Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • racheyrooroo
    The worst ones to my face were a boy at school who told me i was so fat my knees would crush under my weight. I was 13 years old, and about 9 stone, so only slightly. Chubby at the very most. That hurt big time and still carries with me now.

    As an adult i have had at least 6 people ask me when the baby is due! And someone at work described me as the tubby one! Out of all the words they could have used to describe me, they chose to pick on my weight!

    Im using them all as motivation now. 19 pounds lost so far.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    You're a good looking girl but if you lost weight you'd be beautiful.... Thanks (mother)

    You're too fat for sex (ex boyfriend trying to "motivate" me to lose weight)

    You're skin on your face is stretching so your pores look huge!! (mother again)

    Omg!!!!!! What's wrong with people!?!? Lol. Thanks mom!
  • rachcamp88
    rachcamp88 Posts: 88 Member
    My older sister has always been the worst for making horrible comments. In primary school she had all the kids call me 'piggy' that name followed me for years! There's less than a year age gap between us and I got my first bra before her, she used to say that I didn't really have boobs it was just extra fat from my stomach.
    She put on weight while she was pregnant and a few months after she gave birth she was going on a night out and had nothing to wear, I took great pleasure in offering some of my clothes!
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    Boy, what kind of people have you grown up with and come across? I sure had my fair share on the school yard, but I always had a wicked remark and might have just smacked one or the other.
    Maybe I come across scary, I just snarl and people back off before even trying to give me any good advice ^^
    Also I have to say my family has always been super suportive and so has my best fgriend. If your best friend tells you you are fat and embarassing to be seen with, I would rethink the whole friendship - wtf?
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    I was asked by a customer in work the other day when I was due!
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    You look like a skeleton. I can't hug you incase you break. I get it's a bit different but that's only because I suffer with anorexia. Some of the things people have said to me are horrible it makes me feel stupid. Just because I'm underweight it doesn't mean it hurts any less. I'm in recovery, not doing so well right now but I want to prove to myself that I am beautiful and I can be strong.
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    The worst thing that I remember is when I'd just started secondary school, and a girl turned to me and said "I think me and you are probably the fattest in this class". It broke my heart. Not because I was the fattest in the class because I'd been used to that throughout primary school, but because this girl was about four stone HEAVIER than me, and was classing me in the same category as her. It just broke me. And ruined my entire high school life.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Two years ago, I had let myself go.

    I hadn't seen my mother in six months. The first thing she says to me when she picks me up from the airport: "Holy s**t you weren't kidding when you said you gained weight!"

    And, a month later, from my mother.

    "You know, you're never going to look the way you want to. With how much you work out, you should be a model right now. Might as well give up."

    And then from my aunt (who is 350lbs and knows nothing about nutrition)

    "Honey, you have my genetics. Just give it up (about the exercise and eating properly). You're never going to be skinny."

    I've lost 40lbs in the last two years and I've been working on toning my arms. I'm certainly no fitness model, but they don't look terrible. My aunt, the fat one, said to me last month "Wow. You have gorilla arms."

    ...I hate my family, lol.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    This hurt so much, after losing 20 pounds my dad who had lost a little was like neither of us are anyones after pictures, I know he didnt mean harm and all but idk, I wasnt really that big I didnt think, so it hurt
  • failnomore
    I think I can beat most of these insults.....

    On my Wedding day, yes my wedding day!!!! My future mother-in-lam said as I came down the stairs in my wedding dress ....

    "Here comes the bride 40 foot wide" My whole day was ruined... I said nothing to my husband at the time as I did not want to ruin his day aswell, i did tell him afterwards and his reply " ah don't mind her, she did'nt mean it"
  • ChunkyFunkyMonkey
    sara lee
    rolly polly
  • becjerami
    I think I can beat most of these insults.....

    On my Wedding day, yes my wedding day!!!! My future mother-in-lam said as I came down the stairs in my wedding dress ....

    "Here comes the bride 40 foot wide" My whole day was ruined... I said nothing to my husband at the time as I did not want to ruin his day aswell, i did tell him afterwards and his reply " ah don't mind her, she did'nt mean it"

    Wow, what a cow! If only you could have leapt down stairs and crushed her! lol! Some people are just unbelieveable oxygen thieves... But it's a real pity you've got that for a mother in law. From your husband's response it sounds like his Mum might have always been this rude so don't let it get you down!
  • diegogirl
    When my hub and I were goin through a really BAD patch we went to a party and he said why I can't be sexy like all those girls at the party :0(. Then he said another time why can't I be a sexy SIZE ZERO like all other real woman are out there in the world and says my boobs are way too big and should only be small as apricots or less than a handful and said to have them removed by a surgeon >:0( I didn't realise you not a real woman ynless your a size zero
  • Leafeh
    Leafeh Posts: 37 Member
    my father gave me a scale as a Christmas present 3 years ago.
  • gemmaldavies
    oohhhh..... lot of wounds can open up on this one. :(

    i was very chubby when i was a kid (my sis was the thin one) but when i started high school, a group of lads in the year above me called me Sherman Tank!!!

    absolutely humuliating. :cry:
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    The one that gets me is "you're pretty even though you're a bigger girl". Thanks for that. I'm pretty in spite of being a heifer. That one really upsets me more than being called fat I think!

    EDIT: Also, if people as if I'm pregnant, I always just tell them it's a food baby. The shock on their face that I'm so upfront about it totally makes me feel better!
  • ribosome42
    I was told I'd be really pretty if I wasn't so fat.
  • poopoomonkey1978
    poopoomonkey1978 Posts: 108 Member
    I am so happy you put this question out there I just asked for advice with a topic like this. My mom used to put me down all the time but recently it has been a "friend" saying things like her husband and her can't believe my stomach is smaller then hers because it doesn't appear that way. She also said that one of her friends saw us out but never said hi and then later asked her if she was giving all her sons clothes to me and how do I know the sex of that baby how far along am I? I had my baby 2 and a half years ago. I think she is doing it because she feels bigger to me and she wants to make me feel bad, and give up exercising. Oh well to bad not going to happen
  • Jessastar
    Jessastar Posts: 234
    I have three.

    One of them was: I had an interview at subway, and when the manager called me back later that day he said "you're too fat to work here, sorry. We're going with the other girl since Beauty sells more."

    2nd: I was walking and minding my own business, when a couple guys in a car drove up to me, started throwing trash and soda at me then called me a "fatty" and go "hibernate" since it's winter and drove off.

    3rd: I was in a car with my best friend and his mother, and she looked over at me and asked when I was due, I was like "Due?" and she's like "Yeah, you're baby. whens your baby due?" and I wasn't even pregnant.
  • IrishMinx32
    IrishMinx32 Posts: 77 Member
    People say then and now..... You have such a beautiful face if only you could lose some weight.

    One time i got so mad and I told this girl" that beauty is only skin deep, that it's what inside counts. And that's where i will prevail against you." I was in Jr high when this happened and it makes me realize that Yes i need to lose for me, not to make other happy, that im worth it. I also feel that the people out there that take first impressions so seriously that THEY WONT TAKE THE TIME TO KNOW A PERSON PERSONALLY ARENT WORTH MY TIME TO BE WITH. it's their loss.