*February Weight Loss Challenge*



  • ginger_nut
    ginger_nut Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in! I'm on my way to work right now but I'll come back later and post my goal and weight. Nice to meet you all!
  • I am in!
  • colleenome
    colleenome Posts: 4 Member
    I would like to join this challenge. I am in!
  • badats
    badats Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in and will help me stay on track. My birthday is Feb 29 no lie. This will also help me build more strength to be able to do a race in the end of March.

    It's also my son's birthday on the 29th, his first real birthday :) I am quite excited.

    Would love to join this challenge, like the idea of having a support network and being accountable :) Currently 92kgs (203lbs I think) not sure what to set as a goal... a guess just any kind of loss!
  • Perfect challenge, count me in!
    Starting weight: 197
    Goal weight by the end of February: 187
  • tlbates
    tlbates Posts: 7 Member
    Count me in! I do better when I have to be held accountable for my actions! Thanks!
  • Adieux
    Adieux Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in, will weigh in on Thursday (your Wednesday).
  • dusty8907
    dusty8907 Posts: 350 Member
    I'm in
    Cw - 159
    Gw - 149
  • kwaddell1987
    kwaddell1987 Posts: 70 Member
    I'll join in, sounds fun and extra motivation as well!!! :-D
    My starting weight now is 205, goal weight is 170
    My diet/fitness plan includes calorie counting, watching my intake, exercising at least 3 days a wk for twenty mintues at least
    I'm fully committed, lets do this!!!
  • SARBelgians
    SARBelgians Posts: 46 Member
    I'm in!

    I'll post my stats on Wednesday.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Would love to join in!
  • I'm in! Need a kick in the butt for Spring Break!!!
    CW - 128
    GW - 122

    TurboFire/Insanity Hybrid with a Turbo Inferno Push at the end of the month
    Net 1200 cals a day - 1.5 pound down a week
  • I'm In! I'm starting tomorrow my first day. I was going to do nutrisystem but its still a little out of budget for me. My start weight is 142.6 and want to go down to prepregnancy weight 114 which means I need to loose 28 pounds that I gained with both pregnancies combined. I will just be watching what I eat, log in everything. With a 2 month old and 17 month old don't have time to workout.
  • mollierunning
    mollierunning Posts: 2 Member
    My first day on here! I'm in :)
  • I'm in - will post on Wednesday
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I would like to try and join you all. I seem to struggle as soon as I sign up for a challenge, My weight loss has only just started moving again after four months, I have a conference to go to at the end of March, some of the people I will see there I haven't seen in over two years, So it would be nice to surprise them all.
    I still have about 40 lbs to get to firstpoint of goal weight.
    Finally got round to buying p90 x and bought what I needed of equipment only to discover ps3 won't play region free dvds.
    Found a solution and now I have a rotten cold which leaves me wheezing after a few minutes.
    I am determind to start it this week or go back to 30 day shred
  • lorna1002
    lorna1002 Posts: 185 Member
    I'm in as well please..

    starting weight 145lb
    goal weight 135 lb

    just about to finish 30DS, the i'll hit the cardio for Feb. I plan to stay at 1400 cals every day.
  • Im in too!

    Current weight 284 lbs looking to reduce to 238 lbs by end of May for a backpacking holiday!

    Currently have a regime of 4 mile walk/jog every morning but would like to have some extra challenges to boost it as have time in evenings for more workouts
  • psychRN83
    psychRN83 Posts: 71 Member
    I would like to join:wink:
  • great stuff !
    - CW 85kg
    GW at end of feb 78kg
    eventual GW 64kg

    plan - gym 5 x week, Calories Net 1200