Ripped in 30 Challenge - start Sunday



  • sjhaar
    sjhaar Posts: 43 Member
    So on Sunday I did the dvd followed by Biggest Loser Cardio Max. Needless to say I was VERY sore on Monday so I took it easy. Did level 2 again today and then followed it by Cardio Max again, I'm thinking of doing the Cardio Max every other day. Keep it up guys!!
  • Freshdaisy
    Freshdaisy Posts: 53 Member
    ugh so for some reason, I took a 4 day break instead of a 1 day rest break. shoot me now. it was just really hard to get back on the workout train after taking that break. oh well, i came back today finally so Level 2, day 1 DONE! I also did one of the workouts from turbo fire, sort of as punishment. I intend to stick to turbo fire for the next week as well so well see how that goes.
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    ugh so for some reason, I took a 4 day break instead of a 1 day rest break. shoot me now. it was just really hard to get back on the workout train after taking that break. oh well, i came back today finally so Level 2, day 1 DONE! I also did one of the workouts from turbo fire, sort of as punishment. I intend to stick to turbo fire for the next week as well so well see how that goes.

    Wow, that is an intense combo! I know what you mean since I had the flu and had to take offa few days.

    I did level 1 today and will be ready for level 2 tomorrow!
  • Freshdaisy
    Freshdaisy Posts: 53 Member
    @fitfun1 - yh tell me about it, intense! Goodluck with level 2 :) Im glad you feel better now, hopefully the flu will stay away for good.

    I did the exact combination again today but with 3lb weights this time, was still rough lol, but Im telling myself its too make up for lost time.
    Level 2, day 2 Done!
  • bisforbrandy
    bisforbrandy Posts: 11 Member
    I actually just started doing this about two weeks ago. However i'm so far out of shape that i wanted to do week 1 for two weeks. So i'm halfway through my second week of week 1. I'll keep this thread around definitely.
  • bisforbrandy
    bisforbrandy Posts: 11 Member
    Oh the running man gets you? Its the front lunges with bicep curls that KILL ME. Its only when i get to the last curcuit i really have a hard time.
  • Im in! I'm on day 5 of ripped in 30
  • And I HATE the running man bit!!!!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Level 2, and I thought I was going to die. I hope it gets easier this week. :noway:
  • tiffpip99
    tiffpip99 Posts: 7 Member
    Started today! My legs feel like jello! Rest day tomorrow, but I am anxious to start back up on Monday. Good luck everyone!
  • I started today and will be doing it with you guys... I'm taking sundays off :) After this challenge I think we should start up a body revolution challenge with jillian michales... it looks fun!!!! where do we post our pictures of before and after? im new to this so i thought id find out all the details :) THANKS!
  • Hi ladies. I have done level 1 twice and it has been hard but a good workout. So i am going to alternate and combine with Jazzercise 3-4 days per week. I like to idea to take some measurements and photos now. I will let you know how it goes tomorrow! So i will officially start on Tuesday.
  • Freshdaisy
    Freshdaisy Posts: 53 Member
    I took a couple of days off this workout because my shoulders were hurting. I did other workouts though. Continued with it again today. Level 2, day 3 done!

    @mom2four85: what's body revolution? And we didn't post any pictures, at least not yet. For now, we are just posting progress reports if you have any. Like lost 1 lb and 2 inches after week 1 or something along those lines.
  • I did it. Level 1 again with 5 lb weights this morning. I burned about 300 cals too. I also did measurements and photos. Not pretty bit hopefully I wojt be seeing that again! I cant wait to see results. By the way I HATE RUNNING MAN. And I too find the side lungs with raise very awkward.
  • Finished Level 2, Day 5. I like level 2 so much more than level 1. I also felt so much stronger today!! I moved up to 8 lbs. weights for many of the exercises. :)
  • Logansmom2011
    Logansmom2011 Posts: 81 Member
    Today will be week 3 day 4,and I will say I definitely love week 3 the most!
  • GNBC
    GNBC Posts: 9
    Looking forward to week 2 day 1 (tonight) since those who have moved on from week 1 seem to like it better. I didn't mind running man b/c it was on Insanity so I'm familiar with it but the side lunge w/raised arms does feel very awckward!
  • rebekahpowers1
    rebekahpowers1 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm so excited to have found this board! I've been doing the Ripped in 30 for a week. I really do enjoy it. I'm not concerned with actually being ripped in 30! I plan on doing each week for two weeks. I'm looking forward to reading all of your successes!!! Best of luck to you all!
  • Freshdaisy
    Freshdaisy Posts: 53 Member
    Well done ladies! We got this!!
    Level 3 - days 1 and 2 complete :)
    I think Level was harder than level 3, but maybe it's just me.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Hi. I did 2 days of level one so far. I have a few questions to you all who are doing it. How many days a week do you do it? Do you do each level for a total of 7 or 8 days? What do you log on MFP if you don't have a heart rate monitor? Any other advice? Thanks.