5'3 - 5'5 women Whats your goal?



  • JanaMatchett
    JanaMatchett Posts: 50 Member
    I'm 5'5 and my goal is 140 and then depending on how I look, I might go for 135. I'm 43 (44 in April). Also, I'm doing a little bit of weight training - not a lot but hoping to increas muscle and that weighs more than fat so when I get close to my goal it'll just depend on how I look and feel. Best of luck to you!!!
  • kallibrae
    kallibrae Posts: 209 Member
    I'm 5'5 and I'm 194 right now. I would LOVE to be at 160. I haven't seen that number in over 10 years.
  • kneubee7
    kneubee7 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 5'4" medium build, medium-large chest. I am currently at 138 but having trouble getting lower. I am currently wearing dress pant size 6-8 which looks pretty good on me. I decided it's time to focus more on muscle mass and less on my weight. So I'm guessing it'll start going up once I focus more on lifting but my body fat % should continue to go down. :)
  • mdulanto9177
    I on the bigger frame of 5'3....my friend was telling m yesterday I look like i must weigh 232...I was shocked...I actually weigh 255. So I'm aiming for my GW to be 135 lbs. or a size 7-9....which ever comes first!
  • luvnall3
    I am 5"4". I have a pear shaped body & on the "big boned" side. When I tell friends that I am 235lbs, they are in disbelief. They think I look like I weigh less than what I really do. I hide my weight well I guess. I have been down to the "recommened" 130-145 range for my height. I DID NOT feel or look healthy to ME! I am aiming for a more realistic 150-160 range. At that weight, if I continue to carry my weight well, maybe I will look like i'm 130-145! LOL! :P
  • Astrowife68
    I'm 5'5" SW 219, CW 208 and I would love to get down to around 130 also.

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  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    my goal is 150lbs
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    115... I think. I'm at 132 right now, but I've been having some issues with nighttime eating despite massive workouts during the day. I suppose I need to mentally get a bit healthier before I can settle on a distinct goal.
  • singledj
    singledj Posts: 147 Member
    . Anyways, I think every person is different, we all have very different builds. The important thing is to make sure you are healthy and are happy at what you see in the mirror.

    I totally agree with this statement!!

    btw..... I am 5'5, large frame. Would be happy to get down to 160-150 even though the charts say my ideal weight is 123. Personally I think I would look like a skeleton at that low of a weight. Hence my agreement with the above statement!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm 5'4" with a large frame. My original goal weight was 150lbs. I hit that in Sept 2010. In May 2011, I lost another 5lbs (or so) and have been hovering between 143-150lbs with an average of 145-146lbs. I was down to around 140lbs in the summer and had people ask me if I was sick or if something was wrong because I looked "too thin". I was going to try and get down to 135lbs, but changed my mind. I'm happy and content right where I am. :)
  • soon2bhotmom
    soon2bhotmom Posts: 108 Member
    I'm 5'3...started at 150, currently at 142, would love 125-130.
  • bander21
    bander21 Posts: 40 Member
    I am 5'0 weigh in at 155, my goal weight is 110!
  • HoneyRiot
    HoneyRiot Posts: 27 Member
    I am 5' 5". I have a muscular, medium frame. I can gain muscle crazy fast. For me, the scale always goes up before it goes down because of the muscle I gain quickly (just from basic cardio/weight training). I am currently 183lbs.

    For right now, my ideal goal is to get to 160lbs, after that, I am going to work on getting back to the 140lbs, and from there I'll see how I look and feel. (I think I'll be quite satisfied then.. :) )

    I remember being 140lbs and thinking I was fat...LOL! ::perspective::
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    I'm 5'5 and my goal is 130lbs. Currently at 177lbs, 47lbs to go.
  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    My happy weight is 145 to 150, my muscle mass builds very quickly, I say to stop when you look and feel fit and healthy and don't focus on a number
  • ythurston50
    Hello Everyone!
    According to my BMI,I'm overweight at,137.6 pounds and should be weighing 120lbs. So,for now,that's my target weight.
    I have cousins on Facebook,where we check in everyday,with our fitness activities,to keep each other motivated. I also signed up (a while back) on Dr.Oz,for the Transformation Nation and went into Weight Watchers today for my weigh in.
    I also got a Fitbit pedometer,that also gets me motivated. I gotta do this thing. This extra weight is a downer!
    So let's do our thing! Y.
  • lisajlly
    I am 5'3 and have a small frame. My goal weight is 118 because that's what I weighed when I felt and looked my best about two years ago. My weakness is sweets, so I am at 129 right now. Hate that muffin top! It has got to GO. I am fairly active and I think that is what is will take to get to my goal, along with staying around 1200 calories a day.
  • lisajlly
    Talk to your doctor, sweetie. That sounds way too low to me. I weighed around 100 pounds in high school and I'm only 5'3". That was too little for me way back then.
  • Danielle8706
    Danielle8706 Posts: 33 Member
    Im 5'3 and im shooting for 140 but will be happy at 150.
  • smk402
    smk402 Posts: 4
    I'm 5'4" and my goal is 150-160. I have a large frame so I do not expect to ever get down into what is considered "ideal" by BMI standards. We shall see if that changes when I get closer to my goal weight; it depends on how I look at that weight. I hate that the BMI chart does not factor in frame size.

    ETA: I found one that does factor in frame size, and it says that someone with a large frame can add 10% to the BMI range for their healthy range. My goal weight is near the upper end, but still in the "Healthy" section of the BMI range for a woman with a large frame. The one I used is here: http://www.livestrong.com/article/36520-calculate-accurate-bmi-large-frame/