Depression - This is my story and this is why I am here



  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    Good on you for taking charge of your life and making some changes. I understand a lot of what you've been through, my Nana suffered from Alzheimers for many years. She developed it after my grandad died, when I was five, and slowly deteriorated until she had to move into a home because she couldn't look after herself. But the time I was ten, she didn't know who me or my brother were anymore, and by a year later had forgotten who my Mum was and couldn't even hold a conversation with us anymore.

    She eventually passed away when I was sixteen from a stroke, which came as a slight relief as she had seemed so distressed for so many years while suffering from the Alzheimers and had become dangerously thin from struggling to eat.

    It's been ten years now since Nana passed away but I still have fond memories from when I was very young and she was still well.

    I also understand what you've been through with depression. I suffered from depression six years ago, after my first relationship fell apart, and my best friend moved away to go to University. I didn't know how to deal with it at the time, and was in denial about what was happening as I thought people would think me a drama queen. After many months of not sleeping well and being severely unhappy, I managed to work through it with the help of good friends, and have learned to love life all the more for having had to go through depression for almost a year.

    So yeah, don't lose hope and remember there are a lot of people on this site here to support you when things get tough.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I'm sorry for all that you're going through but I believe God has everything planned for us & that everything will be OK. I'm not really a religious person but I strongly hold on to this belief. I know you can do this. I'm also in a difficult situation right now although not exactly same as yours. I just sent you a friend request if you wouldn't mind.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    Brother, I am sorry for everything. I cant even imagine what you have been through. You are a very strong person and will get through it. I believe in you. I can tell you this. Give this site a chance. There are so many amazing people on here that really care and will be there for you.

    I myself have been through a great deal and was blessed with some amazing support from complete strangers who reached out to help because they have hearts of gold. Il keep you and your family in my prayers.

    Also, I added you, im in Texas as well if you ever need a new friend. Take care and God bless you. If you ever need anything, just let me know.
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    I cannot begin to fathom the pain and loss that you have experienced. My thoughts are with you!

    Reading your post, your words are a testament to your resiliency and to the incredible amount of strength and perseverance you possess. You have made some choices, and some choices were made for you, but as many have stated YOU ARE STILL HERE!! You took the most important step, you are changing your life and for the better. If anger works, GET ANGRY, eventually the anger will turn to passion and you will get the inner peace you are seeking to ease the turmoil!!

    You are amazing, and wonderfully so, and you will do it! I believe in you, I have complete faith you will turn things around in your favor!! Amazingly enough, you are here on MFP and I am not the only one who believes in you!! You are in a great place to have people bend down and help lift you up, motivate, encourage, and yes even kick you in the *kitten* on occasion! :D

    Like some of the others, I am also in Texas, about an hour from Dallas. If you need a friend and more encouragement, please add me! My story is different from yours, but we are on the same journey, for me I am 86 lbs down....and on my way to a healthier happier me!! YOU will get there too!!!

  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Wow, life has thrown you some curve glad to see you finding your way again! Depression is a hard topic and a harder fight....thank you for sharing your story!
  • emmyash
    emmyash Posts: 115 Member
    thanks for sharing, Ive had depression since i had my first PND at first follwed by anxiety disorder...controlled now. but my weight has gone up,biggest ive ever been outside of day 3 to this new lifestyle....will send request..good luck with everything..
  • luckyCDR
    luckyCDR Posts: 14 Member
    You know, the fact that you can be honest with yourself and others about your journey to "recovery" (which is what I call mine) just says how serious you are now. Once you can admit to yourself that you need to change, and then are determined to do so...THAT, my friend, is where the change happens. We're on similar paths, and I hope we can support and encourage each other along the way. You're doing GREAT so far! :-)
  • qoemiller
    Thanks for opening up. I can relate to the work from home. I tend to lock myself in as well. That is one reason I want to start exercising. Also, the exercise is an anti-depressant. Good luck on your journey. Please add me as a friend.
  • Amybcb
    Amybcb Posts: 292 Member
    Wow - life really has been hitting your hard lately. But I love that you are hitting back! I admire your honesty and opening up here. We all have demons, so please know you are not alone. Gonna add you
  • RebeccaBaker74
    Just joining this today and read your story! So much going on in your life at the moment! I feel I can relate as we have also had a death in our family that is tearing our family apart. Good luck my new friend!
  • marquesajen
    I'm sorry you've had all of this crap flung at you, life tends to pile on the problems before letting good things happen. My maternal Grandmother has Alzheimer's and the hardest part isn't watch her decline, it's watching my mom and her siblings watch her decline. I can't tell you it gets any easier. I've watched my grandmother repeat stories, forget English and go back to French only (she was born and raised in Belgium), and forget who we all are. The best part is when it seems they have nothing left that is them, there are sometimes glimmers of that person that shine through. They'll laugh, make an facial expression you know well, breathe in the fresh air, or get a kick out of an old song. If you have any questions about what we've been through with Alzheimer's, please feel free to send me a message. And good luck with your journey here, it is worth it, you are worth it, and remember that giving up is NOT an option.

    edit: I should mention that my grandmother is probably on her way out soon, she's stuck around a long time, she's in her 80's and her birthday is next week, and it's okay. It'll be hard for my family, but passing away is normal and reminds us to celebrate life.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Wow. I can relate on a few of these.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    wow. thanks for sharing. your new found attitude is very inspiring. i'm sorry for everything that happened especially about your mom. i cannot begin to imagine what that feels like. i am so glad you have found some strength to pull through and i am so glad your sister was there to help. i'm adding you now and I am here for u if u ever need to talk or vent ((hugs))
  • KT0104
    KT0104 Posts: 33
    There IS light at the end of the tunnel, it's just a really long road unfortunately. You shoudl be incredibly proud of yourself for your achievements in the face of life changing events ~ you're turning it around. Don't ever lose sight of that. Feel free to add me.
  • jetaylor63
    jetaylor63 Posts: 80 Member
    Wow. I applaud you my friend. What an absolute leap of faith, courage and strength. Not only to make the choices you have to make these positive steps in and for your life, family and future but also being able to talk about it here with people who can give you the support you need. You have everything inside of you to make it, you just have to believe in yourself! Much Respect :)

    Ditto for me. I'd like to add - thank you for opening up the conversation for others to share their difficult stories.
  • aymejia
    Wow, is all i can said.... Very inspiring story