*February Weight Loss Challenge*



  • all_smiles82
    all_smiles82 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm posting to join the Challenge! My goal is 20# my current weight is 248! :sad: lol.. 228 would be amazing!!! Hold me accountable... PLEASE~!:smile:
  • onion2
    onion2 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in. I am wanting to lose 65 pounds overall. Maybe 12 this month. I am currently doing the C25K training along with a little P90X.
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    Oops! I meant to say walking and/or aerobics everyday and strength training 3x per week alternating [m, w, f one week, t, th, sa one week].
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    Fingers crossed that all the changes I've made over the last couple of weeks means I can make some progress.

    Starting weight : 185.8 Goal for end feb - 180 would be nice.

    I'll post some of my measurements when I get home tonight.

    I am going to try and start p90x, or do a mix of 30day shred and wii-fit workouts.
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    CW: 305
    GW for Feb: 295

    I want to get rid of at least 10 lbs this month, so I can enter twoderland!
    I will track everything I eat, net at least 900 calories per day, and exercise [aerobics, walking, weights] everyday.

    Week 1 [2/1]- 305
    Week 2 [2/8]-
    Week 3 [2/15]-
    Week 4 [2/22]-
    Week 5 [3/1]-

    Goal Weight - 295
    Amount Lost -

    Oops! I meant to say aerobics and/or walking everyday and weights 3x per week, alternating days per week [m, w, f, one week/t, th, sa, the other week.
  • Hope it's not too late to join! My current weight is 249 my goal weight by Feb 29 is 235. I've been averaging 12-14lbs a month by 1,200 calories a day,and exercise,and water the love of my life.
  • Current weight is 188, goal for February is 178.
    Just started this journey 2 weeks ago and have lost 7 pounds doing zumba 4 x a week
    and a 1200 calorie food plan.

    Thanks for doing this.:smile:
  • ejh2006
    ejh2006 Posts: 11 Member
    Count me in...I will post my numbers and goals tomorrow morning...I will weight myself this evening at the gym and take some measurements as well. :smile: I hope it won't be too late.
  • MsUnlucky13
    MsUnlucky13 Posts: 29 Member
    Feb. 1

    Initial weight - 230 lbs

    Goal for Feburary is to lose 10-12 lbs.

    Good luck everyone on hitting your goals!
  • My goal for February is 7 lbs
    Starting weight 138

    Week 1 (2/1) 138

    Good luck with your weight loss this month everyone.
  • SW 270
    CW 260
    Goal Weight 279

    If I could just lose 5 lbs this month I'll be happy. I'm looking to lose a pound a week. They just don't want to come off. My plan is to jazzercise 3 times a week and walk.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Jme2012
    Jme2012 Posts: 106 Member
    Im in! i would like to lose 8-10 pounds this month!:happy:
  • Im in..I don't like to weigh myself bc I used to not be able to control myself I only see the wieght I have lost by my clothes usually but I did weigh this time starting at 280lbs my goal is at least 15 lbs this month hopefully I can double it.
  • traceyb72
    traceyb72 Posts: 2 Member
    I want to join! Starting weight:147 Want to lose 6 pounds this month!
  • Icandoit66
    Icandoit66 Posts: 74 Member
    I would like to participate!

    Starting weight (2/1) 211

    Goal: would like to lose 10-12 pounds this month!

    Good luck everyone!
  • I Want to Join Start Weight 247 I want to Lose 20 Lbs
  • singingchick1515
    singingchick1515 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in! Thanks!
  • I'm In!
    I weighed in today at 225 (down from 235 so far)
    my goal is to be at 217 by the 29th.
    My plan is to go to the gym 5 to six days a week and to do from 30min-60mins of cardio (focusing on HIIT)
    to keep my resistance level up and to keep my incline down (as incline actually makes the elliptical easier) and work on upping my resistance every week (this week it has been between a 5-6)
    To eat more fruits and vegetables and watch my potion sizes as well as drink more than my daily serving of water.
  • RedHatPatti
    RedHatPatti Posts: 71 Member
    I'll try too.. SW: 262.5
    Goal 252
    Measurements : B-50 h - 54. w 44
  • I'm in. Tired of not being able to fit my clothes