Real Live friends as MFP friends...



  • ilikeher
    I pretty much use MFP to bag on people I hate and to generally talk smack, so that really wouldn't work for me.

    I actually could give a damn about losing weight... I needed somewhere to rant and I'm too lazy to start a Facebook page.

    Just kidding. I care about losing weight.

    OK, not really. But I was kidding about not having a Facebook page. But I only use that to stalk chicks from high school.

    I'm confused
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I prefer my friends live. Dead ones just stink up the place.
  • Pkiddy
    Pkiddy Posts: 145 Member
    i've not only got real life friends on here i have a lot of my family too! We are the biggest cheerleaders to each other! I do keep my diary closed, but it is nice to see how they are doing and have them see how you are doing. they are great cheerleaders as they know me so well! Your decision will depend on how well you know this person and what type of friendship. i do not post my weight, but having my ticker showing my progress helps them support me. :heart:
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    For me, it depends on the friends. I've taken the choices I've made recently very seriously, and since finding MFP, I spend a lot of time on here. There are certain friends I have who are very proactive, and very supportive, and quite frankly, they have self discipline. I'd add those people in a heartbeat. At the same time, I have other friends who are at once incredibly selfish and completely lacking in willpower. They can and do take other people's weight loss success personally (in a bad way) and I wouldn't want to share this part of my life with them, because it would inevitably damage the friendship. That or they'd just quit using the site, which is fine too. I think the important thing is to be honest. If you don't want to add somebody, explain that using the site with more anonymity helps you to explore this part of your life, and be more successful, and while you consider them a very good friend in real life, you'd rather keep the two things separate, to preserve that anonymity. A good friend will understand, and half the time, an acquaintance won't particularly care.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I have friends on here IRL. I have some people who I introduced to MFP!
    My roommate and I do it together. I like having IRL MFP friends, actually.
  • MzzAisha
    MzzAisha Posts: 39 Member
    Yeah I have real life friends on here - I dont have a problem with it as long as they are as serious as I am.
  • tamerkins2
    My mom, my sister and a few real life friends are my MFP friends!! I don't find it weird at all. It is nice because if my family is at dinner together, we can help each other make smart decisions. Plus I know I have to be accountable for what I ate knowing they would know too!! I suppose I would feel weird about co-workers or not close friends knowing so much about me though.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I love having my RL friends as MFP friends. The bit about being held accountable is more REAL with them.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I have a really good friend on MFP. I'm here for accountability, so you guys get me on here and if I fall out, I'm sure I'll hear it from her.

    My sister has an account as well, but she never logs in.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I prefer my friends live. Dead ones just stink up the place.
    I wear deodorant.
  • sheila0321
    sheila0321 Posts: 110 Member
    I have real live friends on here too. I have nothing to hide. I am here to get healthy. I can be held accountable to them as well as you all. I see no harm. Just sayin.....
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    I acquired a RealLife friend thanks to MFP. I've got several friends from another website (not fitness or weight loss related) that are also on MFP ... they probably know more about me know than most of my RealLife friends! I quite enjoy having a mix of Real and Unreal friends.
  • Niccan81
    I have 4 of my cousins on my page and that's it! One of them is on a running plan with me as well, and the other 3 are joining me in another journey that is incorporating weight loss as well. We friended each other to stay accountable for our actions. I meet with 3 of them once a week and the other one I see on a daily basis. It has helped a lot, but honestly I wouldn't just invite random people I know to join me on here. Honestly, not even my sisters who also are trying to lose weight. I am only asking my cousins to hold me accountable and we post encouragement to one another.

    But honestly, if you are not comfortable sharing this part of you life, just don't accept the request. Just let her know that it's not something you like to have out there! If she is serious about it, she will understand. She may only be asking to friend you because she needs encouragement. If you find that is the reason, maybe you can consider setting up a time to talk about what her struggles are and maybe offer some advice/encouragement in real life, or over email if it's easier for her.
  • taliesyn_
    taliesyn_ Posts: 219 Member
    I dont have a problem with it as long as they are as serious as I am.


    I have worked hard to lose 100+ (all before MFP) lbs and I don't want to be derailed on the journey by people who don't have the focus or who contribute negatively to my efforts.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I've had a couple of friends on here, one of which I still see at work every day. I had my wife and one of her coworkers as a friend too, but ultimately removed them after a month of inactivity LOL.....yes, I said it, I removed my wife from my list, because if you're going to be in my support group, you're going to be on here supporting me as I'm supporting you :laugh:
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    All my MFP friends are imaginary...

    um, no, YOU are imaginary. i'm real. sorry i had to break it to you.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I dont have a problem with it as long as they are as serious as I am.

    I have worked hard to lose 100+ (all before MFP) lbs and I don't want to be derailed on the journey by people who don't have the focus or who contribute negatively to my efforts.
    You sound like a fun friend. :flowerforyou:
  • JoyWoodruff
    JoyWoodruff Posts: 33 Member
    The reason I am here is because my IRL friend told me about it. I thank her every day for introducing me to such a helpful application. I have since told many of my friends and family about this app as well. My mother joined up with me too. I have nothing to hide from anyone and enjoy the peace I have from living in truth :). I keep my food diary open to my MFP friends (who are also some of my IRL friends and family) and I am glad that some of my friends keep theirs open as well because it gives me ideas of different foods to eat.

    I'm pretty much an open book, there is nothing I would say on here (a public forum) that I wouldn't say IRL to a friend anyway. If you wouldn't be someones friend on MFP, why would you be their friend IRL?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    No, I don't. There's just a level of privacy and anonymity I appreciate having here. I know real-life friends who use MFP, but I don't need them scrutinizing what I eat every day, etc. The MFP friends I have are like-minded, and I want them to see my diary.

    It's similar to how I don't like people out in the real world asking me personal questions about weight loss: "How did you do it?" (as if there is some magic ) "How much have you lost?" "How much more are you losing?" "How much have your worked out this week?" "Are you sure you're not going to burn out?"

    I'm happy to share that eating well and exercise are the key to getting healthy, even tipping them off to MFP, but I don't like the scrutiny from people I actually know.

    Also, with the exception of one person I'm very close to, I sense a bit of jealousy from some others I know who are trying to lose weight. They want my success but don't have that motivation right now, and until they do, they won't have my success. I don't need passive aggressive comments on MFP as well as in real life.

    But that's just me. I can absolutely see how for others it would be a good thing to have real life friends as friends on MFP.

    It's totally ok, I think, to not have them be MFP friends.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I am friends with Don Cornelius.