*February Weight Loss Challenge*



  • Calvinsgrl1
    Calvinsgrl1 Posts: 30 Member
    Count me in!

    CW 178

    Want to lose 10 lbs this month....I've only been losing about 1lb a week and would like to up that to 2 so I'd be happy with 8.

    Waist: at belly button 38
    Hips: 41.5

    Workout at least 4 times a week usually 5, A mix of training, cardio and MMA
  • ml236005
    ml236005 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! This is a big birthday month between my mom, myself and several friends, it's going to be challanging to keep on track.

    CW =228
    Feb GW = 224
    I am planning to workout at the gym at least 3 days/week and workout with my XBox Kinnect (Dance Central and Zumba) at least 2 days/ week
  • traveller888
    traveller888 Posts: 79 Member
    CW: 155.4 lbs
    GW: 145 lbs (sure, I'd love to be that at the end of the month!)

    I do Wii Fit almost everyday I can - varied exercises. I also walk - in snow and slush - a few times a week. I do strength training with weights. If it snows more this winter I go snowshoeing and downhill skiing, too.

    I'm going to NYC on Feb 19, so I hope to be 150 lb by then!

    Roasted Chick Peas are a favorite. Good protein and you get flavor and crunch!


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Good Morning. Well it's February 1st and I'm ready for the challenge.

    My goal is to lose 8 lbs this month
    My stating weight is 225
    My diet plan is to just do the best I can. I could use some meal ideas so maybe someone can share their favorites.
    My fitness plan is to work out a mininum of 45 minutes, 5 days a week.

  • CCChaos625
    CCChaos625 Posts: 55 Member
    I would like to join...
    My goal for Feb is 8-10 more lost pound (not to be found again)
    Starting weight today is 178.0

    I will measure later if I can.

    Activities: Myself and husband along with 3 friends are a team in a weight loss challenge at a local gym ending 2/19 (was 6 weeks). My starting weight the first week of Jan was 189.8

    I go to classes at the gym. Wed Zumba, Thurs Burlesque & Zumba toning Monday was sole training and hip hop. On days I do not go to classes I do cross training elliptical for 30 mins and 30-45 mins of circuit training. Today I have a free hour session with a personal training that I am having one of the girls from my team come with me, to push me a little harder (I am more sore today than yesterday from Mondays classes!!!) On days I do not feel like going to the gym I do Just dance 3 for 30-60 mins or one of my work out videos. I am usually working out 30-120 mins cardio & some strength training min of 4 days a week. Ave 4-6 days a week.

    I have been doing great since joining myfitnesspal. I have it on my computer, my work computer, my cell and ipod touch- NO REASON NOT TO LOG IN..... I am not allowing myself any excuses to not enter important "forgotten calories"

    Any other help, advice, encouragement is greatly appreciated. I keep tabs with my dad who is a snow bird down in Florida for the winter a few times a week. He told me I inspire him for workouts (I am down almost 50 lbs since mid Sept 2011) and him saying so makes my drive for a healthier, lighter lifestyle gets stronger! He fuels the fire to keep me going day to day!

    GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!!:smile:
  • greeneyedaries
    greeneyedaries Posts: 45 Member
    CW: 200...want to lose 1 pound this month and I will be so happy. Due to the meds I take losing wt. is so difficult...
    I will do 2 mile express by Leslie Sansone, M, W, F. Zumba T and Thur.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I'm in!
    CW 164
    GW 158
  • I would LOVE to join in. This is just the kind of accountability I need.

    Here's my info:

    CW on Wednesday 2/1: 206
    End of Feb GW: 200
    I will run on the treadmill (incline trainer) for an hour 6 days a week as well as using Wii Fit and using hand weights.
  • I'm In !!

    Weighing in at 165 lbs ! Yikes....on a journey to 136 lbs. by June 30th

    Feb Goal to lose 8-10 lbs
    "Eat Clean"
    Gym : M/W/F mornings: 45 min cardio & 45 min weight training
    Yoga: M/W evenings to stretch them old muscles LOL

    Let's Rock !!
  • CW 191.8
    GW on 02/29 - 187

    I want to work out at least five days a week doing my bootcamp classes and On Demand workouts. I also want to start walking or jogging to give myself more cardio!
  • I want to join but the whole rankings will make me feel like poo because I don't weight too much and it will be hard for me to lose weight.

    Thats why it will be done on percentage hun, makes it fairer. for example to get 1% loss I'd have to lose 2.5lbs, someone at say7 150lbs would have to lose 1.5lb for same percentage x
  • missymoga
    missymoga Posts: 217 Member
    I'm in! Starting weight 160. Goal weight 130. But for February my goal is to lose 10lb :) I will be in the gym 5-6 times a week doing an hour of cardio and alternating days of strength training. upping my water intake and sticking around 1200 calories a day diet.
  • CW 191.8
    GW on 02/29 - 187

    I want to work out at least five days a week doing my bootcamp classes and On Demand workouts. I also want to start walking or jogging to give myself more cardio!

    Have you seen the 100 in february challenge, I've signed up
  • I'm in! CW - 159
    Goal weight - 154
  • tomusiakl
    tomusiakl Posts: 225 Member
    I'm in
  • aulove
    aulove Posts: 34
    Looking forward to this challenge!

    My goal is to lose 8 lbs this month.

    CW: 192.2
    GW: 184.2

    I'm planning to workout 3-4 times per week, a combo of cardio/strength training. I will stick to my 1200 cal during the week but bump up my cals to 1400 on the weekend.
  • tomusiakl
    tomusiakl Posts: 225 Member
    Here are my stats:

    Current weight: 142.8
    Goal weight:138.8

    I currently do 30 mins elliptical training 5 days a week and 20 mins strength training 6 days a week.
  • weezee65
    weezee65 Posts: 1 Member
    My husband and I both lost 12 pounds in January and want to lose another 12 pounds in February!! We are in!
    Normk9= 294
  • srl2673
    srl2673 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in

    GW: 208
  • dizzylloyd
    dizzylloyd Posts: 15 Member
    Count me in please - I definitely need some motivation.

    dizzylloyd = 200
