Worst Wedding Proposal EVER



  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Well my proposell was a hushed whisper,was well gutted always dreamt of a huge audience....Awwww but that's us girlie girls.....If I'm ever daft enough marry again it'll have 2 be a new yrs eve job

    I didn't understand any of this sentence... :huh:
  • awagz
    awagz Posts: 21 Member
    My hubby proposed via text... no ring and completely unplanned. Terribly unromantic... but that's not really our style.
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    i have a friend who just got proposed to.... the guy did it in the same spot and same way that he proposed to his ex wife.....
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    These suck!! I'm going to be damn picky!! If he asks in a stupid way I'm totally gonna say NO...even the classic restaurant. NO...I want someone creative that puts some thought and effort into it. Also, it HAS to be a surprise. I don't want to have a CLUE!!

    So here are my ideal proposals...in a hot air balloon, or like running a marathon together, he could ask me at a water stop...I'd love that. I don't know, but it has to be cool!!
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    My sister was *****ing at her husband in bed one night after he got off work late, & he was really tired & just wanted to sleep.

    He got out of bed, walked to the sock drawer, & tossed her a ring box, & said "THERE... now shut up & go to sleep"
  • evansproudmama
    found out I was pregnant.....end story...lol

    Pretty much! LOL I was the one that said we better get married grr. lol
  • spiritcrusher
    spiritcrusher Posts: 326 Member
    I proposed during a sky dive together.

    Her chute didn't open though.

    Luckily, I got a refund for the ring.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Anyone have any stories about the worst wedding proposal??? Heres mine!!!

    Went to a local bar with my soon-to-be-fiance and two of his male friends. It was right after 9/11 and he told me that the local post office had an anthrax scare, and he wanted me to have some Levaquin (the anti-anthrax drug). He handed me a vile while his friends (who knew about it) watched. I opened it, and my diamond engagement ring was in there. He didn't even get on his friggin knee.
    He swears hes going to make it up to me.... but I doubt it.

    You sound like a real gem! I am sure you'll have a long and happy life where you won't be constantly disappointed by him or anything.

  • melcpia
    melcpia Posts: 118 Member
    My hubby proposal doesnt fit the worst catagory and I really felt it was sweet! Both times!

    First was when we went for a walk (mid sept 96). T and I went for a walk, we got to a little bird watching hide and he says " so will you run away with me and get married and lots of babies?" My answer was yes! I was still with my ex (relationship had gone south a very long time ago) and let me stress nothing happened between us till I told my ex it was over which was less than a week later...A few days after that T and I moved in together (the 19 sept 1996)

    Then after about a month of living together at 4am one October morning he's getting ready to leave for work I'm half asleep still in bed and he says "so will you marry me?" I said yes of course I will...and he goes..."no, I'm serious,will you marry me?" Lol I said " well Im serious too yes I will marry you." ;p...

    For Xmas he gave me my engagement ring and 2 days later I found out I was pregnant lol....our son was born exactly 1 year to the day that we moved in together 19-9-1997...

    We will celebrate 15 years married on Valentines Day and we have NEVER had an argument.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    I've never dreamed of a fairy tale wedding or proposal. I never even wanted to get married, I despised the idea for a long time. I met my current boyfriend and we have discussed marriage several times but for me we have already been through the worst of the worst and I know that I can spend the rest of my life with him. I am in no hurry to get married and I don't need a proposal from him, for us it was just a mutual decision that one day we will do it. I actually told him there was a ring that was 39 bucks I'd take as a wedding ring. I guess I don't get the conventional fairy tale stuff, for me it's more practical and awesome that we discuss the idea of marriage mutually instead of waiting and waiting for that proposal. I feel so much closer to him that way.
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    A date would be a start!
  • smsaban85
    smsaban85 Posts: 43 Member
    I didn't have the worst proposal ever, but a cousin of my husbands did. He asked his girlfriend to marry him while going through a drive through. They have been separated for 3 years now. If a guy ask you to marry him going through the taco bell drive through, say "NO!"

    My story : My husband had planned a wonderful romantic night, dinner, walking in the park, and then was planning on asking me under the full moon( I love full moons, A LOT!) Well, I had been bugging him about getting a ring for about 2/3 months by this point. I started bugging him 2 months before our 5 year anniversary. Well, the night before his planned proposal we went out to Meijers to take the bottles back...I was in my sweats and a hoodie and he in the same. On the way home I noticed that there was a full moon, I started to bug him, just messing around. I was driving and we park on the street so I dropped him off and he went inside and I finished parking. By the time I got out of the car he was kneeling right in front of me with a box and a ring. :) Even though it wasn't what he planned, I love it :-D I wouldn't have had it any other way. Okay...that is all :)

    (I know this isn't the good proposal topic, but I had to put it)
  • OliviaJoey1
    I was taking a nap on the couch - he came in woke me up and said here - 3 houses later (2 custom built) - 5 dogs later - 9 trucks later - and most important 2 kids later - weve been together 10 years! Love him more than the day we were married in his parents backyard, on a hot june day, family and friends were around drinking and we had a great day!
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    I'm sure all of your husbands are grateful to have such kind, appreciative wives.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    :grumble: im still waiting..it"ll be 11 yrs on feb 25th

    wow...11 years? You haven't b!tched enough

    I gave up b*tchin about 5 years ago..figured it was a lost cause... dont want to force him to do it..but didnt want to dump him either..

    We were together for 17 years I proposed to him in 2008 (Leap year) he said yes and we went to choose a ring, the guy in the shop said congratulations on your engagement and my husband straight faced looked at me and said " You tricked me!" The look on the guys face was priceless We got married two years ago. So never say never.
  • lucythinmint
    I blame myself.....

    My husband and I used to share a duplex that connected internally. Literally you could open the back door to his place and the back door to my place and you could see from my kitchen through my front room over to his office.
    My kids and I lived on one side, he lived on the other side alone.

    We had been dating/sharing the houses for almost a year. We were in my kitchen one night cooking for the kids. We had been having an awesome conversation and he was helping with dinner......and in the middle of his sentence, with my spatula in hand I just blurted out, "marry me"

    He responded with.....you ready......."I'm going to put that question on hold for a bit."

    We married less than a year later, and that was almost five years ago. If you knew the two of us, this would not be considered anything but normal. :bigsmile:
  • ADobs
    ADobs Posts: 160 Member
    we had just gotten back together and we both agreed that this would be it and if we got back together it would be for life. so then we're talking about buying a house and I said I'm not buying a house with you unless we're married so he said ok, let's get married. I said I want at least a promise ring, so I pick out my promise ring by myself and then we agree to elope and get marreid adn about 2 months before the wedding we go shopping and he suggest I upgrade my promise ring to an official wedding band set. that's it. No proposal, no getting down on one knee, not even asking - nothing. We've been married for almost 5 years and together for 9 :)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Bad proposals run in my family LOL

    My Dad, to My Mom, tossing a ring box at her, "You think that'll do?"

    My Stepdad, to My Mom, after finding out she was pregnant, and she told him "I don't need you to marry me, I'm a big girl, and I can handle this alone". His response/proposal: "What kind of an as$hole do you think I am?"

    My hubby and me, after deciding that dental insurance was just the nudge we needed, "No, I don't like today's date, let's do it tomorrow. I need to wake up and know it's my wedding day" (We literally decided on a Monday and went downtown (Reno FTW!) on Tuesday)

    Nobody I know has gotten the fairy tale proposal, hopefully my sister will make up for us all when she becomes engaged one day :)
  • abutterflyemerges
    abutterflyemerges Posts: 101 Member
    Oh man this is the best thread yet. I only read a few and I just want to say that I feel so much better about my lame *kitten* proposal I got. So here it goes.
    We had been invited to Las Vegas to attend a Star Trek convention and while laying bed he says "so what do you think we are going to be in Vegas we can kill two birds with one stone" (We discussed getting married at the beach on the cliff over looking the ocean so I guess that was now out of the question). I said "we are leaving tomorrow morning, I don't have a ring, no one is invited, I don't have a dress...I don't even own a dress!!!" (I hated dresses at that time). He said "so what just wear something nice". That night he ran us over to the ring store and while we were there picking out rings the sales man told him "so whens the big day, where you two getting married at" he says.."tomorrow, Vegas." The sales man says.."oh I see." So when we found some rings my soon to be was asking why rings were so much and literally complained about how he just finished making the last payment on his CC. The salesman told him "sir you ready to do this, with all do respect you look like a deer in headlights". my soon to be says "oh its not the getting married part, its the cost of the ring"! So anyways on our way to Vegas and almost there, he calls his parents and has a regular conversation and then just before hanging up he says to his mom.."oh and by the way we are going to Vegas to get married and hangs up"! Well turns out his family showed up. my mother showed up saying she was going to be sure I got married because I was too old to say no and that I will never get another proposal so just take it. While getting married his nephews we throwing rice at the back of our heads while we took our vowels and then after wards he took us out to eat at a sports bar! They served us hamburgers and beer. Did I mention that my sister in law tried to get the Klingons to attend our wedding? Anyways don't ask why I did what I did and why I agreed to to do it in Vegas. My mom made me feel old and I did love him. We have two amazing children and he bought me a house shortly after the wedding and I guess you can say I am spoiled. Its not perfect but I am happy. Our 10 years is coming up and we want to do it all over again the right way. :heart: