Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • nikolaim5
    nikolaim5 Posts: 233
    "Yeah you, the tall skinny guy".
  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    Everyone keeps asking if I'm pregnant because I gained a lot of weight (30 lbs.) in a short time (5 months). Obviously I'm not pregnant which makes this very hurtful.

    I have a non-pregnant friend who gets congratulated on her pregnancy at her job ALL THE TIME. It literally happens almost daily. And she's not particulalry overweight, either; it's just kind of how she's built. The extra weight that she does have just sort of collects at the front of her midsection.
  • sandy729
    sandy729 Posts: 232 Member
    "When are you due?"

    My favorite! Now that my stomach is shrinking, I shouldn't have that question asked ever again!

    I got asked this at my largest, and when I told her I was not pregnant, she looked me up and down and said "come on, yes you are!"..........yeah, that's right, she argued with me, for I swear several minutes. I cried a lot that day, but it was a turning point for me....but I will never forget it.

    I can totally relate. I was transferred back to our main office and I ran into a a coworker I hadn't seen in years. She looks at me and says, "Oh....you must have had a baby.!" Don't worry that baby weight will come off in no time." I looked at her and said, "no....I don't have kids." She just flat out and said, "What happened to you...you use to be so thin!" I had to go home early I was so upset.
  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
    I was visiting family & had recently lost 30 lbs. While down there i ate SO MUCH junk i was extremely bloated! My uncle says "My gawd your stomach is BIG" .." uhhhm, I just lost 30 lbs" :| and then my eyes teared and i had to leave. Horrible. From a 42 inch waist, and at the time I had a 36 inch waist (im only 5 ft) .. argh!
  • faiga
    faiga Posts: 47
    one saterday i was sitting reading a book and of course eating (about 7 Yrs. Ago) for 45 minuets my sister yelled at me calling me a fat pig and how ungly i was. she than kept yelling at met to start moving lose weight and that she was calling me fat pig for my own good.
    i somehow cannot forget that even though we have become friends somewhat
  • MLeigh18
    MLeigh18 Posts: 120 Member
    I've been told not to wear skinny jeans because my thighs are too big.... My thighs are 23" around at their widest part and are primarily muscle -- I LOVE squats. - my sister told me that one this past Christmas while we were at Church.

    One girl used to call me "cheesy" in high school because I had cellulite on the back of my thighs that looked like cottage cheese. Needless to say, that's part of the reason why I love squats. No more cellulite!!
  • My girlfriends had a day-long bachelorette party for me. I am not a fan of being the center of attention, but I was eloping and they wanted to do something special. They arranged spa treatments, brunch, shopping for the honeymoon, dinner and cocktails, so it was a really special day. The last stop was to have cocktails and a lot of the people in the bar were super sweet and wanted to be a part of the celebration. My friends wanted me to wear a veil, tiara, gaudy jewelry, a novelty tank top and other kitschy accessories (I'm wearing it all in my profile pic), so I did it for them. The tank top was not flattering, but it was important for my friends, so I wore it without complaint, but I knew I looked big, especially since my girl friends are all tiny. As we were leaving, an obnoxious guy said (sarcastically) "Wow. He's a lucky man." and then he laughed at me. I pretended not to hear, but it stung.
  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
    I've been told not to wear skinny jeans because my thighs are too big.... My thighs are 23" around at their widest part and are primarily muscle -- I LOVE squats. - my sister told me that one this past Christmas while we were at Church.

    One girl used to call me "cheesy" in high school because I had cellulite on the back of my thighs that looked like cottage cheese. Needless to say, that's part of the reason why I love squats. No more cellulite!!

    wow, thats about the same as mine and I rock them skinny jeaaans!
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    A nurse practitioner told me to stop eating doughnuts because I was going to be morbidly obese and dead by the time I was her age...then she poked my arm and looked at me in disgust and said oh yeah you DEFINITELY need to tone ..... p.s. I don't eat doughnuts BTCH

    WHERE DO THESE PPL COME FROMMMMM!?!? LOOOOL how do they exist?????

    Something similar happened to me as a kid I was probably 11 or 12 my doctor looked at his BMI chart (which is a bit stupid for a ped anyway) and said "You need to stop eating so many cookies." Than he laughed, at that point I had been made fun of enough by the other kids I knew I was fat. My mom said "She doesn't eat cookies" lol I love my mom of course she said it all sassy and he left my weight alone for that visit.
    Thinking back I had such a good body image when I was younger than after I was made fun of for a few years it got to me. I used to say at about the age of 6 "I have the perfect body size! I'm not too skinny and I'm not too big!"
    Ahhh little me, so cute.

