What's the strangest/grossest thing you've eaten



  • Tivo8MyNeighbors
    Tivo8MyNeighbors Posts: 151 Member
    Opossum: Like a giant, greasy rat.
    Raccoon: Like a bigger, giant, greasy rat.
    Alligator: Delicious, texture like a chicken nugget.
    Octopus: Grilled, I disliked the texture. Reminded me of chewing on a large rubberband. Taste was a bit "fishy" for me.
    Haggis: Liver flavor was too strong for me. Vomited it, but frankly, it was about 115 degrees that day.
    Leberkase: I hate liver. Never again.
    Souse: Sandwich "loaf" made of the leftover bits after you butcher a hog. Grandmother liked it; she can keep it.
  • ellebit
    ellebit Posts: 15

    For those of you who don't know what is this, its a Filipino food composed of a fertilized duck embryo that is boiled alive and eaten in the shell. So I ate it whole including that hairy duck embryo. :sick:

    This one got me.. wwwwtttttfffffff

    Oh cool went back a couple pages to see the photos from someone else. .....

  • countryviolet333
    countryviolet333 Posts: 10 Member
    Cow's tongue. It was nasty.

    I refuse to eat anything that can taste me back... :sick:

  • I dared my 10 yr old to eat a fish eye and he did it. Yeah, I am a bad mum but it was pretty funny
  • Ostrich, served raw on a hot plate so it gently cooked while you ate it.
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Fertilized duck egg
    Fertilized pigeon egg
    BBQ Rat
    BBQ Dog
    Cobra Liver .... and meat ...
    Cobra blood in vodka
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    cows tounge is a normal food to eat around christmas here.
    mutton ribs is also a delicious christmas dinner ( might sound weird to others).
    Lutefisk (dried cod treated with lye)
    Sheeps head w/ eyes

    ^^ all of the above are norwegian traditional foods.... Makes me wonder why some of my fellow norweigans are having problems with sushi :)

    Lutefisk- we have (or rather in Minnesota) there exists (existed) tv dinners featuring lutefisk

    now I don't like lutefisk or at least not one that I had tried btu there is another Lutefisk like dish where instead of lye only salt is used- which one is that- cause that one I like...
  • sirihermine
    sirihermine Posts: 123 Member

    For those of you who don't know what is this, its a Filipino food composed of a fertilized duck embryo that is boiled alive and eaten in the shell. So I ate it whole including that hairy duck embryo. :sick:

    Had to read up on it at Wikipedia...Kind of wish I hadn't.... ;)
  • sirihermine
    sirihermine Posts: 123 Member
    cows tounge is a normal food to eat around christmas here.
    mutton ribs is also a delicious christmas dinner ( might sound weird to others).
    Lutefisk (dried cod treated with lye)
    Sheeps head w/ eyes

    ^^ all of the above are norwegian traditional foods.... Makes me wonder why some of my fellow norweigans are having problems with sushi :)

    Lutefisk- we have (or rather in Minnesota) there exists (existed) tv dinners featuring lutefisk

    now I don't like lutefisk or at least not one that I had tried btu there is another Lutefisk like dish where instead of lye only salt is used- which one is that- cause that one I like...

    Not sure what it's called in english, but we call it Klippfisk. It's dried white fish with a lot of salt right? That you soak and then prepare? :tongue: yeah, I like that better than lutefisk too.. Never got the hang of lutefisk, but my wife loves it and we (that means her, I'll eat a hamburger) go out to eat it at a restaurant every christmas (cause I can't stand the smell, so we can't make it at home)
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    I once ate a fig newton, and didn't realize until I reached for the second that they were covered in ants. Live ants probably taste the same as dead ones, but they tickle going down. Heh

    Mannish Water = soup made from the head, tripe, and tail of a goat. Didn't taste bad, was more thrown by the fact that I was having it at what I was told was a party, which was in fact a funeral celebration (for someone I didn't know).

    I also ate a fish eye once; had a whole fried fish on my plate, and wasn't paying close enough attention.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Dulse, shark fin, goat roti, curried duck, escargot...nothing too crazy. I used to really like veal as a kid, but then my parents told me what it really was and it broke my heart.

    I do like to be adventurous though and like to try new things!

    When I was a kid, I had a bad habit of "sampling" weird things when no one was looking...like hand creams and laundry detergent.