Nothing prepares you for this....



  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Where's the d*mn LIKE button?!?!?!

    On Facebook. Go there if you want a damn like button.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    Not too long ago a friend pulled my husband aside and asked if I was okay. "She doesn't have an eating disorder, does she?"

    I hear this all the time about my daughter and it makes me sick! When she had the flu, he boyfriend's mom called me about her bulemia. Even her doctor wanted to do blood work to find out why her weight is only 106. Hello??? She's exactly 5 feet tall!

    I need a response that says F you in a polite manner.
  • bellisima6
    bellisima6 Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for posting this, last week someone asked me" how much more weight are you trying to lose" I said 10 more and she said "why? you are already skinny" and my response was because it makes me happy and she looked at me like I had 4 heads. I don't care it's my body I will do what's best for me. I'm not skinny actually I should maybe lose 15. You did a great job and be selfish put you first they are just haters.
  • elder4
    elder4 Posts: 27 Member
    I started my jouney at 217 lbs. After I had lost 40 I was getting alot of compliments but had people asking what my goal was. I told them I wanted to lose another 40... That only puts me at 137 and at 5'1" thats not even technically in the "healthy" range. I have been told over and over that I dont "have" 40 lbs to lose and that would make me entirely too small. First of all, Im not even there yet, they dont know what it will look like and second, I should probably lose even more than that. I am having to learn to ignore the negative, listen to the positive and accept compliments. That sometimes is the hardest part of weight loss....
  • HeaderAutumn
    HeaderAutumn Posts: 119 Member
    I think other than yourself the only person you need to listen to is your Dr. My husband gets the same comments (he's lost 102 lbs) and the comeback is "I'm healthy and the Dr. is happy." What can they say to that?! From the data you present I would say you look healthy and to "IGNORE THE HATERS!" Good for you BTW!

    I love your husband's reply of "I'm healthy and the Dr. is happy". Once I finally focused and really began working on my health and weightloss I quickly dropped 23 pounds. Now my coworkers keep saying, "You look awesome. So skinny. But your not trying to lose more are you?" It can actually make me feel guillty and self conscious that I am eating homemade turkey burgers and sugar snap peas instead of the Big Macs and fries that some of them are. I even have a very overweight friend that I told I changed my diet because I was having stomache issues. I was cuz I was full of grease and sugar but that wasn't my only reason for my change. Any talk of weight loss makes her feel like I'm judging her so we don't discuss it. I think when someone loses weight they make others look into themselves and then they feel the need to lash out. Sorry you have to put up with this. It is a weird unexpected minefield you gotta learn how to navigate. Keep up the good work for yourself.
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    Nops, you're right, I'm like you very near to my goal weight, and like you've said, now I'm starting to look slim in pictures, and say.. "wow, is that me on the pic?!! I know, I'm looking way slimmer than in the last decade, but like you I also want to see how much do I have to lose to still look fit and healthy, because I know I was truly slim, and I still feel a bit chunky or chubby around the edges. However, my husband, who is the one that keeps telling me off for overeating, and putting on weight and thinks like that doesn't want me to slim more than I am now... even though he claims he likes slim women, but then, I'm not that slim yet! I can't believe it! sometimes I wonder whether me , or you, or me and some friends of mine are truly having an eating disorder, in the sense that we keep seeing chubbiness where there is none... I don't know, but something I know for sure, chubby fat people who are jealous and envious will call us vain, and tell us that we pay too much attention to the looks, and they think we don't enjoy life because we count calories!! Yes, amazing! So yeah I can totally relate to what you say!:D
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 350 Member
    Another thought:

    When I gained a few lbs back because of the loss of my mother and then appendectomy surgery, I remember fretting to my (I thought!) understanding step instructor/friend about my gain and she said "Well, let's be honest, you needed to gain some, you were too skinny" as if this was common knowlege, nevermind her business whatsoever. I loved that, just loved it.

    When folks ask "you're not still trying to lose, are you?" you can always say "I'm happy with my current lifestyle, so I'm just gonna let my body decide where it wants to be"....