    Oh another one in 3rd grade I sat next to this stupid kid and we were all taking turns pinching each other and I said okay my turn he said my arm was too fat to pinch. ???? what does that even mean????
    Man I took criticism like a champ as a kid lol!
  • Mirth
    Mirth Posts: 77
    I lost about 30lbs this past year. An older man came into my workplace who had been there when I first started the job last March. He looked me up and down, gave me a big smile, and asked when my kid had been born. I was never pregnant.

    When I told my mother about my weight loss success last year her response was "Is that all?"
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    Before my husband confirmed my suspicions of being a cheat he told me.....I was 'fat ugly, and an embarassment to be seen with'
  • My own mother called me a cow. Never have I been so hurt before. And I will never forget it either.
  • A few years ago when the Ravens were playing against the Titans down in Tennessee my family and friends decided to make a road trip out of it and go watch the game. So from Maryland to Tennessee we went for the game. After the game my family and I got separated and it was just me and one of our family friends....As we were walking back to our cars a car full of guys came to a hault behind us and yelled something at me, and when I turned they yelled it again. They called me a "fat *kitten*" and told me to go back to Maryland (I had on my Ravens jersey). It's people like this that make me want to lose weight and if I could I'd thank them for giving me the initiative that I had now to lose weight. I've had many occasions where people have been rude enough with their comments but this one particularly sticks out in my mind. Some day I'm not going to be the fat girl and they'll be sorry.

    As some of the comments above me I've also gotten some mean remarks from family members involving my weight.... one for instance was from my father. It was after dinner and I could not get by his chair because there wasn't enough room, so I did what any human being would do....I asked him if he could scoot in please. He snapped at me "Well maybe if you went on the subway diet or something you'd be able to fit through." It hurt...and I went up into my room and cried. It's hard when people you don't know or are people you're acquainted with call you fat, but it's harder and hurts more when family or friends say it to you.
    One day, that's all I have to say. I'm going to be something bigger in this world, and I don't mean my weight.

  • skedzie
    skedzie Posts: 91 Member
    X-Husband "Don't use the treadmill - you are cracking the drywall"

    Notice the X!!
  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    "When are you due?"

    My favorite! Now that my stomach is shrinking, I shouldn't have that question asked ever again!

    same here...has happened more than once. one sweet lady at Church said "I didn't know you were expecting!" my response, I am not!!!!!!
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I have so many.. my younger brother figures teasing me about my weight is going to make me lose it faster so he always has some kind of rude comment.

    I think the one that hurt me the most happened when I was in grade 7... I was on a class trip to a lake that is only a few minutes from where I grew up and I was swimming and one of the girls said loud enough from the beach "Hey did you guys know whales can survive in fresh water? Because I didn't until just now..." and then she pointed at me and of course everyone laughed.

    I am only 4'10ish at the time I weighed between 145 - 150 pounds so I was by no mean small, but it is one of the most hurtful things that was said to/about me.
  • I'm not sure if this is the worst, but it's the one that has stuck with me all of these years. My 'best' friend when I was 10 asked me, "Doesn't it make you sad that you're 10 and weigh 100 pounds?" I was already 5'5". Not overweight back then by any stretch. I always seem to hear her voice though.
  • keledawn20
    keledawn20 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey I remember when you were small and everyone wanted you...what happened!?! UGH, that hurt!
  • dlee1234
    dlee1234 Posts: 33 Member
    with my brothers girlfriend out in blackpool feeling good all dressed up passed a gang of lads and one pipes up wow what a stunner shame about the fat one ( my brothers girlfriend is a uk size 8) wouldnt mind but i was a uk 12 at the time!
  • Michelle_Nicole
    Michelle_Nicole Posts: 95 Member
    At my heaviest I was asked by a custoemr at the bank if I was pregnant, when I said no he actually fought with me saying I was lying to him and why cant I admit i'm having a baby. I told him In a nice but stern dont f**** with me voice, I am not pregnant. His reply......Oh sorry I guess you really stopped caring and packed a ton of weight on then!! really?????? Any time I have motovational issues I think ofthat comment, about 25lbs down from then!!:smooched: