Who believes in Internet Dating?



  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I'd love to have an e-girlfriend. I can send e-food, e-mail, e-kisses, e-foreplay, e-alcohol and e-jac.. jk on the last one.
  • fj211
    fj211 Posts: 95
    I met my husband online ( not a dating site). I wound up moving to the west coast from Ohio and have not regretted it. We've been married for 11 years. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

    Before him, I did use a few online dating sites and met a few great guys. No bad stories from me.
  • sarahstoltman
    I met a few *kitten* but online dating found me my best friend and now fiance :)
  • bmkx0
    bmkx0 Posts: 308
    I'd love to have an e-girlfriend. I can send e-food, e-mail, e-kisses, e-foreplay, e-alcohol and e-jac.. jk on the last one.
  • erintheinspiration
    erintheinspiration Posts: 229 Member
    Online dating has not been a friend to me, LOL! Not that I couldn't have met these same scumbags in person, but the fact that I met them online before meeting them has totally turned me off of meeting anyone else that way. I hear stories of people finding their happily-ever-after online all of the time, however I'm convinced it is not for me!
  • drowninginatowel
    I met my husband online. It wasn't a dating site it was a social network and I didn't go there in search of love or anything of that sort. We spent well over a year just chatting and decided to hang out since we did have some mutual friends. He lived about 25 minutes away. A few months of hanging out then we became boyfriend and girlfriend a year later he proposed, we got married, and had a beautiful baby girl:heart::blushing: :drinker: Would I recommend it? No. Especially when you start a relationship without ever meeting the person, I know too many people who have had their heart broken this way:huh: :indifferent: :sick: But if it just happens then awesome. If you love each other does it really matter where you met?
  • drowninginatowel
    I'd love to have an e-girlfriend. I can send e-food, e-mail, e-kisses, e-foreplay, e-alcohol and e-jac.. jk on the last one.

    LOL :smokin:
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    As has been said, if that's all it will ever be...NO. However, if you meet someone online, make a connection and take it further, why not? It's another way to meet someone with similar interests and goals you might not have otherwise.

    I happened to have met my guy here, on MFP. We connected and of course share the same fitness goals, as well as practically everything else.

    Is it more difficult? Hell yes. Worth it? Most certainly.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I am definitely a pro-internet dater. I do however think that you need to be careful with what you do.

    I would never recommend just jumping into things, I would never recommend meeting up with someone in a private place either.

    But if you do things safely, what's the difference than meeting someone in a bar?

    I met my bf online, although at the time I was a little embarrassed of it. But 4 years later things are great. We did end up talking for 2-3 months before even meeting, then we went on a very public date, and took it from there.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    ]What is this world of withcraft you speak of?

    It is a world in which you craft war. But hey, only losers play MMO's.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date in Dromand Kaas.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    You probably should distinguish between "long distance relationship" and "internet dating". You can meet someone on the internet and have dinner with them the next night if they live in your area.

    My opinion is that the internet is just another way to meet new people. Especially for shy people like myself :)

    True. Internet dating is not for everyone but it should not be completley dismissed as a way to meet new people. I have met lots of people online that I like. Male and female alike. (take here on MFP for example) Just like in real life you never know how a person is going to impact your life until it happens. I will say that while I never considered internet dating sites like eharmony or match.com ...(mostly because I was not looking for a relationship) I still ended up meeting someone online. We shared a mutual friend and one night we all got to talking and he and I just hit it off. He lived in California and I in Florida. Talk about distance.. We were friends for a bit before it went any further, but further it did go he came to visit me 4 months after "meeting" and (2 months after we decided to make it official) And we have been together ever since. In June of last year he moved down here to be with me. We are currently engaged and planning our wedding. By the time we take our vows we will have been together more than 2 years.

    I really believe there is someone out there for everyone. But with soooo many people out there whos to say that someone lives in your town? What if they live thousands of miles away? How will you know if you don't consider the possibilities and keep an open mind? Whenever you meet new people in person or otherwise there is always a level of precaution you take to protect yourself. That should not change but think outside the box now and again you might just be surprised.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Thing is, how are you supposed to meet someone who doesnt like pubbing and clubbing? In a pub or club?

    Nope. That's where online dating shines. You meet others who are in the same boat as you.

    I met my gal on here, and we share so many things, including getting fit, so i wont bore her with calories, sodium, burn, etc. Couldn't be better! :D:D
  • pancakelizard
    ]What is this world of withcraft you speak of?

    It is a world in which you craft war. But hey, only losers play MMO's.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date in Dromand Kaas.
    hahahaha coming from someone who plays swtor :D
    yes, i know i have it.

    sorry, not trying to derail thread with trade chat level trolling!
  • DirtyHippieFeet
    I met my husband on the internet 4 years ago. We emailed a few times, then texted/talked, and then had dinner. The rest, as they say, is history. :)

    He was in the military stationed halfway across the country, and I was a single working mom and full-time student. I had neither the time nor the inclination to go out much, and he didn't live here to be meeting anyone here. He was in the process of getting out when we met, and he moved back to town, and we got married a little over 2 years later.

    So I'm a fan of the internet. :)
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am playing around on a few, out of curiosity. I came across a profile I know for a fact is complete hogwash:huh: . It made me realize that just because I am truthful, doesn't mean the other person will be.:noway: They can write ANYthing they want. :grumble:

    Now I just have it on view and don't respond to the emails. I hope when I am ready, I will meet someone in some romatic way:love:

    Before I can date, I must be divorced first. That is what the contract stated:wink:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I met my husband on the internet 4 years ago. We emailed a few times, then texted/talked, and then had dinner. The rest, as they say, is history. :)

    He was in the military stationed halfway across the country, and I was a single working mom and full-time student. I had neither the time nor the inclination to go out much, and he didn't live here to be meeting anyone here. He was in the process of getting out when we met, and he moved back to town, and we got married a little over 2 years later.

    So I'm a fan of the internet. :)

  • ohkaity
    ohkaity Posts: 18
    I met my partner online. We were friends through Marvel comics forums first, so it wasn't like I set out to date anyone online - in fact, after two disastrous online relationships previously (that also started with friendships and not through dating sites), I'd vowed to never do it again.

    Two years later she moved in with me and we're going four and a half years strong, engaged, talking about children.

    I think there's a stigma about internet dating - but it gave me a chance to meet someone that I never would have met otherwise because of distance. And when you're in the LGBTQ community, meeting people is hard enough! I don't do a lot of things that people consider "normal" for dating environments - I don't go to bars or clubs, I don't party, I don't have a work setting that allows me to meet coworkers, and I don't have a huge social network. Jen and I met over shared personal interests and it went on from there, the same as most in-person relationships.

    So... IDK, whether you "believe in" it or not, it's out there, and it's even more of a viable option for some people than others.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I know people that met someone online, fell in love, and it was a complete disaster. I would not recommend it.

    So now we know how you feel about CrossFit AND online dating, although you haven't tried either.

    I know someone that met in person, fell in love, and it was a complete disaster. perhaps we should just all give up and hide under rocks.

    I am sad for you...it must be really hard to go around being SO negative all the time. I can't imagine it.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    My fiance and I met on match.com a little over two years ago. I was only on the site for one day and he was on for two weeks. After our initial message back and forth, we decided to text for a couple days then met up. I NEVER in a million years expected to find HIM online. He is sexy, athletic, a man's-man (he's a carpenter), AND kind. My total package. There ARE normal, awesome people online but I would say they are few and far between, in my opinion. I believe that everything happens for a reason, you've just gotta believe!

    We were featured on their website too :)

  • bellevie23
    bellevie23 Posts: 208 Member
    I'd love to have an e-girlfriend. I can send e-food, e-mail, e-kisses, e-foreplay, e-alcohol and e-jac.. jk on the last one.

    Yes after this divorce leaves me $10k broker, my next interest will be e-boyfriend lol, much..much cheaper. :laugh: ................:grumble: