Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • Hoosier_num1
  • BigCed77024
    BigCed77024 Posts: 1,115 Member
    So, hanging out with my sister last night and she brings up something she thought I remembered but I can’t:

    At a recent family event, one of our cousins comes up to her to chat. They haven’t seen each other in awhile and she reminds him that she is Rebecca. He says, “Oh, yeah. The thin one.”

    This made me really depressed at first but then I remembered that I'm losing weight and that I won't be "the fat one" for much longer. It totally gave me the burst of motivation I needed to destroy the treadmill at the gym today.

    What is the worst thing someone has said to you or to others about your weight? I think this is a perfect opportunity to take a negative and turn it into a positive!

    Use that as AMMUNITION EVERY TIME YOU DON'T WANNA WORK OUT and you WANNA EAT SOMETHING BAD! i would put it in my kitchen on my mirror, in my car...USE IT AS MOTIVATION and PROVE HIM WRONG!!!
  • Kaytee233
    Kaytee233 Posts: 54 Member
    When kids call you fat or big....haha! Because you know they don't mean anything by it they're just being honest.
  • rlwash
    rlwash Posts: 24
    Beached Whale, Thunder Thighs, Pleasantly Plump, Politely Fluffy...
  • hpynh2o
    hpynh2o Posts: 194 Member
    Recent co-worker comment: "You're getting too skinny."

    Jealous bit*hes.
  • BobbyMorgan
    I was in JCPenny a few years ago shopping for a shirt for a dinner my wife and I were going to. I was struggling trying to find something and complained to my wife. There was another "fit" guy shopping near us and I heard him say:

    "He doesn't need JCPenny, he needs a tent shop"
  • BobbyMorgan
    When kids call you fat or big....haha! Because you know they don't mean anything by it they're just being honest.

    Oh yeah.....Like being called Jiggly and Squishy. lol
  • ruggedBear
    Dated a guy for a while who started out as a good friend. He told me he really liked me but he was having a hard time dealing with having a fat girlfriend. Buh-bye!
  • Hoosier_num1
    How awful that this thread has spread to 19 pages! Are there really so many mean and thoughtless people in the world?

    Yes there is! It's everywhere and so Hurtful!

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  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    My mother used to call one of my sisters her little magic fairy princess... I was the little fat fairy
  • heresmyinsidevoice
    heresmyinsidevoice Posts: 311 Member
    I worked at a fine dining restaurant about 10 years ago. I seated this attractive, fit couple and the guy said to me, "I'll take a glass of the house red, Handles", and then he grabbed my side. The restaurant was full of people all around me, and I was so stunned at having that just happen that I was at a loss for words. I reluctantly got that stupid prick his wine.
  • 33lbsless
    Yesterday at work actually my co-worker came up to me and said

    "Are you PMS-ing or something" and I was like "umm...yeah...."
    and then he said "WOW it's amazing how much water you can retain!"

    and I said "so you're saying I look fat?" and he said "Oh no Im kidding *turns around* *mumbles* well maybe a little"

    In HS:
    1:"Oh Codie I knew that was you coming down the hall because I could feel the ground shaking"
    2: "People in china could feel the ground shaking"

    At prom:
    My date leaned over and said "why are you so fat?!"
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    Ive been asked when Im due, even though Im not pregnant. And when I WAS pregnant I had a lady at church overhear me talking about the pregnancy and had the nerve to say "OH! Youre pregnant...I just thought you were fat". Nice. Ive also had people tell me I have "child bearing" hips. Ive been called "Fluffy". Or the dreaded "You have a cute face even though your fat" (that was from a FORMER friend!) And my Mother is a huge fan of reminding me that the cute top I pointed out would NEVER fit me. Its also hard to be described as the nice one, or funny one, or smart one in your group of friends. They are too nice to call you the fat one but thats what they mean! lol
  • Hoosier_num1
    OH I forgot about this one. When I was in 4th grade these High School kids that were my neighbors called me "Smurf-Fat". B/C my family was poor and all I had to wear that day was blue sweat pants and sweatshirt. They called me that up till they graduated and moved away. They have apologize since then but it was very hurting. My mom always made fun of me growing up. We don't have a relationship till this day. :-(

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  • emberdanielle
    I have a few personal favorites.

    "You'd think that since you dance a lot, you'd be a lot thinner.. But, I mean, some chicks can rock that muffin-top look."

    And upon a guy asking me out, he said: "And it's weird, 'cause I usually go for thinner chicks."

    And any time I go clothes shopping, someone I'm shopping with feels the need to remind me that my butt or my thighs are too big for whatever garment I'm trying on.. And half of the time they're wrong!

    People are so rude, and very blind to how their words can actually hurt a person's attempts to better themselves.
  • RUN2CJ
    RUN2CJ Posts: 64 Member
    "When are you due?"

    My favorite! Now that my stomach is shrinking, I shouldn't have that question asked ever again!

    I didn't think I was that overweight until theHouston Metro Bus driver asked me this question...
  • gabbingfilly
    gabbingfilly Posts: 106 Member
    My older brother has always said that I was "two people". When I was pregnant I asked him what I was then (big mistake) and he said that I doubled to four people. Also, this last summer I had a riding accident and was thrown off and he made the comment that the horse was probably thinking, "One person on me at a time". Yeah, he's a real a**hole.
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    Recently my best guy friend:
    We were sitting in class and I was talking to a group of friends.
    Me --"I think I want to be a dietician.
    him--" how can you.... Nevermind"
    me-- "What?"
    him--"I was about to say How can you be a dietician when you don't even follow your own diet"
    me--"Ugh! What are you talking about!? I have been on the same diet plan since september"
    him--"Nuh uh. Remember the first time you got on it you told me you quit."
    Him--"No, remember when..."
    me--"That was a year Ago"

    needless to say that stung like a bee:frown:
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    These all make me so sad. I know that I remember crappy insensitive things people have have said about my appearance especially my weight much much longer than the positive things people say. Family members, friends and total strangers need to know that saying these types of things is EMOTIONAL ABUSE.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Good Lord, I'd run out of room with all the mean comments I've gotten.

    From my Mom: "Boys don't like fat girls." I cried my head off for hours at that.

    From a boy in my 8th grade class "Baby whale."

    From a former co-worker "Are you pregnant?"

    From my Dad "You just sit around all day getting fat." (I was about 12 when he said this. Thanks Dad, very helpful to tell a 12 year old girl she's fat.)

    When I was very young, I was thin. There was a girl in my grade who was a bigger girl. Everyone used to pick on her, so one day I did too. Just to be one of the crowd. I immediately felt terrible, though we stayed friends all through grade school. I never forgot my comment to her, and it always bugged me, especially since I got big and knew how badly it hurt. Fast forward to about 25 years after grammar school graduation, we became friends on Facebook. Someone posted something not very nice on her wall, and made her feel bad. That prompted me to message her privately, and say "All these years later, I'm very sorry I made a mean comment to you." She was very nice about it, saying she didn't even remember but was very appreciative of the apology.