McDonalds Anyone?



  • jra030bta
    jra030bta Posts: 1 Member
    You can eat healthy anywhere, you can also eat unhealthy anywhere. I find that I get less sodium at McD's than at Most Fine Restaurants, because the fine restaurants see none of the scrutiny that fast food restaurants do. Try the grilled chicken sandwich.
  • Every now and then I will get a kids' hamburger and apples. Not bad calorie-wise, and it doesn't taste awful, but I just don't care to eat McDonald's much.
  • To each its own. But I know too much about it (and other fast foods/processed foods) to eat it now. :smile:
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    Fast food = sodium sodium SODIUM sodium!

    I can't partake because high blood pressure is one of those things that I'm try to cure. I'm currently running around 116/76, so, I'm doing pretty good.

    BUT, I will hit a taco bell for a few hard tacos or soft chicken tacos (no friggin hot sauce though). That's about it though... I miss taco bell more than I miss mcdonalds...
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    I go there about twice a month because my kids like it, so long as it doesn't push me over the calorie limit I think that's fine
  • Gemnildy
    Gemnildy Posts: 124 Member
    Chicken Classic, grilled no mayo. Under 300 cals and absolutely nothing wrong with it. Love the egg mcmuffin. But they dish up 290 of my 300 grams of cholesterol for the day. So I keep those rare. The oatmeal and salads are great too.

    McDonalds has bad stuff for sure. But it gets a bum rap. There are options.

    There are definitely healthy options available and nearly anything you choose in moderation and balancing it in with your actual caloric counts and proper exercise is not going to damn you! I have always loved their fries and continue to treat myself to a small or medium serving once in a while and it doesn't set me back at all.
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    Once a week? Not a big deal, as far as I'm concerned. I allow myself one day each week where I allow myself the good, greasy fast food I've always loved and have no regrets about it. Enjoy your once-a-week treat and just keep on plugging away.

    This!!! And I can't stress enough the "no regrets" part of it. I used to eat fast food a couple of times a day and I eat it about once a week. That is a healthy lifestyle for me.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I don't usually go anyway anymore, after reading this I want to even less. Can't help a subway every few months though lol x
  • I will go occasionally with my family but I will only get their salads without chicken. The greasy aftertaste just grosses me out, and there is something SO not right about their tastes really strange.
  • Read the part of this article that describes the ingredients of nuggets. You will lose your urge...I did

    I believe this SO much - the aftertaste of those nuggets was enough to make me NEVER eat them again. Very unnatural tasting, didn't even TASTE like real white meat chicken. It reminded me of the smell of McD's dumpsters on a hot day when you go through the drive-thru and roll your window down....that smell is horrible, but the scary thing was when the chicken nugget aftertaste reminded me 100% of that smell. Cannot be all.......LOL.
  • As much as i've loved reading all your thoughts, and there has been some really good responses, there are a few things that need to be considered:

    - We are all from different areas of the world, and where I live (England) the fries in are suitable for vegetarians, although the "veggie" deli isn't :') - bit misleading to say the least.
    - Recipes are slightly different in different countries, and also the quantities are different
    - I loved the point which basically said 'Why am I on MFP if I go to McDonalds?' Lollll
    - We are all different and out bodies react differently to different foods.
    - We all have our own opinions.

    I am not all for McDonalds, at all, I was just curious to see if other people still had it whilst trying to lose or maintain their weight.
    Good luck to you all in achieving your goals.
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    I love the Southwest grilled chicken salad. That is all I ever order from there now days.

    That's one of the more healthy items on the menu.

    That being said, I like bread. I'd usually just order
    2 regular hamburgers, but each one has 520mg
    of sodium. I wonder what it would have with no
    hamburger seasoning, and pickles? No ketchup,
    or mustard? Hell, I'd just eat the bread and meat.
    The sodium should drop like a rock with out the
    other four items. The way they come out of the box
    isn't bad as far as calories go, (250) but the sodium
    is so high!
  • lovemydrmartens
    lovemydrmartens Posts: 144 Member
    I have never even been into a Macdonalds.... I can't be alone surely? :ohwell:
  • it's NOT "bad". no food is "bad". It's all about moderation.

    Now getting large fries, big mac, and large regular soda or milkshake everyday? that can rack of some calories, fat, etc and be bad.

    but the smaller portions of things are NOT bad. It's ALL food.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    it's NOT "bad". no food is "bad". It's all about moderation.

    Now getting large fries, big mac, and large regular soda or milkshake everyday? that can rack of some calories, fat, etc and be bad.

    but the smaller portions of things are NOT bad. It's ALL food.

    But....but....but...people here are saying it's poison, it's crap, etc. SMH @ the food Nazis
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    "Oh no you're going to die if you eat it." "It's poison." *fear monger fear monger fear monger*
  • calicat40
    calicat40 Posts: 37 Member
    not a huge fan of the macattack but I do love their egg mcmuffin now and then. I used to eat there alllll the time and had to stop the insanity. I love ice coffees from jack in the box though and i know they are loaded with calories. will have to adjust on those days and sweat more.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    ps - mcdonalds does not use mechanically separated chicken.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I like some of McD's items but haven't gone there for months now. I went there more often, when it was on my way home, and I was ravenous and needed some comfort food. Gained over 10lbs! Hopefully, when I go back to school, I don't go through that vicious cycle again, having experienced what I did last semester.

    As long as no one goes overboard like me, it's fine to have a sandwich or some nuggets every now and then. But for me, it was easy for me to say just this one time every time I was stressed from school or other matters. It was never just one time.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Once a week? Not a big deal, as far as I'm concerned. I allow myself one day each week where I allow myself the good, greasy fast food I've always loved and have no regrets about it. Enjoy your once-a-week treat and just keep on plugging away.
    You are right about McD - people suddenly become food Nazi's when they get on their diet kicks - lol
    "Thy lady doth protest too much" - best to avoid those to seem so miserable about all the fun things in life.
    I am not losing weight to join that gloomy lot of killjoys.