No, "it" isn't an open invitation for you to ....



  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    My milkshake. All the boys think it's an open invitation to get in my yard.

    It's not.

    You should consider putting up a fence. Milkshakes are pretty irresistible.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I'm from South Africa, been living in Canada for 11 years and don't sound Canadian at all, so I often get the:

    "so where are you from?" - Vancouver....
    "no, really!". OK, South Africa..
    Oh, Africa!, SOUTH Africa - Africa is the continent, South Africa is the country...You are not from North America, you are from Canada/ the USA....
    "Oh....But you're not black?", very little sunshine around here - and I was born with a pale skin....
    "But you're from AFRICA!!" :sad: :explode:
    And then the final one that makse me want to eat a whole pizza and TWO bottles of red wine...
    "so, how long have you been in South Africa?":flowerforyou: - Uhm, since I was born many many moons ago...
    "so, how long have your parents lived there?" that basically leads to me tracing back my South African ancestry to 1652, which normally leads to a talk about the weather.....:laugh:

    I actually told one woman one day that I was black before I came here, but am now as pale as a fish due to the lack on sunshine in Vancouver....She nodded politely and said "wow. poor you..." :bigsmile:

  • I have a few

    I'm an oncology nurse

    No I don't want to hear about your friend/relative/guy at your work that has cancer.....lots of people have cancer, cancer sucks
    No I don't know if that freckle on your arm is a melanoma
    No I don't wanna feel the lump in your boob
    No I'm not a freaken doctor, do not ask me to diagnose you
    No I don't know about cardiac/renal/surgical/neuro patients...I know oncology
    No it's not ok to say "that must be so hard/sad/depressing" "I couldn't work in oncology"...I love my job, I love my patients, yes it sucks when they die, but I get to share the journey with them

    I'm also a mother of 3 girls aged 11, 6 & 5 and I'm 28

    Yes I was 17 when I had my oldest, I'm no glad you can do maths
    It's not ok to ask if they were planned
    It's not ok to ask if they have the same father
    It's not ok to make assumptions about me and my parenting abilities because I started young
    I's not ok for strangers to ask me how old I am when I'm out with my girls

    And lastly
    I'm 5'5 and 121lbs...I watch my cals and I work out

    No, I'm not trying to lose "weight"....I'm skinny fat, I want muscle tone, I wanna be strong
    It's not ok to assume that because I've always been skinny I can eat what I want (I could but it's not healthy)
    No it's not about being skinny it's about being healthy, strong and fit
    It's not ok to try and "feed" me when I'm at your house, I don't need "fattening up"
    It's not ok to ask me if I have an eating disorder, I don't.... I love food, I'm just trying to eat things that are better for me and set a good example for my kids

    Plus all the parenting, pregnancy, tattoo and hair ones already said
  • Unfortunately, I have one of those hat/scarf/mitten things that people wear, and I have a Hello Kitty one... haha, don't ask. Anyhow, people I don't even know will come up to me and be like "Can I pet your hat?" and it's extremely strange.
  • Unfortunately, I have one of those hat/scarf/mitten things that people wear, and I have a Hello Kitty one... haha, don't ask. Anyhow, people I don't even know will come up to me and be like "Can I pet your hat?" and it's extremely strange.

    OMG I want one of them :happy:
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Another thing.

    Just because I ask for advice, because obviously I want advice. It doesn't give people a warrant to be insulting and judgmental!

    I asked for your advice you prats, not to be insulted dumbass!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I have 5 kids, and often drag others around with me as well. I ALWAYS get

    ~Are they all yours?
    ~Do you own a tv?
    ~Don't you know what causes that?
    ~ Do you want/will you have more?
    ~Well, *I* could never have that many kids! (Nobody asked you to.)
    ~I could *never* stay home with my kids. They drive me crazy. (They'd probably drive me crazy too. Luckily I stay home with mine, not yours.)

    That's one of mine. The other is that we homeschool. The list for that one is so long it would break the server. :bigsmile:
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    When people tell me, "OH you've already been married for so long, time to have kids!"
    Pregnancy DISGUSTS me to the fullest extent possible. It's not a freaking miracle, it's nature. I dont appreciate people telling me that I need to procreate just because I'm married to a great man and that I'm young and you want grandbabies. Go bark up another damn tree.

    I :heart: you....
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    My other one is that my husband is an MMA coach/trainer, and he used to fight. So I get to hear:

    "Why do you let him do that?" -- Seriously? First, he's a grown man, not my child. Second, why would I stop him from participating in his PASSION in whatever way he chose to do so?

    "How can you stand to see him get hurt/I could never stand to see my man get hurt" -- Because there is a huge, huge difference between getting hurt in a consensual, refereed sporting match and getting hurt when you slip on some ice or fall down the stairs or some other accidental injury. I don't care about my husband less because I can "stand" for him to get punched in the face... I don't like it if he gets hurt, but I trust his ability to protect himself and to decide what situations he can handle.

    "Oh, that's so brutall!" -- Um, no. No it's not. Intense, maybe.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    my hair. it's naturally curly, like those corkscrew curls...and everyone wants to touch it.

    do. not. touch. my. hair. ever.

    i will not even let my husband touch it!
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    I work as a police officer in Ireland. We are known as An Garda Síochàna, or as "guards" for short. At parties/ weddings/ functions I get introduced as "Sarah the guard"

    Sorry but thats not my name. It's just Sarah!!

    I tend to lie to strangers about my profession. If I say I work in an office nothing is said. Once they find out my profession people insist on telling me how to do my job and how police officers don't do it right! They ask stupid questions that would irritate anyone.
    I don't want to talk about work when I'm not there!!

    Also stop making jokes about how you pay MY wages and how I sit on my *kitten* all day drinking coffee!! My wages have been cut by 20% and i pay more tax!!

    Next time you pull a body from a river, take a child from an abusive home, get spat in the face by someone with HIV or tell a mother her son is dead... Then you can have an opinion!!
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    Yes, I'm in a wheelchair. No, I don't know your cousin that lives in Ohio that's in a chair too. I live in's not a freaking cult or something, we don't all know each other.

    Omg.. This made me laugh.. Haha. People are so stupid.. I heard someone ask a little person something like this in a grocery store once. He turned to him and said "yea, I know that guy. He told me to tell you to stay home and stop interacting with society.. It's not going well." :)
  • My 'it' is usually my lip piercings... I'm not some sort of piercing freak, I only have three small labret studs in my lip but the amount of crap I hear about them is ridiculous.

    Don't ask me if they hurt
    Don't ask me how I managed to find a partner with something like that in my face
    Don't tell me you don't like them
    Don't ask me why I wanted to make myself ugly when I could have been so pretty (heard THAT before, from a complete stranger)

    And when your children are inquisitive, definitely don't tell me to explain to them what they are with a disgusted look on your face, because I WILL tell them that they're fantastic for oral sex purposes.
  • KMAMinx13
    KMAMinx13 Posts: 101 Member
    I wear vibram five fingers shoes to run in.

    No "it's" not permission to give me every opinion you have of them as far as safety, looks, or function, or why you'd never wear them.

    ^^^ All the the above. I love my VFFs. I am so weary of the "monkey-feet" comments; I cannot tell you.......and it's always the same people. Move on people, nothing to see here.

    Also, who are these people who feel that they have the right to ask you how much everything you own or wear costs (usually just an acquaintance or a family member)? "And how much did that cost you? (with their shocked voices). Response: Why do you ask, are you paying for it? I was always taught to mind my own business and not everyone else's business. Again, always the same people. It's not like a friend who is asking because they want to get the same thing; it's always the people who just want to get into your business. When someone else starts making the money to buy my stuff, then they can have an accounting. Rant over. ;~) Ciao.
  • Im a florist and no I dont want to do yours your friend or your sisters wedding flowers!!!!!:sad: :flowerforyou:
  • stephenatl09
    stephenatl09 Posts: 186 Member
    My "IT" is...
    I work for at&t and no, I don't know how to fix your phone. I do not know where to go to pay your bill. I pay mine on line and I don't have a "home" phone. I go through the same hassles everyone else goes through when dealing with them. I do not have a special number to call. And no I probably do not know your relative and/or friend that works for at&t on the other side of the country or world. Luckily, my job does not require me to wear an at&t uniform any longer. I used to have to change clothes before I went anywhere after work... Walmart, grocery store, anywhere!!!
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    I have 5 kids, and often drag others around with me as well. I ALWAYS get

    ~Are they all yours?
    ~Do you own a tv?
    ~Don't you know what causes that?
    ~ Do you want/will you have more?
    ~Well, *I* could never have that many kids! (Nobody asked you to.)
    ~I could *never* stay home with my kids. They drive me crazy. (They'd probably drive me crazy too. Luckily I stay home with mine, not yours.)

    ^this....I have 6...I always love "Are they all yours" and "God bless you" answer to that one is "Yes, HE did!" :heart:
  • rachcamp88
    rachcamp88 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm a make up artist and when aquaintences find that out I tend to get the response 'oh I'll have to get you to do my make up at some point' yes I will do your make up IF you pay me,since its my job after all.
    Friends also feel they can take advantage, getting ready for nights out I get 'you can do my eye make up for me' 'I'll just get you to do my make up' or 'can you straighten my hair?'. I don't mind helping friends out but I have to get myself ready too so now if I am not asked in advance I won't do it.
    When men find out what I do the most common response is 'is there anything you can do for my face hahah' I've heard that so often that now I tell them that I'm not a miracle worker!
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    My "IT" is that I cloth diaper & ooooh the looks I get.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a cloth diapering mom who runs around telling everyone how awful they are for buying disposables. I say to each their own & do what works for your family.

    1) Don't tell me I'll get tired of it. It's been five months & it's right for my family so to each their own.
    2) Don't tell me it's a stupid choice. Why do you care what my kid poops in anyway?
    3) Tell me how inconvenient it is.'s been five months. A trip to Wal-Mart that's fifteen minutes away at midnight to buy more diapers is more inconvenient to me than washing a load of diapers every other day.
    4) Don't tell me I'll need disposables on vacation or at church. I don't & I won't.
    5) Don't assume cloth diapers are old school with rubber pants & blabber on to me about how awful it was on your grandmother to cloth diapers. It's not the same & they've progressed A LOT since 1920.
  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member
    Yes, I'm in a wheelchair. No, I don't know your cousin that lives in Ohio that's in a chair too. I live in's not a freaking cult or something, we don't all know each other.

    Omg.. This made me laugh.. Haha. People are so stupid.. I heard someone ask a little person something like this in a grocery store once. He turned to him and said "yea, I know that guy. He told me to tell you to stay home and stop interacting with society.. It's not going well." :)

    LOL, I'll have to remember that answer. I had somebody ask the other day if I knew somebody, turns out I actually do...I've known the person for 20 years...but I lied so it wouldn't make the person think we'd had another cult meeting recently. We gotta keep those things secret, or all kinda media try and show up to the bar we're having the meeting in.