*February Weight Loss Challenge*



  • defenestrate
    defenestrate Posts: 4 Member
    CW: 229
    GW: 219

    BF: 41.4%

    Neck: 16
    Hips: 50.5
    Waist: 47.4
    Chest: 43.25
    Arm: 16.25
    Thigh: 28
  • I'm in! Starting weight: 200.4
    February Goal weight: 190
  • szqnva
    szqnva Posts: 52 Member
    Starting Weight: 182.8

    February Goal weight: 177.0

    I'm easing into exercise slowly, but I'm trying to walk every day.
  • erixitl
    erixitl Posts: 22 Member
    SW: 137.6
    GW for end of month: 132.0 (a little less than my normal monthly loss goal because my birthday is in this month...)
  • Im so excited about this, I will post my measurements later this morning!
  • cecejoy
    cecejoy Posts: 76 Member
    I'd like to join!

    Starting weight: 170.4

    Goal Weight: 165

    Diet/Exercise Plan: Try to keep within my calorie intake and exercise 3-5 times a week
  • Jfleisch
    Jfleisch Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in

    cw- 259
  • Count me in!
    February start weight: 217
    February goal weight range 205-210

    Add an additional day of exercise a week and take the stairs!!
  • jamie_maddox
    jamie_maddox Posts: 57 Member
    I'm in!!!
    CW - 240.2
    GW (overall) - 150.0
    February goal - 230.0

    I am working to stay within my calories goal every day and I am working out 6 days/week.
  • I'm in!!!

    Starting Weight: 191.6

    February goal weight: 180.0

    I go for a walk 2-3 times a day when I'm at work and do my work out videos 3-4 times a week.
  • New month, new challenge!

    This challenge is open to anyone who is ready to buckle down and lose significant weight this February. For the next 29 days lets all join together to lose weight and reach our fitness goals!

    For the Challenge:

    ~Simply post to join.
    ~In your initial post please include your weight loss goals for the challenge, starting weight, starting measurements(optional) and a summary of your diet/fitness plan.
    ~On Wednesday's each person will weigh in, update measurements (optional) and give an update on their progress.
    ~I will post weekly rankings on Thursday for most weight lost (as a percentage of body weight) and most inches lost.

    I encourage everyone to actively participate on this thread posting questions, helpful hints and support. The weekly check ins are meant to keep us all on track and tweak our plans as needed. Let's all join in together to make this February your best yet for weight loss!
  • Can't wait!

    CW 224
    Feb GW 214

    Neck 13
    Waist 36
    Hips 47
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    Sorry this is so long, but I'm really excited about this challenge!
    I'm Robin!
    My weight loss goals for the challenge: 5 pounds...I'm very close to goal and it's getting harder, so 5 pounds!!!
    Starting weight:145.4
    Starting measurements: waist 31, hips 39, chest 36, thighs 20, arms 11.5
    My diet/fitness plan: I am a (mostly) clean eater, so I avoid most processed foods and artificial sweeteners. I also choose to eat very little meat, usually opting for fish or meat substitutes ( However, I do love a good cheeseburger occasionally!) I try to stay within my calorie goals, don't eat exercise points (I get so few), shoot to knock protein out of the park and get my carbs from mostly fruit, vegetables and whole grains. I'm planning to continue eating the way I have been, maybe even cleaning it up more!

    As for activity, I love to run and plan to continue that running as often as I can (I commute over 100 miles a day, work full time and have a husband and three kids, so it sometimes running gets pushed to the back burner by circumstance). I also plan to add some strength training to my regimen, I'd like to firm up some trouble spots (skinny, but flabby arms, flabby thighs, mothers apron). I am looking for a gym that meets my needs, as I have no equipment for strength training. I may just start with some hand weights or kettlebells.
  • Jerseygrrl
    Jerseygrrl Posts: 189 Member
    I'd like to join, too. I need all the motivation I can get.

    Starting weight 194.2.
  • Junepal
    Junepal Posts: 148 Member
    Hi all!

    Starting Weight: 237 lbs
    February Goal Weight: 229 lbs

    Summary of diet/fitness plan: Eating real balance foods keeping within my calorie range and exercising at least 30 minutes a day.

    Good luck to everyone!

    "I will leave you with this. Every person who has made a change in their life remembers a specific point in time where something just clicked and they knew this was the moment to change. This is that moment for each of us. Now - today - is the day for change. Forget what happened yesterday and focus on the daily changes you can make that will bring you closer to your goal. If you are thinking, "Well, it is too late, I am too old or too overweight" I want each of you to remember this - post it somewhere you can see it daily -

    "It is NEVER too late to become what you might have been!" - George Eliot

    You have been given today as a gift - MAKE IT COUNT!!!"
  • dymples12
    dymples12 Posts: 5 Member
    Im in! I can use all of the extra motivation!
  • Current weight 206
    Goal Weight 190

    Good luck everyone!
  • I'm in. Starting weight 250. Goal weight 238
  • sangelic
    sangelic Posts: 207
    Here are my stats:

    Current weight - 198.4
    Goal - lose 10 lbs

    I start Week 6 of C25K today so that will last me through the month. I also do the elliptical for 30 minutes at least 3 days a week, Zumba once per week, and strength training 2-3 days per week. I'm also going to start the 100 pushup challenge as my upper body strength is terrible!
  • tsmoore925
    tsmoore925 Posts: 98 Member
    Would love to join!!

    SW 193
    GW for February 185

    Arm 13in
    Bust 41 inc
    Under Bust 36 in
    Natural Waist 36
    Belly Button 41.5 in
    Hips 46 in
    Thigh 23 in

    I normally do a 40 min walk on the treadmill with incline of 3, my speed will range between 3.0 mph and 3.5 and I just started 30 day shred last night so it will be the whole month of February!!

    Cant wait for results!!