Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • mikonei
    mikonei Posts: 291 Member
    The main one that sticks in my head was seeing someone I hadn't seen in years. We had our hellos and went on our way. As I was walking away I heard him say to his friend "Damn, she got big!"
    If you're gonna be a douche at least do it to my face so I can punch you in yours *grumble*

    Luckily my family tries to stay positive. I don't think I could handle what some of you have posted. :(
  • airlily
    airlily Posts: 212 Member
    I've had a few nasty comments said to me, but I only remember the cruel things I'd say in response without even thinking. My attitude, especially when I was younger, was to hurt you 10x as much as you had hurt me. So, I don't recall exactly what these two girls had said, but I had replied "Fat is temporary, but (their race) is forever. I guess I'm the lucky one, huh." One girl was livid, and the other's mouth dropped open and stayed that way. I kept walking. I don't know why I reacted so badly.

    The best thing to remember is that your condition is temporary. People will not be making those comments forever to you. They will be making those kinds of comments forever to others, though, because their personalities are rank. Do you want to be like them, i asked myself?

    I'm still ashamed of that to this day. Comments still hurt, but you can't hear anything if you have your iPod on, right? :lol:

    Edit: Oh, and we all have dirt on each other in my family, so we keep our mouths shut unless we really want to invite the pain! <3
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Sad, how many of these are from parents. I've gotten the pregnant thing several times, and I tend to respond with a chipper, "Nope, just fat, thanks."

    The worst are my mom. On my WEDDING DAY, as she's helping me into my dress, she says, "You know, I really thought you'd lose weight for your wedding." (In retrospect, she lost weight for my wedding. By eating about 1100 calories a day. Gained it all back afterward, too.)

    And twice now, most recently at Christmas, she's asked if I've considered weight loss surgery. My response the first time was no. And I told her the several reasons why, primary being that I know that if I eat right, I'll lose it. This time, she said, "Now, am I remembering righht that you're not a candidate for surgery?" This after we told her we were watching calories and after I'd shown her my MFP app.

    I have decided to stop talking to her about weight, and just get on with it. :)
  • happybunnysbabe57
    happybunnysbabe57 Posts: 191 Member
    i love how most of these comments that r so rude r from our friends and family do they really think saying things like that makes it better.. my mom always hinted to me being bigger and she use to point at my belly and say if ur gonna wear that shirt suck it in and not to be rude to her but she was almost twice my size. one day she told me that i looked heavy in a shirt and that i had a huge muffin top and then the next night she asked to borrow a shirt of mine and remembering what she said to me before i told her no i didn't want it stretched out then i felt bad
  • airlily
    airlily Posts: 212 Member
    i love how most of these comments that r so rude r from our friends and family do they really think saying things like that makes it better.. my mom always hinted to me being bigger and she use to point at my belly and say if ur gonna wear that shirt suck it in and not to be rude to her but she was almost twice my size. one day she told me that i looked heavy in a shirt and that i had a huge muffin top and then the next night she asked to borrow a shirt of mine and remembering what she said to me before i told her no i didn't want it stretched out then i felt bad

    Exactly -- it's hurts more when you realize you stooped to their level, huh? >.<
  • Fififantastic
    My sister was showing her new boyfriend (who I had only just met ) some photos from when we were younger (and skinnier) she told him that I used to have a body like Kylie Minogue. He turned around and said wow! you looked HOT! ... What happened???...........*kitten*!!!!
  • extremewinner
    extremewinner Posts: 98 Member
    Too many to think of at this point but..
    - typical nicknames in primary school
    - in high school,I had to share a seat with a really thin girl and a group of guys behind us were pointing and laughing and "waiting for me to fall off of the chair".. didnt happen.

    And from my family, if I didnt want to eat because I was legitmately ill etc. theyd comment sarcastically how I must be trying a rad diet to lose weight.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    My father sold his house 5 years ago and gave all of my siblings $1,000.00 cash.... all of my siblings but not me, stating "Lose 100 pounds and ill give you your share, that should motivate you." I was 17 and 180 lbs at the time...

    My mom once told me while I was putting on my makeup for the day that I "could apply all the makeup in the world but it won't help if i'm fat."

    wow! you take the cake for insults!
  • theskinnyonme
    theskinnyonme Posts: 443 Member
    I used to get told all the time by family that I was the smart sister.( My mom )whom I dont speak to anymore would tell ppl I had pork chop cheeks, and she always thought she d have to pay someone to take me to the prom. She always failed to mention I went to 5 proms in 3 yrs. She always was talking about how small my sisyet was and how she could wear what she wanted and it was shame I didnt have more choices for clothes.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    A few years ago, a distant cousin said: You'd look more like your mom if you were smaller. (My mom was a skinny minnie growing up. At some point in childhood she gained a bit and was a size 14 for 1-2 years. These days she's 6-8. I don't really have her body type at all. The only thing I have in common with my mom body wise is mostly the limbs: bigger arms, bigger thighs. I also passed her in the breast department by 7th grade. She has skinnier legs, and a longer torso.)

