No, "it" isn't an open invitation for you to ....



  • PaLawDog
    Im a Police Officer mine is going into any store while on duty. All of a sudden people have to ask you about any problem in their life or their family life, which honestly, isnt too bad because i like to help people. thats why i do what I do. The ones that really get me are "Ive been waiting months to see one of you guys to ask what to do about the neighbors dog that keeps pooping in my yard?" really? its that important that they have to approach me while im making myself a coffee but they couldnt just call the station or stop by or even call 911 if it was that important. And this one I LOVE. Can you check to see if I have any warrants? Then when I check and they do, they are supprized and pissed off that I arrested them. Did they really think I can just say Yes and walk away? i just dont get people sometimes.......
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    My hair. People touch it. Weird.
  • PaLawDog
    My hair. People touch it. Weird.

    It is cool though. Id WANT to touch but to actually do it is weird :)
  • Mama_CAEI
    Mama_CAEI Posts: 235
    We have 4 kids, including twins and the youngest is 5 years younger than the twins. That's a big family these days, plus there's a "suspicious" gap. lol. So we get looooots of stupid questions/comments.

    Are they all yours (i.e. do they have the same Daddy)/was it on purpose (the last one)/better you than me/are they identical/are you done yet/don't you have TV/I don't know how you do it, I have (one, two, a dog) and I get overwhelmed.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    After I tell you I am married and don't have children, it is NOT OK for you to:

    1) Ask why I don't have kids

    2) Ask when I plan on having kids

    3) Tell me that you're sure I'll change my mind (I'm 40, have been married 15 years and my husband has had a vasectomy - we're pretty darn sure that babies are not for us!)

    4) Tell me you think it's 'weird' for a woman not to want children

    Seriously... everyone from family to acquaintances to people I just randomly meet seems to think my fertility and child-bearing prospects are suitable for casual conversation. Everyone also seems to feel entitled to an opinion. Drives me nuts!

    It doesn't stop when you have kids... We only have one child and do not plan to have a second one, at least at the moment.

    People tell us ALL THE TIME we should have a second one RIGHT NOW. Because otherwise i'll be too old, because an age gap of more than 2.439648245 years between siblings has been proven to be detrimental to kids, because my son's is going to be an egoistical spoilt brat if he stays an only child...

    "Excuse me but when did I ask you for your advice?"
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Ok i got one

    Yes my husband is in the military, yes its hard, no i cant tell you where he is or when he will be back, its for only me to know, i have no info on anything important so stop asking me a million and one questions about what he does HE does it not me. Yesi know you could not be on a submarine not many can lol. Yes my kids miss him and yes we do a lot of things on our own why must you bring it up in front of my kids for them to ask you about it. I get this so so often and it gets old fast lmao

    this is usually people that see me often like people who work in stores or restaurants i go to and notice i have a ring but never a husband lmao Or for those who i just meet and ask if i am married and where he is all the time.
  • Jellyroll1954
    Sylvester with Tweety in his mouth would be badass.
  • richmondcowgirl
    richmondcowgirl Posts: 137 Member
    Ok i got one

    Yes my husband is in the military, yes its hard, no i cant tell you where he is or when he will be back, its for only me to know, i have no info on anything important so stop asking me a million and one questions about what he does HE does it not me. Yesi know you could not be on a submarine not many can lol. Yes my kids miss him and yes we do a lot of things on our own why must you bring it up in front of my kids for them to ask you about it. I get this so so often and it gets old fast lmao

    this is usually people that see me often like people who work in stores or restaurants i go to and notice i have a ring but never a husband lmao Or for those who i just meet and ask if i am married and where he is all the time.

    When I was dating a military man those used to piss me off so much. Aren't you worried he's going to get hurt? How do you handle the distance? I couldn't trust a man when they are gone for so long? Blah blah blah. Appearently my dating relationship is stronger than most peoples marriage. I don't want your insecurities.

    Another big one: don't complain about "the war"! You're not there! They have enough to deal with than the fact that their love ones are getting harassed to tears by a *kitten* in a coffee shop cause they are doing their job! Leave it alone!
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Because I am a high school science teacher it does not mean...

    ...I know the answer to every science-related question you have.

    I have a degree in chemistry with a minor in biology, but...

    I still do not know everything there is to know about chemistry.

    "Science" is a pretty broad range of study...

    thus the phrase "scientific expert" is highly unlikely...
  • meeks929
    :explode: yes I feel the same, just because mine are bigger doesn't mean I shouldn't wear anything other the a turtleneck!!!!! ugh
    Yes I have boobs and don't live in turtle necks because they make me look fat so....

    Yes 'it' is cleavage but no it doesn't give you an excuse to stare, point, touch, or talk to it!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    When people tell me, "OH you've already been married for so long, time to have kids!"
    Pregnancy DISGUSTS me to the fullest extent possible. It's not a freaking miracle, it's nature. I dont appreciate people telling me that I need to procreate just because I'm married to a great man and that I'm young and you want grandbabies. Go bark up another damn tree.
  • lovemydrmartens
    lovemydrmartens Posts: 144 Member
    I am an Art psychotherapist as well as an Illustrator... I don't mention this at social occassions... because I do not want to be presented with your drawings or works by your spouse/child(esp your child...) and expected to give an instant analysis... Art therapy is not a party trick and if I was a performing seal i would have brought my own ball... thank you...
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    I wear vibram five fingers shoes to run in.

    No "it's" not permission to give me every opinion you have of them as far as safety, looks, or function, or why you'd never wear them.
    I also wear Vibrams. Not for running, but for relief of foot pain (they work great).

    And, yes, total strangers accost me about what I'm wearing on my feet. *sigh*
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    I love art all kinds. And while I for damn sure won't touch someone I don't know especially without permission, I might occasionally admire a persons body art. I like giving people compliments so I may even say I like it but I won't grill you or drive you crazy. I reallt don't understand why people feel the need especially to tell you why they don't or won't get a tattoo being as you obviously have them. That is kinda rude imo. As is it to go out of ones way at all to tell a person they don't like anything about another persons PERSONAL choice of everything from religion to hair color... WOW
  • thenewmb
    thenewmb Posts: 34 Member
    My "it" thing would be the brands i have on my arms. People always ask me if it hurt and when I say no it didn't they always say I'm lying. Why ask me the question if you're just gonna call me a liar when I answer!?!
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    Go ahead and respond with your version of what "it" is ...

    For me - it's my ink. Okay, I've got tattoos. So does a crapload of people. BUT, the fact my arms are visibily covered to my wrists does NOT give you an open invitation to ...

    ~ show me your ink. We're not all in a club. Having a tattoo isn't special. I don't put on a bra in the morning and then run up to everyone else wearing a bra and tell them HEY! LOOK AT MY BRA! I HAVE ONE TOOOOOO!!!!!

    ~ ask me any personal question under the damned sun. "Where do you get your work done?" Sure. But "How much did it cost?" and then following that up with "What do you do to have so much money to spend on that?" If/When I give you an answer. "what does it MMMEEEAAAANNNN?" Oh good lord. Shut the hell up. I LIKE it, okay? I'm not an episode of LA Ink where everything has to have a freaking deep meaning to it.

    ~ tell me the tattoo YOU want to get or your sister wants to get and ask my opinion. I'm just trying to buy a coffee, I don't care. And I'm pretty sure the tweety bird design you want is going to be awesome.

    ~ tell me why YOU would never get a tattooo. I don't come up to you and tell you why i would NEVER wear the hairstyle you are wearing.

    ~ explain to me how you don't like tattoos. Hey, I don't like those jeans you're wearing either but you don't see me giving you my reasons why.

    ~ touch me. Seriously. Stop touching me. I can't tell you how many people have just grabbed my sleeve or back of my shirt to look under my clothes to see what else I've got going on.

    Do you have one??

    I am so sorry lol...I have committed every single one of those offenses.....

    both in the past insisting on telling friends and total strangers who patiently stood there and smiled while I told them how stupid they were and how they had scarred their bodies for life and how much they were going to regret it.... TRUST ME I KNOW!!

    ( I knew nothing)

    sighs.... and now that I've finally grown up and can't wait to get my first tattoo....I bug anyone I can about where they got theirs done, and yes.... how much it costs......:blushing:

    see one post can change one person :)
  • zasiiniya
    zasiiniya Posts: 100 Member
    I had vivid pink hair for a few weeks, back in December. Some things people did:

    -Stare at me. I was stretching at the gym and a girl on a stationary bike just stared at me, not even looking away, the whole time I was stretching. It made me feel so awkward. This was the day after I dyed my hair and not a good introduction to it.

    -"What did you do to your HAIR?!" My deadpan response was always, "I dyed it." Always tempted to say "Nothing, this is my natural color"

    -Tell me you don't like it and ask when it'll be gone. (Thanks, older relatives. I really appreciate that.)

    -Make strange comments... one older woman I'm in a class with said, "You should put Christmas lights on your head." I, uh... what? What do you even say to that?!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I must agree with every line of the original post.

    Now stop touching me!!!!! AHK!!! :noway:
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    I don`t have anything anybody wants.pouty.gif

    Awww, your lil animation is soooo adorable
  • Saxmis
    Saxmis Posts: 84
    Okay... I've got one.

    I don't eat back my exercise calories... that is not permission for you to tell me how you THINK that I will be too weak to workout or that you THINK my hair might fall out.

    I get this ALL the time. I very rarely eat back my exercise calories. I exercise to create a deficiency so I can lose weight, that's just the way I work.

    I get people telling me all the time that I CAN eat junk food, just exercise first and make sure you don't eat more than the exercise. Erm, no thank you, I'd rather have something healthy and low in calories and not eat back my exercise calories, thank you.