Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • Victoriav99
    Victoriav99 Posts: 260 Member
    The worst comment I heard was that my behind was getting too wide and so were my 'thunder thighs". I honestly can't remember who told me that it was definitely not anyone close to me. I know my family and husband would never say anything like that... Anyways That's when I got serious because my figure is something I've always been proud of. Now I'm back on track and hear compliments like I have a cokebottle figure and how tiny my waist is!
  • sugarnspice0613
    sugarnspice0613 Posts: 109 Member
    My ex husband had a friend who actually told me I was so fat I should kill myself. That it's people like me that cause world hunger.
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    A few weeks after I had my twins I was visitng my grandparents and I was standing in the kitchen when my grandad said 'you still have a bit of a belly dont you' I ignored him thought let it go, but then he came over a put his hands on my tummy and said still got a bit to go. By then I was a little upset and through my pregnancy I was concious about the weight and straight after as anyone knows you have that 'jelly belly' thing going on.

    I had already started healthy eating and was waiting for full recovery from a section so was well aware of the weight thing. I snapped and said I now I still have a belly I dont need others to point out 'oh your still fat thank you very much'! Maybe the wrong reaction but I was offended.

    Gotta love grandparents sometimes not very tactful...
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    I've never really gotten negative comments about my weight, even when I was little.
    *is lucky*
    But, about two years ago my great uncle said, "you can't be a vegetarian, you're fat."

    I was more insulted that he would call me a liar about something that is so important to me, but the "you're fat" part stung a bit as well.
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    I have a delightful work colleague who says things like, "I saw someone in the street who looked just like you, only thinner." And when a new diet pill was launched in the UK, she was kind enough to look it up online and print off details for me.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    -My husband is the worse one. When we are laying in bed he puts himself all the way on my side and I tell him to move over and he says I'm on my side, it's not my fault you take up more room and don't have space left over. When he gets mad he tells me I'm a fat lazy B****. He says if it wouldn't have been for our son I wouldn't have married you. I respond I didn't force you to marry me, I could have raised him on my own. Go B**** at your mom for making you marry me. Since I've lost weight he calls me "neck" because he says I have a neck now. I don't know how to feel about that.

    That's freaking horrible!
    That's abuse (in my opinion). Don't let him treat you this way. You deserve so much better.

    Yes, that's verbal abuse. It's not right, and I hope you tell him to stop calling you names. I'm sorry you're being treated this way. {{{hugs}}}}
  • nyd_12
    nyd_12 Posts: 12 Member
    It use to be "Wow Mija when are you going to try to get on a diet?" now that I've dropped the weight it's... "You look anorexic... are you sure you're eating? You look sick all the time." It seems like their never happy.
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    I have three sisters that are model thin. Two of them are actually models. One of them is nice and supports my weight loss but the other is cruel. She likes to say things like "you should buy bigger pants cause your such a fat *kitten*" or "look at the elephant (or whale)." She has also told me that I should go walk and continue walking until I get rid of all the blubber under my skin. These are only some of the recent things she has said to me. Just this morning I was talking to my mom about taking a pregnancy test due to the advice of my Planned Parenthood doctor, she said she would kick me again and make sure I couldn't keep the baby if I was pregnant. Turns out I am not, which happened to be ok with me. My mother says things like, you are lovely but you would be even more beautiful if you just lost weight. Or my mother telling me that men will be more attracted to me once I stop eating so much and lose enough weight to have a waist. She also *****es at me that I got large breasts when she did not. Another time, someone I thought was my friend caused my breakup with my boyfriend and then told me that I would never keep a guy because I was just some dumb fat *****.

    just so you know the "mean model thin" one probably hates herself and is taking all he insecurities out on you, and if a man doesn't want you for aaaalllll of you then you shouldn't want him :)
  • I've had bad relationships with food in the past, what with having strict calorie limits, portion sizes, 'safe foods' that I would eat every day and never branch out from, panicking about restaurants, not wanting to eat in front of people, etc - basically disordered eating but never a full blown ED. Was trying to explain this once to a group of people in my first year of uni, one of whom's response was 'but you can't be scared of eating food, you're not that thin!'. Basically saying I wasn't thin enough for them to believe I counted calories and skipped meals.
    Really hurt.
  • hikapica2
    hikapica2 Posts: 1 Member
    I think what took all the wind out of my sail and absolutely depressed me for weeks, was the fact that my new husband told me on our last day of our honeymoon, that "in his opinion when someone sees a couple walking down the street, they should not be wondering which one was the guy and which one was the woman. A woman should ALWAYS be much smaller than the guy. He just can't handle that I gained such a horrible amount of weight (20 lbs is not THAT horrible) and that he hopes he can work through this"... REALLY dude? On our honeymoon? I cried for days and when we got our pictures back from the honeymoon, I could not stand looking at them cause the only thing they reminded me of was that I just was not quite good enough and that personality and inner beauty do not play into his equation. How shallow :'(
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    "When are you due?"