    That was probably the mot obnoxious. When I was much younger (8-10) I got comments like: you could be a model if you lost your tummy. That was about the time I decided to ignore people's comments about my body.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    boyfriend (now ex) : if you lost weight, you would probably be better in bed
    mum (after losing 15kg) : i know you've lost a bit of weight but you're stomach is still too big and that dress just accentuates it.
    my aunty would always say stuff behind my back (not completely sure what) but when she say me at christmas she was like... oh ****! :noway: :laugh: tehehe was funny.
    my manager (i got him fired ;) whoops) told me i would be prettier if i lost 10kgs
    the one that upsets me the most though is when people find out I'm gonna be a CPT and they look me up and down with a eyebrow raised and are like... "uhhuh"
  • mjgirliegurl
    i went to my grandmas house one day and we were talking..i tld her i had started working out and eating better..she said "good,now your body can match your beautiful face.".i was so upset that day.old people can be so mean :( but it only motivated me more.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    I went to the beach recently (a big step for me), was having a lovely day, beach was pretty secluded, went for a swim and then decided to dry off by laying in the sun and reading my book. A guy walking past said to his friend "let's go down the other end, get away from the beached whale". He then looked straight at me and smirked. I was pretty pleased with my come back though "I'd insult you back mate, but I can see nature has already done it for me." Hehehe - I've always wanted to use that line!
    hahaha awesome come back!
  • growlbaby
    A few weeks ago my husband and I were staying at his fathers.. and his father took me aside and told me that I smelled like a fat person and that it was difficult to be around me sometimes and to not take offense if him and his girlfriend and her kids back away from me when I'm talking to them or don't eat around me or won't be in the same room as me.

    That hurt me worst of all. I have been called every name in the book and I'm sure a few that aren't and I was always a really good sport about it. But, I really respected that man (because I didn't have a dad growing up) and thought of him like a dad.

    It still hurts me and when I think about it, it gives me more inspiration to lose weight and throw his nasty comments back in face with a rocking hot body :)
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    'You're only pretty when you've lost weight!'

    That was what a very upfront friend told me 12 years ago and I sat in the club crying all night. It's all I think about now when I put on weight! When I am heavier I have a lot of issues about going out now and can tear apart my entire wardrobe frantically trying to find something to cover myself up. I'm so much happier now I'm near my Target. It's so hard to forget a comment like that....ever.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    i love how most of these comments that r so rude r from our friends and family do they really think saying things like that makes it better.. my mom always hinted to me being bigger and she use to point at my belly and say if ur gonna wear that shirt suck it in and not to be rude to her but she was almost twice my size. one day she told me that i looked heavy in a shirt and that i had a huge muffin top and then the next night she asked to borrow a shirt of mine and remembering what she said to me before i told her no i didn't want it stretched out then i felt bad
    classic come back! if they can dish it i say give it back! Noone likes to insult me now I go ape sh....t
  • Hummmingbird
    Hummmingbird Posts: 337 Member
    Wow you weigh how much?! Well, dont worry....you carry it really well!

    How in the hell is that a compliment? lol
  • leavingfat
    leavingfat Posts: 64 Member
    A few years ago, when I was in graduate school (and teaching courses at my college for money), I was doing some grocery shopping. A woman stocking the shelves came over to me and said, "Honey, you're pretty but if you don't lose weight you're never going to get a good job."

    I just smiled and thanked her for the advice, but I was pretty horrified. I'm sure she wasn't trying to be mean--I've read the studies that say some aspect of pay/job availability is based on weight. But still: ouch.
  • amiles21693
    I was pretty thin growing up but I packed on weight my sophomore year of high school when I started a new medication. My two best friends are very thin and I went with them one halloween to some party. Of course they wore cute sexy costumes and I tried to be a good sport and wear one too. However, when I walked into the party, a very tall and overweight guy, was like "Damn, the girl in the stripes is FAT!" I left immediately after, and cried for quite a while. It hurts when people who dont know anything about you insult you like that. Because I know I'm a great person and it just crushed me. ): But he can suck it, because I've lost 30lbs since, and an additional 8 since starting this site. (And it doesnt hurt that my boy friend thinks Im the sexiest thing ever (: )
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    A few years ago, when I was in graduate school (and teaching courses at my college for money), I was doing some grocery shopping. A woman stocking the shelves came over to me and said, "Honey, you're pretty but if you don't lose weight you're never going to get a good job."

    I just smiled and thanked her for the advice, but I was pretty horrified. I'm sure she wasn't trying to be mean--I've read the studies that say some aspect of pay/job availability is based on weight. But still: ouch.

    Who do these people think they are? Who speaks to random strangers like that? Grrrrr the general public really annoy me! Besides there are very few very shallow jobs that base who they employ on weight and usually the weight they want their employees to aspire to can only be achieved through eating disorders. Who wants to work for nob jockeys like that anyway!