What will you reward yourself with when you hit your goal?



  • oOoMicheleoOo
    oOoMicheleoOo Posts: 139 Member
    A week in sunny Portugal :bigsmile:

    I was going to book the flights today for April but had 2nd thoughts as I don't want to tempt fate
  • I think ill buy myself new spring wardrobe
  • Another Photo shoot so i have before and after photos :)
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    No reward.. I just consider it doing what I was supposed to be doing before, taking care of my body.

    And THAT'S the attitude that separates the men from the boys :) Kudos!!
  • StellerBanana
    StellerBanana Posts: 8 Member
    I'm not sure what i would do. Just be happy that i made it to my goal. Reward myself with a spa day with girlfriends? August is my goal to lose my weight. I'll be going Long Beach so me in a bikini is all i need!!!
  • I plan on getting back to coaching and playing soccer with my kids. Nothing more rewarding than being with them and showing that the old man still has it.
  • BrnIdGirl
    BrnIdGirl Posts: 129 Member
    I too have rewards for mini goals set. But when I reach the total weight loss I have 2 big rewards:

    1) I'm going skydiving, and

    2) My husband & I are going back to Disney World (where the photo was taken on our honeymoon) & to Universal Studios Orlando.
  • Breadbar
    Breadbar Posts: 334 Member
    (1) complete a 10k memorial run for Michael on May 6th (part of the LI Marathon)
    (2) buy the tightest pair of jeans I can fit into
    (3) only because of reading this thread, maybe look for a little black dress - I've never had one!
  • AliR105
    AliR105 Posts: 30 Member
    im gonna buy my first pair of skinny jeans. cant wait :happy:
  • I heard somewhere to reward yourself for small milestones along the way, so I'm going to give myself small rewards for every 10 lbs. I lose. I've got a lot to lose, so I hope this will keep me motivated! I'm thinking things like a new CD, a pedicure, a new piece of jewelry (not expensive stuff! LOL), etc. I have a friend on this journey with me and we have decided that when we hit our goal weight, we're gonna celebrate with a girls' trip somewhere!
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    lingerie, swim suits, bebe's clothing, my hair did (straightening treatment $300), and maybe a spa day. oh and maybe prof pics!
  • A tattoo...
  • Traci_33
    Traci_33 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm going swimming with people around!

    I love that. thats a great one
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I keep thinking about what it will be like to be at my ideal weight! What will you do to celebrate your weightloss? For me I am thinking lots of new clothes and if I was dreaming a tummy tuck to get rid of the excess skin from pregnancy!

    Chime in!

    These are my words exactly! And maybe a new skimpy swim suit.
  • A pair of knee high boots and a huge tattoo.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    a pair of seven for all mankind jeans and a new tattoo.
  • skarr28
    skarr28 Posts: 98
    Travel to the UK and Europe (Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Italy)
  • Flaunting my hottness in front of my hypocritical, bullying aunts and cousins. Muahaha! :)
  • a new dress or a new pair of jeans!
  • Jazzmagic
    Jazzmagic Posts: 91 Member
    Mine might be a bit weird but I'd love to have some...i guess their called 'boudoir' photos taken? The kind a bit like I suppose good old Gok Wan does in his "how to look good naked" shows? Something classy and sexy (not tacky)! For me and my boyfriend : ) x