    My favorite! Now that my stomach is shrinking, I shouldn't have that question asked ever again!

    I got asked this at my largest, and when I told her I was not pregnant, she looked me up and down and said "come on, yes you are!"..........yeah, that's right, she argued with me, for I swear several minutes. I cried a lot that day, but it was a turning point for me....but I will never forget it.

    My husband has told me that he will never EVER ask a woman when she's due, unless he sees the head crowning right there!
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    Some jerk in a pub: "Fat *kitten*!"


    Me: "Dumb *kitten*."

    fantastic!!, made my day hehe
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I went to the beach recently (a big step for me), was having a lovely day, beach was pretty secluded, went for a swim and then decided to dry off by laying in the sun and reading my book. A guy walking past said to his friend "let's go down the other end, get away from the beached whale". He then looked straight at me and smirked. I was pretty pleased with my come back though "I'd insult you back mate, but I can see nature has already done it for me." Hehehe - I've always wanted to use that line!

    I'm going to write that one down and use it as a generic comeback! Thanks! You have a great sense of humor.
  • anabell31
    anabell31 Posts: 268
    I think we all need hugs. {{{huggles}}} We will make all those wretched people eat their words!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I think what took all the wind out of my sail and absolutely depressed me for weeks, was the fact that my new husband told me on our last day of our honeymoon, that "in his opinion when someone sees a couple walking down the street, they should not be wondering which one was the guy and which one was the woman. A woman should ALWAYS be much smaller than the guy. He just can't handle that I gained such a horrible amount of weight (20 lbs is not THAT horrible) and that he hopes he can work through this"... REALLY dude? On our honeymoon? I cried for days and when we got our pictures back from the honeymoon, I could not stand looking at them cause the only thing they reminded me of was that I just was not quite good enough and that personality and inner beauty do not play into his equation. How shallow :'(

    And, what's the ending to this story...you found someone else?!
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    ah yes, The perils of a Mexican mama......even to this day my mom ask me have you lost weight...blah blah, etc, then make you a taco and wonder why your not eating desert too. ;)
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I just heard this today, "How is your mother losing weight? What diet is she on?" from my ex-mother in law. My daughter replied, "My mother is not on a diet. She changed her lifestyle, watching what she eats, exercises regularly, and counting her calories. My mother has lost 66 pounds since August and has 49 pounds to go."

    To which my ex-mother in law said, "No one loses weight by counting calories. She will gain it all back. It's not going to work."

    Hmmmm...that was yesterday when I reached 179 and my BMI calculation is telling me that I am no longer obese, I'm over and that the last time I was at this weight I was going through a divorce about 15 years ago. I am feeling a little Aesop-ish when I say there is a moral to this story.

    Those who do not find happiness in their lives are the first to lash out at yours.

    At least in this story I can say that the ex-mother in law has had a rough life. While I will always wish her well, and encourage if possible, she is the quintessential portrait of weak feeble-minded, and gullible woman...the kind that are always shoved into the closet because they can't think or speak for themselves..not that they don't have a voice or something to contribute, they were told from a very young age that they had no value, and at every countable step to adult life and beyond that first label was reinforced. And it continues...daily.

    One day, she will speak. I will hold onto that.
  • My old workmate constantly used to joke sayng ''I bet you need to look in a puddle to see your '' ****' '' he meant no harm but I did see him for the first time in a year and a half the other week and I made sure to let him know I would no longer need a puddle lol
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    my mom who is at least 200 lbs said " you know you should really wear a girdle so your stomach doesn't stick out like that" later that night her friend came over for dinner and then asked if i was pregnant again, sigh. The next day I joined here.
  • my husband went away with the lads and cheated, he told me "what do you expect look at the state of you" four affairs later I got the guts to pack his case