Over 200 Club Week 9 and PUMP IT UP!!



  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    glad to have you, welcome to our group:flowerforyou:

    Thank you:smile:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    No weight lost this week:grumble: I will see you all in about 10days. Have a wonderful week and good luck on that weight loss.:flowerforyou:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Hi everyone :) I had an awesome week, down 3.5 pounds! and I blew my exercise goal out of the water, I was aiming for 350 min, and actually did 564 min!

    I will aim for 500 min this week.
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Hi everyone :) I had an awesome week, down 3.5 pounds! and I blew my exercise goal out of the water, I was aiming for 350 min, and actually did 564 min!

    I will aim for 500 min this week.

    Wow Jennifer!
    Way to go!:smile:
  • jdl249
    jdl249 Posts: 46
    Hi group! Sorry I haven't been checking in, I've been in and out all week, and last night I adopted a kitty, so I've been spending time with him between going out, working out, driving, etc.

    I weighed myself tonight after dinner which I KNOW is bad, but here at home I don't have an accurate scale so I used my friend's tonight...and with clothes on, I lost a pound...so I bucked down and weighed again...and I've lost 4 pounds :D:D

    It has been really hot here, so I haven't walked as much as I have wanted to. 30-Day Shred has been my best friend lately. When I have gone walking, I've gone with hand-weights and my mp3 player motivating me to keep going. When I haven't, I've made up for it by taking breaks from TV and computer and doing crunches, push-ups, anything I can to get my heart rate going. And I didn't think it had paid off...but I guess it did :happy:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Awestfall, portion control works. I know that you can do this. I understand this, we have 4 kids and 1 income. It can be tough, but it can be done.

    I just wanted to let everyone know that I am leaving next weekend and I will not be back until June 22. I am going to church camp. I have no control over what my meals will be . I am hoping that some of the skills I have learned in the last few months will help me stick to the plan next week, I too will have to depend totally on portion control and I will not have mfp to help me count my calories. I will be exercising everyday as well so I am quite confident that I will do well. Even if I do not lose weight I would like to maintain. I will be checking in this week but I will be unable to next week. almost 8 days away from a computer. I think it will be good for me and the kids, no tv ,no computers . I am actually looking forward to this. I probably will not be checking in too much this week because I will be preparing for this trip. My husband is staying home so I will also be preparing for him to be home a whole week without his momma to take care of him:laugh: :laugh:
    You can definitely stick to the plan momma I believe in you.Stay focused and work hard while your gone you will be missed my dear:flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    keep up the hard work people.Good to see you all staying focused and energetic.Lets keep raising our cardio each week.
  • butterfly52310
    Hey everyone,

    I would like to join...I am at an all time high on my weight. I think the weigh-ins and encouragement would help me.

    SW - 240
    CW - 240
    GW - 150 (May 23, 2010)

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I would like to join...I am at an all time high on my weight. I think the weigh-ins and encouragement would help me.

    SW - 240
    CW - 240
    GW - 150 (May 23, 2010)

    Our current challenge is to increase your minutes of cardio from week to week.Weigh ins are on Fridays.So welcome to the group and good luck:flowerforyou:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I didn't lose much last week - down .4 lbs, but another small step in the right direction - so I'm ok with that. I know I need to buckle down and get my eating more under control. I did reach my exercise goal of 270 minutes (which doesn't seem like much compared to some of you - but it was a challenge for me to fit in the time ... it was great having that goal set because I made myself get out and walk around the block at a park while my kids played there, so that I could do the last 45 minutes to reach my weekly goal!).

    This week is going to be even more challenging to get my exercise time in because I'm going to be driving kids around mornings and nights all week ... but I am going to figure out a way to do it and add 30 minutes to last weeks goal... so this week's goal will be 300 minutes.
    I also am committing to making better food choices this week and keeping my calories under 1700 each day.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    How is everyone doing?I just got 60 minutes of cardio in on Level 15 resistance on my elliptical.So I am back.I am going to do another 30 minutes later this evening.How is everyone else doing?
    KCSPEARS Posts: 123
    Im kristina from louisiana. Could i please join... i really need support. My current weight is 265. i joined myfitness pal 3 days ago i think...

    thank you
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Im kristina from louisiana. Could i please join... i really need support. My current weight is 265. i joined myfitness pal 3 days ago i think...

    thank you

    Hi Kristina!

    We both spell our names the same!:happy:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Im kristina from louisiana. Could i please join... i really need support. My current weight is 265. i joined myfitness pal 3 days ago i think...

    thank you
    Hello and welcome!! Our weigh ins are on Fridays and we are currently on a cardio challenge where you increase the minutes of cardio you do each week.So report back to us each day or weekly on Fridays with your weight and how many minutes of cardio you have accomplished for the week.Best of Luck and again welcome.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    :mad: I made a mistake this morning by weighing myself at the YMCA when I knew I should just wait until tomorrow! But I was excited because my clothes have been fitting loser and I was just sure that I had lost weight ... but NO ... I was up FOUR POUNDS.... !@#$$%
    I know it is probably water weight ... and I know I should still just be happy my clothes are loser - because that matters more than a number on the scale ... but it is still hard not to be frustrated with that number going up! I'm not going to update my weight on MFP today, but will try weighing again tomorrow like I should have. Aaargh! :mad:

    On a happier note :happy: ... I'm very excited that I figured out how to better fit in a step class at the Y on Thursday mornings. I got my husband to agree to drop my son at daycare so that I could get to a 6:45am class and just get to work a little late. It was really nice to get my workout done in the morning ... I will be so much more likely to not skip it! So kudos to me!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Happy weigh-in day everyone, hope you all had some good results. I am down 1 pound this week, and did 642 mins of exercise this week!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Great Job Jennifer on 642 minutes this week.Good Job everyone else.I am down 1 pound this week and I am hoping for a bunch more.I am getting ready to go on vacation next Friday and I want to lose at least the weight I had gained back which is another 6 pounds.I know I can do with afocus and determination,and lots of hard work.Good Luck this week you guys remember to up your cardio minutes this week.I am expecting 700 minutes from you Jennifer cause I know you can do it.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I stayed the same this week (which is much better than what the scale told me on Thursday morning). I'm 25 minutes from my weekly exercise goal - so I know I can still get that in. This week I WILL make some meal plans to get my calorie intake more under control. I need to see that scale move down again! Have a good week everyone! (and rest of the weekend)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi everyone, I am back from my trip and ready to get back to mfp.:heart: I did good at camp and I walked up that hill I was determined to conquer and I did it 2x a day with the exception of 1 day I did not exercise and 1 day I only walked up it 1 time. I think I told you all that every year everyone walks up that hill and I could not. I am so proud of myself, I was determined to do that this year and was doing it twice a day. WOW!!!!!!!!!! Let me tell ya though it was hard I was puffing and panting when I got to the top but I felt so good after.:noway: All the people at camp were saying that they could really tell that I lost weight. I was so pleased because the people I see all the time can not tell yet. With the exception of my hubby and kids:bigsmile:
    KCSPEARS Posts: 123
    i lost 5 pounds this week. and i went from walking 1 mile a day to right at 2 miles a day.:smile: