Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    John Pinnette, the comic, said he would mention he lost 100 lbs, and be told "ya, I can really see it in your face".
    "what was I before, walking around with a head the size of a manhole cover, was I Mr Koolaid!"
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    "Eat something, your as thin as a stick" - Dad (I come from a heavy family)
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    I was cycling around downtown Houston one weekend by myself. It's not very crowded on weekends at all, and I stopped at a light and what looked to be a homeless man walked across the street in front of me said, "You tryin to lose weight? You need to be tryin to lose weight!." (I was like !@#$@ you *kitten*)
  • dreamshadows
    dreamshadows Posts: 734 Member
    I've been called Blubber, and also asked when the (biologically impossible) triplets were due.

    Beluga whales are smaller than you.
  • Narisong
    Narisong Posts: 191
    Do you have to pay for more than 1 airplane seat? (mother)
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    I kept getting told I look like an actress...i forget her name but she has piercings up her ear and is on a cop shop law and order or something. mind you she was 2 x the size of me...so it was insulting.
    I get you walk like a baby elephant, you fat pig, in high school it was shim the big fat dim sim.
    I was asked if I was pregnant, when i was due and Im like June...mind u that was 11 months away at he time! I wasnt but yeah degrading!
    My friend called me fat.
    The whole i am ashamed to been seen in public with you.
    You have more rolls then a bakery.
    Eww look at that who would find that attractive.
    Yu dont have ankles you have kankles....mind you I HAD ANKLES!

    These have been since i was 13, but i cop elephant and fat pig daily....inconsiderate *kitten* hole and he wonders why i call him a c word :explode:

    By compliment :flowerforyou: a guy that likes me said I am not fat I am just curvy:heart::drinker: :bigsmile: booster for me much, makes me more keen to succeed for that !!:love:
  • trlyblssd79
    trlyblssd79 Posts: 101 Member
    I had a child come up to me and ask me if there was a baby in my tummy - little kids are pretty honest though. That helped kick my butt in gear
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    I have three sisters that are model thin. Two of them are actually models. One of them is nice and supports my weight loss but the other is cruel. She likes to say things like "you should buy bigger pants cause your such a fat *kitten*" or "look at the elephant (or whale)." She has also told me that I should go walk and continue walking until I get rid of all the blubber under my skin. These are only some of the recent things she has said to me. Just this morning I was talking to my mom about taking a pregnancy test due to the advice of my Planned Parenthood doctor, she said she would kick me again and make sure I couldn't keep the baby if I was pregnant. Turns out I am not, which happened to be ok with me. My mother says things like, you are lovely but you would be even more beautiful if you just lost weight. Or my mother telling me that men will be more attracted to me once I stop eating so much and lose enough weight to have a waist. She also *****es at me that I got large breasts when she did not. Another time, someone I thought was my friend caused my breakup with my boyfriend and then told me that I would never keep a guy because I was just some dumb fat *****.
  • ive got quite a few too
    -you've got such a cute face...blah blah blah ugh we know how that one goes

    -(feeling ok in a halter top for once) "you look like a fat cow"-mom, when i was 16

    -"you've got to lose some weight or you're going to die"-dad (after he lost 180 lbs from wls and still hasn't changed a d**m thing about what he eats and lives a mile from home but bought a new truck to drive there and stiiillllll doesn't exercise a f****n bit, also im 5'6 and 201...clearly not going to die, hefty i admit but thats why im here :smile: )
  • kristinhills90
    kristinhills90 Posts: 38 Member
    oh here is one, I was at the grocery store with my 4day old daughter (she was in the carseat in the cart that I was pushing" and a lady happens to start conversation with me about how lucky I am that I don't have much longer until I give birth (cause it was hot outside). I was like" I'm not pregnant! This is my baby right here" I mean how pathetic is that! lol

    I had the EXACT same thing happen to me about a week after having my daughter!

    Even a few months after having her a woman in Walmart came up to me and said I was such a cute pregnant woman and asked when I was due. Me: "Ummm, I'm not pregnant..." She apologized but it was still devastating..

    Last one I can think of is when I was around 14-15. I was 5'10" and around 170 lbs. I was bigger than the average skinny minnie girls at my school, but not really overweight. I was happy with my size then, but as I was getting off the school bus another girl started moo'ing and oink'ing just to be a *****! =/
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    Your bum looks like two sacks of puppies.....(mother)
  • My father sold his house 5 years ago and gave all of my siblings $1,000.00 cash.... all of my siblings but not me, stating "Lose 100 pounds and ill give you your share, that should motivate you." I was 17 and 180 lbs at the time...

    My mom once told me while I was putting on my makeup for the day that I "could apply all the makeup in the world but it won't help if i'm fat."
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    2 random people asking me if i was pregnant i was shocked and horrified since i was 16 at the time (damn pcos and storing my weight in my tummy) lol luckily i dont weigh nearly that much these days still super self concious that someone would ask tho
  • BanjoKd
    BanjoKd Posts: 150
    A friend was visiting for the weekend her mom is also a good friend of mine. She called her mom on speakerphone to say hi and to let her know she got here. (5 hr drive) her mom says,"Don't let them girls fatten you up." Eyeroll
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    Recently some guy asked me whens the baby due... I hope he wasnt serious but that was soo insulting. Though my coat was a bit puffy i guess. Anyway I just ignored him and walked away.
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    My father sold his house 5 years ago and gave all of my siblings $1,000.00 cash.... all of my siblings but not me, stating "Lose 100 pounds and ill give you your share, that should motivate you." I was 17 and 180 lbs at the time...

    My mom once told me while I was putting on my makeup for the day that I "could apply all the makeup in the world but it won't help if i'm fat."

    Thats horrible!
  • SparkleDoomPony
    SparkleDoomPony Posts: 30 Member
    Wow, some of these make me want to cry. What's wrong with people?

    Mine (both in high school):

    I had just had surgery, so I couldn't run in PE, but the teacher made me stand there like a goal post. Two of the girls would yell "sloth" at me every time they made a lap.

    (I had liked professional wrestling at the age of 15, don't ask me why. I was wearing a shirt that said "Austin 3:16," a wrestling thing) For MONTHS after that, some girls called me "austin 316 lbs"
  • ladyplaz
    ladyplaz Posts: 111 Member
    My grandmother has always been on me about my wieght. When I was 13, this women constantly said I was heavy. She would send me really nice clothes that we two sizes to small. She said that I padded my bra to just get boys. I am naturally a D cup. (I found out when I had lost enough wieght to actually be what the Drs say is healthy) This past Christmas she visited and tells my oldest daughter she was heavy just like her mom.

    I have had little kids ( kindergarten, first grade) walk up, point at my knees and ask me where my knees where hiding.

    I carry my wieght in my legs and have heard comments about how you can set a beer on my butt. My crankles went all the way up. Thunder Thighes.
  • SparkleDoomPony
    SparkleDoomPony Posts: 30 Member
    OMG, she needs to be sternly talked to. And if she keeps saying things like that to your daughter, then maybe she doesn't deserve to see her.
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    Once my dad told me that if I wasn't more careful I was going to be like my mom.. My mom has always been overweight. And I still cant believe it was my dad who said that, because it's not like he is the thinnest or fittest person in the world! (Oh and thanks, dad for subtly calling me fat.)

    I was probably in 6th or 7th grade when he said that but here I am almost 10 years later and I remember it like it was yesterday. Every once in a while I hear his voice in my ear and it's motivation to be different than my family.