    But the fact that a response has to be made is stupid. As someone earlier in the thread said, nobody nags people about gaining weight. Why is it acceptible to do it when they lose?
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Way to go! What a great success!

    As for the rest of the world. Forget them!

    Be healthy for yourself! Your well being and contentment. Let everyone else take care of themselves.

    As for what to do now that you are close to your initial goal? Been thinking about that myself as I am a little under 20 lbs away from my goal.

    The way I figure, once I hit my weight goal, I will set a new goal. Perhaps, to eat less meat, maybe some physical challenge like doing 100 push-ups at a time. Regardless of what the goal becomes, it will require an ongoing effort on my part to stay at a healthy weight and keep up a healthy life style.

    Life is a series of endless challenges. I just consider my self lucky that I get to determine what some of them will be!

    Best of luck finding your challenges!
  • Congratulations on your great achievement.

    I know how you feel and have had a few hurtful / negative comments made as I get closer to my goal. I know that even though I am getting closer to my goal weight I am still not at the end of my journey to be healthier and work towards toning. The worst thing I have had someone say is "the more you lose, the more dead you look" ........ I decided from that moment that I am not going to listen to what other people tell me.

    Congratulations again to you, keep up the amazing job and thank you for the thoughts and motivation
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Congrats to everyone here who is improving their health on their own terms!

    I'm only half way there and already have people question why I'm still killing it at the gym etc. Ironic that when we need the support the most it starts to fade. It is truely helping me realize the power I have to control my destiny regardless of what life dishes up and how much MFP has helped keep me motivated.

    ~keep it skinny!
  • Congrats to you in all that you've done. People are jealous but try not to let it get to you. Props to you girl!!!
  • I hope I have this problem one day! :) My friend has lost about 100 lbs in the last year, and she has gotten similar comments. I even thought she started to much older because of the extreme weight loss. She and I discuss this and we both decided that it is because she has been heavy all her life. She just looks so different. I am so happy for her though, because she is happy. That is all that counts.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    you are an amazing inspiring person! Keep it up and hit that goal!
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    You will always come across people who have never learned the concept "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". You are doing this for you and noone else, keep that always in mind - take in the positive and let go of anything negative or discouraging.

    Congratulations on almost reaching your goal - to many you are an inspiration!!!
  • jnbud2002
    jnbud2002 Posts: 216
    Keep your head up girl and know that you are the doing the best for you and your body! Sounds like some people are just jealous that you are able to do what you set out to do! Keep up the awesome work!
  • Where's the d*mn LIKE button?!?!?!

    I totally agree with this!
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    Also, I stole your graphic as my pc background!

    Love it!
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    Great job...there is nothing wrong with being healthy. It dosent sound like your height and weight is unreasonable the only thing I can think is that they must be jealous of your success and don't know how to express there feelings other than to say you are too skinnny. As long as you have a healthy BMI and you eat the right amount of calories for your weight then its all good. Congrats on your success you've worked hard for it don't let anyone take it away from you.
  • SparkleDoomPony
    SparkleDoomPony Posts: 30 Member
    Some people support you as long as they feel like you are "trying to get up to their level."
    Once they see you "surpassing their level," then the claws come out.

    Some people just feel threatened by the success of others.

    Luckily there are plenty of people in the world who will support you without conditions.
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    I would like to thank everyone for their replies. I have been logging in this sight for about a month. I've been fighting weight all my life. After reading your posts, I have to admit that one of my inspirations, my DIL, has met her goal. However when she got close I was so used to seeing her heavier that with her weight loss she really LOOKED too thin. She IS NOT too thin. Actually she looks beautiful and healthy. It was the fact that I just wasn't used to seeing her that healthy. I think it's just our pea brains haven't adjusted to the difference. I'm not explaining this too well. I hope you understand what I'm Trying to say. My concern wasn't wrong it was just that my perception was out of wack. ???????????? Anyway thank's for the postings. I definately will be careful with my words from now on.

    My husband was concerned for her too. And he is a skinny guy. :yawn:
    You all hang in there and just know that you're almost there. :flowerforyou: