.... a burned out Weight Watchers member!!

New to Myfitnesspal since Thursday .... already shed almost 2 lbs in two days. After a year of Weight Watchers it seemed it became more complicated than simply reading a label to needing them (WW) to count calculated POINTS for me ..... and paying them for it. A total waste of my money!!! Happy to be starting fresh and energized!


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Be sure to start right!

    Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools.
    Do the body fat calculator then BMR tool.
    Eat EXACTLY the amount of calories given per your activity factor and you will lose fat.
    Eat too low and you will lose muscle!
    Custom set MFP to 30% protein 40% carbs.
    Enjoy losing inches babe!
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    LOL hey there hun, I'm en ex member myself. It really did just over complicate didn't it? welcome :)
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    Weight watchers is good if you need the accountability of having someone else weigh you in, but yeah configuring points is more complicated than just tracking calories. If you have a food label, you can just enter it or find it in the database instead of going to get your point calculator. I guess they probably can do it online, too now, back when I did it, it was by hand. lol This works and is motivating with pals to cheer you on.
  • I'm an ex member as well! .. I found I was even more hungry on Weight Watchers than when I was off of it.. I think that was due to the fact that you were constantly paying attention to your food even though you could eat any thing you want, I ended up wanting even more! lol I got off of it and decided to do things my own way and that really paid off. Welcome to MFP! You can add me if you like :)
  • gleechick609
    gleechick609 Posts: 544 Member
    Be sure to start right!

    Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools.
    Do the body fat calculator then BMR tool.
    Eat EXACTLY the amount of calories given per your activity factor and you will lose fat.
    Eat too low and you will lose muscle!
    Custom set MFP to 30% protein 40% carbs.
    Enjoy losing inches babe!

    ^^^ This. It works!
  • Be sure to start right!

    Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools.
    Do the body fat calculator then BMR tool.
    Eat EXACTLY the amount of calories given per your activity factor and you will lose fat.
    Eat too low and you will lose muscle!
    Custom set MFP to 30% protein 40% carbs.
    Enjoy losing inches babe!

    NM - found it! Thanks for the tips!
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    I'm an ex member as well! .. I found I was even more hungry on Weight Watchers than when I was off of it.. I think that was due to the fact that you were constantly paying attention to your food even though you could eat any thing you want, I ended up wanting even more! lol I got off of it and decided to do things my own way and that really paid off. Welcome to MFP! You can add me if you like :)

    Exactly! I was thinking about what I was going to eat all day, so it just made me want food all day so I felt like I was starving! This works so much better for me!
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    That's exactly why I gave up on Weight Watchers. MFP seems so much easier to me!
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    There has to be one person who has to point this out........ Just remember that this is not a diet site, it is a lifestyle change.

    Also, well done for the weightloss so far
  • Superwoman79
    Superwoman79 Posts: 61 Member
    I just left WW in December and counting points does not compare to the big picture I see from MFP. Calories, Carbs, Fat, Protein and my biggest problem SUGAR. I am very glad that I joined this site and appreciate all my MFP support. Best wishes to you all on your lifestyle change.
  • I did WW for 5 years - changed over to MFP 4 weeks ago and so much better! In my opinion, weight watchers limits fat intake too much. I was so hungry on WW and just by replacing my afternoon snack of FF yoghurt with a handful of almonds, therefore upping my healthy fat intake, I've stuck to MFP without any problems and my hunger is gone completely. I haven't even fancied the cake and biscuits around the office, and I realised I only wanted them because I was so hungry all the time, and I don't actually like them!

    I still eat a low fat diet, and try to limit my carbs to wholegrains/fruit/veg/etc, but I'm just not hungry like I was on WW and it's done me a world of good! I also find the forums on here and the "newsfeed" of everyone's accomplishments much better than WW online and really inspiring!

    Good luck to you! I would recommend setting your percentages correctly, etc, as suggested above, I've found that really helpful! Add me if you want some support :-)
  • jt1blades
    jt1blades Posts: 1 Member
    Good job. I, too, have been a Weight Watchers member, but not very successful. So far this is making me much more accountable...plus I am seeing the results I want.
  • MiracleMiles
    MiracleMiles Posts: 19 Member
    I hear that! I have been on weight watchers for a month and lost 9 pds., but the meetings are terribly unproductive and lame. I wait in line for an hour to get weighed, all so I can get some retarded star passed out to me and have people clap if I lose 5 pds. I am also diabetic and I am really disappointed by the fact that they don't take diabetes into consideration with their plan. For instance, with the power foods, you can supposedly eat as much as you want-- but if I ate all of the bananas or grapes I wanted, my sugar would be sky high. Weight watchers is highly over rated, over priced, and they don't offer anything that one can't already do on their own accord by buying a scale, tracking with this site, and purchasing a few workout dvds.
  • ciardasully
    ciardasully Posts: 28 Member
    I recently gave up on weight watchers myself. Good Luck!
  • muzmacol
    muzmacol Posts: 358 Member
    totally concure, done ww twice, worked but failed. Find mfp a dream really, support from across the world, simple to use and i'm more motivated.
  • I also came from WW. I loved it a few years ago when it wasn't this confusing Points Plus system, but it just got too time consuming. Works for some, just not me!
  • dbutorac
    dbutorac Posts: 120
    To top it off, WW at work is a problem. They started a new computer program & only let groups start if the registered thr the portal, but the portal wasn't working until 1/15/12. We tried to sign up at the beginning of December but they made us wait 6 weeks, I found this & said forget it. I already lost 7 lbs. & will by myself something nice with the money I am saving.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    I actually liked the stars and the clapping... reinforcement is a key for some of us. But I didn't like the price tag, and the points definitely overcomplicated it. As my trainer says, it's a good program, but could stand some tweaking.

    Welcome to MFP!
  • Goalsforsusie
    Goalsforsusie Posts: 34 Member
    :flowerforyou: Those of us that are ex-WW should start putting that $10.00 a week into a savings account once we hit our goals we can buy a new wardrobe!!!!
  • racs80
    racs80 Posts: 42 Member
    my best friend lost 3 stone within 2 month on ww even thou she dident need 2 loose that much but she became obsesed with it and lost to much to fast and ened up with loose skin (not good) she had a few days off and put 7 pounds back on i tryied it once for a bout a month but thought it to pushy for me and thought they tried to embarres me when i didnt loose so didnt go back but i find this site so much easier to stick to my diet because im not being told what to eat i am eating better and i feel like im not being forced in to eating certain foods if this makes sence x