with Down syndrome. It does not mean you should talk above him, around him, or under him. Talk TO him. Trust me. He understands. And when he answers you in sign language, I'll translate.
    Yes! x
    I have a child with Down syndrome too and it doesn't mean that you can tell me 'but they're so loving', and other stereotypes... She is an individual, fully rounded person with her own strengths and weaknesses just like anyone else.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    No, my 3.7 GPA is not an invitation for you to constantly ask me questions about homework/to do your homework, especially when I'm obviously busy.
  • Birdmyrna
    Birdmyrna Posts: 21 Member
    No it's not OK to keep looking at my computer when I'm on my favorite websites (including this one) and start asking me questions about what I'm doing ! No it's NOT OK when I'm eating lunch at my desk and my co-worker always has to have a piece or ANYTHING I am eating..drives me nuts...(she is probably watching me type this as I "speak"). And no I can't really say anything because of our social workplace atmosphere..small office and I live here 8 hours everyday. :grumble:

    Other than that I'm OK... Ha! :wink:
  • Ris1432
    Ris1432 Posts: 11
    Not a problem any more, but: My waist-length hair is not an invitation for you to stick your nasty hands in it and play with it! Complete strangers would do this without even saying hi.

    Similar problem with my curly hair. Apparently having curls means everyone is allowed to touch them or play with them. They seem to have no concept that I don't want their greasy hands on me or how much they are causing frizz!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    My dogs.
    Ask me any question you like, pretty much. Tell me about your dogs, I enjoy hearing about them. Don't question my decision on breed, it's a personal choice. Don't tell me they're too skinny. I don't overfeed my dogs. Dogs should be narrower at the waist. Your basketball shaped dog is unhealthy.

    Thank you! I was told once that my dog is too skinny. She's actually a very healthy weight. Most people over-feed their dogs. Do you mind if I ask what kind of dogs you have?
  • CourteneyLove
    CourteneyLove Posts: 246 Member
    not sure if this counts.... but

    "it's" not okay to assume just because I am tall for a chick that I play basketball or volleyball.

    my sport is soccer, thanks!

    My husband's response is "no, I don't play basketball. Do you play miniature golf?"

    love this. I have used that response too!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    1. Are you english? No
    2. Then why do you sound English? I don't/ it's a long story/ I guess I just picked it up/ blah blah blah
    3. Repeating words I say because you think they sound "cute" and "britishy"
    4. So what's England like, have you met the queen, how is different from here???

    I bet that is annoying! Even if you're a stranger, if you hear someone's accent and can figure out where it's from, why ask? If I hear a Polish accent, I don't just ask "Are you Polish?" The only time I ever ask a question is if I'm talking to someone and can't figure out what kind of accent they have. Then I just wait until there's a pause and politely say, "Do you mind if I ask what kind of accent you have? I've never heard one like it!"
  • RobDelco
    I would get a tattoo but then I'd probably end up regretting it like a month later, and of course I'd never be able to decide what I want.
  • richmondcowgirl
    richmondcowgirl Posts: 137 Member
    Rant part 2... my it still being my boyfriend and things I don't want to hear

    1: he's not that good looking... looks aren't everything

    2: you could do a lot better... I could talk to a lot better too but I'm hear listening to you run off at the mouth.

    3: why doesn't he ever leave your side...cause I have him well trained

    4: why does he always have boring conversations.... he works in a paper goods printer what thrill goes on there?

    5: do you think you'll marry him..... why is that any of your business

    6: with his medical issues ya'll shouldn't have kids.... who wanted kids?

    7: why don't you guys diet together.... cause we have different dietary needs and goals

    8: isn't he too old for you... no we like daddy/daughter roleplay wtf is it any of your business
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I feel the boobs and butt thing too. What is it about chick parts that beckon "grab me!"

    I worked at a job where the girls grabbed each other all the time! It was weird!

    And friends or not, my cleavage is my biz! its not an invite to throw things down like a 5 year old!
    Also, its not an opening for you to start a public discussion (usually boobless chick) about how showing cleavage is bad.

    my boobs my biz!

    and the butt thing! i know its big, its mine, i have not forgotten i promise. and no you don't need to smack it every time you see it. thats hubs territory.
  • KaiteeKarrot
  • KaiteeKarrot
    1. Are you english? No
    2. Then why do you sound English? I don't/ it's a long story/ I guess I just picked it up/ blah blah blah
    3. Repeating words I say because you think they sound "cute" and "britishy"
    4. So what's England like, have you met the queen, how is different from here???

    I bet that is annoying! Even if you're a stranger, if you hear someone's accent and can figure out where it's from, why ask? If I hear a Polish accent, I don't just ask "Are you Polish?" The only time I ever ask a question is if I'm talking to someone and can't figure out what kind of accent they have. Then I just wait until there's a pause and politely say, "Do you mind if I ask what kind of accent you have? I've never heard one like it!"

    Thank you!!! Haha, I think that's the polite way to do it too.. However don't get me wrong I know most people are just innocently curious.. and Yea, I don't mind if I can tell someone's geniunly interested in getting to know me, or is asking in a kind and innocent way. It's when you can tell someone's just trying to make a crappy judgement about you, and not even really listening to your response. Or when I AM in the middle of telling them why I "sound funny" and they interrupt me to repeat a word I've just said and then laugh.. ahhhhhhhh. Ah well.
  • brittni127
    My daughter is really small for her age (dx as failure to thrive, has a sever milk allergy) anyway, people always ask her age and when I give you her age, no it isn't an open invitation for you to ask why she is so small and to know what is wrong with her, as I don't like talking about it in person and going into the details with some stranger in the grocery line.
  • Longbowgilly
    Longbowgilly Posts: 262 Member
    I have 2:

    First one is whenever anyone discoveres that I have emigrated to Australia from the UK they always ask "do you miss home?" No, I left it, I don't miss it, I miss the occasional friend but generally I am more than happy to call Australia home!

    Second one is, Why the hell do you shoot a heavy bow? Because I can and I like challenging myself, I shoot a 55lb english longbow made of yew, its heavier than some of the other guys at our club, I think that may be part of the reason for the question, maybe they feel threatened, can't think why after all most of the time I either have my bow in my hand or my lovely 30 inch double bit axe that I love to chuck at a target!!!:laugh:
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    Oh man, the most annoying when is when people find out I'm single. I know that sounds weird, but apparently at 27 I should be hitched with at least a few kids...I think the most annoying things people say to me are:

    -Wow, I don't know how you go home and are just by yourself (That way I get to pick whats on TV)
    -You know, you're getting a little old to start having kids...really? When did I ever say I wanted kids
    -My friend/brother/cousin would be perfect for you! He's single too, so you'll have so much in common

    The other annoying thing is when people I first meet find out that I've had an organ transplant...the questions they ask are ridiculous...everything from "did it hurt" to "so, like, it's a dead person's organ you got" or get real philosophical about whether I have changed personality traits or "feel" my donor around because of the transplant. I often hear some pretty messed up theories.
  • KickingDarkness
    I have an unusual name (Awun). No this is not an invitation to...
    - ask me if I'm Welsh (I've been asked this literally hundreds of times)
    - tell me you've never heard it before like that's a huge joke - yes I know you've never heard it before - no one has.
    - ask what my parents are like
    - say; "seriously? Poor you!" (yes someone actually said this)
    - Ask me if my parents really liked Lord of the Rings - it's Awun not Arwen!
  • twoscimitars
    twoscimitars Posts: 272 Member
    After I tell you I am married and don't have children, it is NOT OK for you to:

    1) Ask why I don't have kids

    2) Ask when I plan on having kids

    3) Tell me that you're sure I'll change my mind (I'm 40, have been married 15 years and my husband has had a vasectomy - we're pretty darn sure that babies are not for us!)

    4) Tell me you think it's 'weird' for a woman not to want children

    Seriously... everyone from family to acquaintances to people I just randomly meet seems to think my fertility and child-bearing prospects are suitable for casual conversation. Everyone also seems to feel entitled to an opinion. Drives me nuts!

    ^^^ THIS. Times a million.

    Also "Hey, where do you buy your clothes? I always have a hard time finding large size clothes."

    OK, I know I'm fat, and it really doesn't bother me, but seriously, what if I DIDN'T think I was fat? Or what of I was an emotional wreck about it? :laugh: