12 Tips for People who feel like they can't not losing weigh



  • evansproudmama
    People! You dont need to attack the OP she was NOT saying that you have to follow her tips and thats the only way to lose. She was simply giving you her recommendation based on what has worked for her. SHe states that many times and we all know everyones body is different! Thanks for the tips Im going to use a few of them myself :-) The 21 days thing really hit home with me as I am now on a "buckle down" mode for the next 30days to get myself in a better regimin.

    Thanks again!
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
  • tinattinat
    tinattinat Posts: 56 Member
    Well I thought your tips were great! And I agree with everything. If someone else, doesn't......keep in mind, she shared this because she just wanted to HELP, not push anyone into doing something HER way! These things worked for her and many others, I might add. Not to mention, a lot of times, the naysayers that don't agree with your tips and think they don't work and you are wrong are the same ones that "can't lose weight".
    Thanks for the tips!
  • Virginia90
    Virginia90 Posts: 317 Member
    I wanted to let you know you might want to look into the agave nectar a little more if you are aiming to limit processed foods (namingly HFCS). Agave nectar isn't make from the "succulent leaf of the agave plant" like the bottles claim - it's actually made from the root starches of the agave plant - it's processed very similarly to the way that high fructose corn syrup is processed except some brands are worse for you than HFCS. Depending on the brand, agave nectar contains anywhere from 55-97% of fructose. Most HFCS has about 55% fructose in it. Assuming you know why high-fructose corn syrup is bad for you, it's obvious what the issue is. Unfortunately, I learned this after I had switched my family to agave and ordered a bunch of it. I ended up giving it away and switching to raw sugar (which isn't much better, but at least it has a better balance of fructose and glucose). It sucks, but unfortunately, organic doesn't mean not-processed, it just means no pesticides were used when growing it.
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    Well, as much as I appreciate the effort put into writing this blog/article I have to disagree with 5,8 and 9.

    5. Meal timing and no. of meals/day is irrelevant. It's been scientifically proved for many years now. This is only a perpetual nutritional myth.
    8.Why is that? Variety of healthy food help people to go over a boring diet and getting sick of the same food every day. I have to mention that every person is unique. I can eat the same darn thing for a month without any problem but I'm one of the few.
    9.Personal preference in case of people that want to lose weight. A must for athletes or BBs. There are many many variables here (weight goal, fitness level, motivation, necessity, time availability and so on). As you said not always the more the better.

    Other than that intentions are great and the rest of the tips are really valuable.:smile:

    This post is really about what works for me and what people should consider if they are having a hard time--it's not the be all, end all of how to lose weight. That's why they are "tips." This is not the only way to lose weight, because if it were, I'd sell the tips and not put them on the internet...but it's how I got healthy when I was feeling hopeless and frustrated with mediocre weight loss or none at all.

    Like I said at the end of the post, none of it was "scientifically researched," it was just my own, real-life experience as well as the experience of my healthy, fit friends and mentors. I find that to be the most helpful advice when I need it, so I thought others might too.

    You may be right; maybe there is no scientific research that says your body reacts differently when you don't eat every 2-3 hours, but that's not what I was saying. I was saying that doing so prevents cravings and over-eating. And there is plenty of research to suggest that it is definitely true that skipping meals slows down your metabolism.

    I never said to eat the exact same things every day! In fact, I specifically said that is NOT what I am saying. This is advice I got from health and fitness expert Chalene Johnson. According to her and her research (and my own experience), when you stick with what you know, you're less likely to get off track, unlike if you experiment with a lot of variety. I'm not saying eat the same things for the rest of your life! I love to experiment with new recipes and foods, but when I find something I like and I know is healthy, I stick with it for a while, and then change it up when I get bored with it. I'm not saying to eat foods you find boring, I'm saying eat healthy foods you enjoy!

    As for the exercise tips, I'll once again remind you that this advice was directed toward people who have hit plateaus or are not seeing results at all.
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    I eat processed food, only eat twice per day (sometimes three times), eat white carbs almost daily, and I'm down 33 lbs total (25 on MFP), 3 pants sizes, am stronger and fitter than I've been in years, and my blood markers are perfect. Sorry, but not everyone has to do it your way to drop lbs.

    That's fantastic (and no, i'm not being sarcastic). But please look at the title of my blog post, and remember that it wasn't directed toward people who are satisfied with their weight loss.

    And your statement, "The only thing makes you lose weight is a calorie deficit" is simply not true. It is ONE thing that makes you lose weight and is necessary for weight loss, but it is not the ONLY thing, and I really think that's where many of the people to whom my post was directed have problems (which you thankfully do not have). If I eat 1500 calories worth of fast food and Oreos a day and you eat 1500 calories worth of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and lean proteins--you will lose more weight, more quickly than I do (not to mention feel a heck of a lot better than I do). Guarantee it.

    My question to the people who are so upset that I'm demanding you change your eating habits (now that is sarcasm, because I'm clearly not doing that)-- Don't you want the absolute best results possible? Even if your satisfied with your results, what if some of my tips could make you feel better and have more energy? Maybe you've lost weight, but still have high cholesterol. Maybe you want to tone up more. These tips are intended for people interested in those things, not for people who are content with what they are doing and the results they are achieving. I think that was pretty obvious by the title.

    I guess I'm just not satisfied with mediocrity.
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    I wanted to let you know you might want to look into the agave nectar a little more if you are aiming to limit processed foods (namingly HFCS). Agave nectar isn't make from the "succulent leaf of the agave plant" like the bottles claim - it's actually made from the root starches of the agave plant - it's processed very similarly to the way that high fructose corn syrup is processed except some brands are worse for you than HFCS. Depending on the brand, agave nectar contains anywhere from 55-97% of fructose. Most HFCS has about 55% fructose in it. Assuming you know why high-fructose corn syrup is bad for you, it's obvious what the issue is. Unfortunately, I learned this after I had switched my family to agave and ordered a bunch of it. I ended up giving it away and switching to raw sugar (which isn't much better, but at least it has a better balance of fructose and glucose). It sucks, but unfortunately, organic doesn't mean not-processed, it just means no pesticides were used when growing it.

    Wow! I will definitely look into that! I love getting new information like this!! Thank you so much!!! I don't usually eat much agave (mainly because it's so darn expensive), but I will DEFINITELY keep your info in mind. If you don't mind my asking, where did you get this information? I'd like to know more about it.

    lol I do know what organic means... I never said that organic means it isn't processed.

    Keep in mind, when I referred to agave, I was talking about "treats" and not something I make my whole diet out of. I don't see anything wrong with eating sweets every once in a while--in fact, I strongly encourage it!!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Decent article-

    You get double points for the double negative in the thread title.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    And your statement, "The only thing makes you lose weight is a calorie deficit" is simply not true. It is ONE thing that makes you lose weight and is necessary for weight loss, but it is not the ONLY thing, and I really think that's where many of the people to whom my post was directed have problems (which you thankfully do not have). If I eat 1500 calories worth of fast food and Oreos a day and you eat 1500 calories worth of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and lean proteins--you will lose more weight, more quickly than I do (not to mention feel a heck of a lot better than I do). Guarantee it.

    Sorry, but you are not correct on this.

    See below articles:


    There are hundreds more of these available if you look.

    If you are talking about overall health, then you are right that a diet of better quality foods will make you feel better and live better, but for strict weight loss, it really does not matter where the calories come from. It's thermodynamics, and nothing else.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you should eat all junk. There are benefits to eating better quality food other than weight loss that are critical, but to say that eating a calorie deficit of junk will make you not lose weight eating the same number of calories in better food is just wrong. I would challenge you to find a scientific article (not an opinion or editorial) that says otherwise to prove your point.

    I'm not pointing this out to attack you, however, I do think that if you provide advice, it should be scientifically sound advice. Be careful with the assumption that your way is the only way that someone can do this. You're making the assumption that your way works for everyone, which is not true. Sometimes those who are stuck without a loss aren't eating as little as they think they are or overestimating their calorie burn. Not everyone wants to eat fresh foods all the time either. Food preference matters.

    I also don't think the comment about accepting mediocrity was appropriate or warranted. I do not accept myself as mediocre either (hence why I am here and working my *kitten* off, literally), and did not appreciate this comment. It really was unnecessary. My health is better than it's ever been and my blood markers are perfect. I'm in outstanding health, and I'm enjoying this journey I am on.

    To answer your questions about my energy level and such, my recommendation would be to incorporate more exercise and regular activity into one's daily routine. A good workout or day out hiking, biking, or being active does amazing things for one's energy levels.
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    And your statement, "The only thing makes you lose weight is a calorie deficit" is simply not true. It is ONE thing that makes you lose weight and is necessary for weight loss, but it is not the ONLY thing, and I really think that's where many of the people to whom my post was directed have problems (which you thankfully do not have). If I eat 1500 calories worth of fast food and Oreos a day and you eat 1500 calories worth of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and lean proteins--you will lose more weight, more quickly than I do (not to mention feel a heck of a lot better than I do). Guarantee it.

    Sorry, but you are not correct on this.

    See below articles:


    There are hundreds more of these available if you look.

    If you are talking about overall health, then you are right that a diet of better quality foods will make you feel better and live better, but for strict weight loss, it really does not matter where the calories come from. It's thermodynamics, and nothing else.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you should eat all junk. There are benefits to eating better quality food other than weight loss that are critical, but to say that eating a calorie deficit of junk will make you not lose weight eating the same number of calories in better food is just wrong. I would challenge you to find a scientific article (not an opinion or editorial) that says otherwise to prove your point.

    I'm not pointing this out to attack you, however, I do think that if you provide advice, it should be scientifically sound advice. Be careful with the assumption that your way is the only way that someone can do this. You're making the assumption that your way works for everyone, which is not true. Sometimes those who are stuck without a loss aren't eating as little as they think they are or overestimating their calorie burn. Not everyone wants to eat fresh foods all the time either. Food preference matters.

    I also don't think the comment about accepting mediocrity was appropriate or warranted. I do not accept myself as mediocre either (hence why I am here and working my *kitten* off, literally), and did not appreciate this comment. It really was unnecessary. My health is better than it's ever been and my blood markers are perfect. I'm in outstanding health, and I'm enjoying this journey I am on.

    To answer your questions about my energy level and such, my recommendation would be to incorporate more exercise and regular activity into one's daily routine. A good workout or day out hiking, biking, or being active does amazing things for one's energy levels.

    When did I ever say my way was the only way? Please show me where. Well, you can't. Because that's not what I think! On the contrary, YOU were the one who said that a calorie deficit WAS THE ONLY WAY, and I simply said it was one way. There are probably millions of ways to lose weight. In my post, I very clearly said that it is important to have a calorie deficit in order to lose weight. I'm not even disagreeing with you and you're trying to pick an argument!

    By the way, I'm will not be checking out those links, because I am not one bit interested in a junk food diet, regardless of how effective it is for weight loss. Junk food has its name for a reason.

    I also never said that eating a calorie deficit of junk wouldn't make you lose weight. I said that you'd lose more weight, faster (and feel a heck of a lot better) if you did it by eating health food. You need to read more carefully before you go into attack mode. You're assuming that I am here personally attacking you and your eating habits when I wasn't even directing any of it to you. The post was directed toward people who want help--you have all the answers, so you obviously don't need my help.

    Again, you're putting words in my mouth. I NEVER said that I think you accept mediocrity; I simply said that I don't. You seem to be taking it personally because of some insecurity that has nothing to do with me. I'm sure you're perfectly healthy as you say you are and I never intended to suggest otherwise.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    And your statement, "The only thing makes you lose weight is a calorie deficit" is simply not true. It is ONE thing that makes you lose weight and is necessary for weight loss, but it is not the ONLY thing, and I really think that's where many of the people to whom my post was directed have problems (which you thankfully do not have). If I eat 1500 calories worth of fast food and Oreos a day and you eat 1500 calories worth of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and lean proteins--you will lose more weight, more quickly than I do (not to mention feel a heck of a lot better than I do). Guarantee it.

    Sorry, but you are not correct on this.

    See below articles:


    There are hundreds more of these available if you look.

    If you are talking about overall health, then you are right that a diet of better quality foods will make you feel better and live better, but for strict weight loss, it really does not matter where the calories come from. It's thermodynamics, and nothing else.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you should eat all junk. There are benefits to eating better quality food other than weight loss that are critical, but to say that eating a calorie deficit of junk will make you not lose weight eating the same number of calories in better food is just wrong. I would challenge you to find a scientific article (not an opinion or editorial) that says otherwise to prove your point.

    I'm not pointing this out to attack you, however, I do think that if you provide advice, it should be scientifically sound advice. Be careful with the assumption that your way is the only way that someone can do this. You're making the assumption that your way works for everyone, which is not true.

  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    When did I ever say my way was the only way? Please show me where. Oh, you can't. Because that's now what I think! On the contrary, you said that a calorie deficit WAS THE ONLY WAY, and I simply said it was one way. There are literally millions of ways to lose weight.

    I also never said that eating a calorie deficit of junk wouldn't make you lose weight, I said that you'd lose more weight, faster (and feel a heck of a lot better) if you did it eating health food. You need to read more carefully. You're assuming that I am here personally attacking you and your eating habits when I wasn't even directing any of it to you. The post was directed for people who want help--you have all the answers, so you obviously don't need my help.

    Again, you're putting words in my mouth. I NEVER said that I think you accept mediocrity; I simply said that I don't. You seem to be taking it personally because of some insecurity that has nothing to do with me. I'm sure you're perfectly healthy as you say you are and I never intended to suggest otherwise.

    Your comment about "I guess I don't accept mediocrity" was an incinuation that those of us who disagree with you (and have done so poilitely, I might add) do. It was unnecessary. Did you say "you are mediocre"? No, you didn't, but the comment was unnecessary and left alone came across as rude and has an air of superiority that is uncalled for.

    I see you are obviously too emotionally involved in your own advice to have a discussion so I'm out. In the future, however, you should be careful how you post advice especially when it's not correct. I posted scientific support for my points. You did not. It's as simple as that. I am not angry with you at all, simply questioning your advice.

    Obviously being challenged is too much for you.
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    When did I ever say my way was the only way? Please show me where. Oh, you can't. Because that's now what I think! On the contrary, you said that a calorie deficit WAS THE ONLY WAY, and I simply said it was one way. There are literally millions of ways to lose weight.

    I also never said that eating a calorie deficit of junk wouldn't make you lose weight, I said that you'd lose more weight, faster (and feel a heck of a lot better) if you did it eating health food. You need to read more carefully. You're assuming that I am here personally attacking you and your eating habits when I wasn't even directing any of it to you. The post was directed for people who want help--you have all the answers, so you obviously don't need my help.

    Again, you're putting words in my mouth. I NEVER said that I think you accept mediocrity; I simply said that I don't. You seem to be taking it personally because of some insecurity that has nothing to do with me. I'm sure you're perfectly healthy as you say you are and I never intended to suggest otherwise.

    Your comment about "I guess I don't accept mediocrity" was an incinuation that those of us who disagree with you (and have done so poilitely, I might add) do. It was unnecessary. Did you say "you are mediocre"? No, you didn't, but the comment was unnecessary and left alone came across as rude and has an air of superiority that is uncalled for.

    I see you are obviously too emotionally involved in your own advice to have a discussion so I'm out. In the future, however, you should be careful how you post advice especially when it's not correct. I posted proof for my points. You did not. It's as simple as that. I am not angry with you at all, simply questioning your advice.

    Obviously being challenged is too much for you.

    I have no problem being challenged. You could very easily accept that I have a different opinion and stop putting words in my mouth or trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. I was not insinuating anything. By saying "I don't accept mediocrity," I was simply trying to express that the reason I follow such a strict diet (as someone else called it) is because I only want the best results possible. If you've gotten fantastic results some other way, more power to you and I encourage you to keep up the good work. As I said originally, I never said my way is the only way. I DON'T DISAGREE WITH YOU! A caloric deficit will help you lose weight. I suggested a caloric deficit in my post. If you want to lose weight, YES, you need a caloric deficit. I don't know how else to say it! I'm simply saying that this is what I did and what worked for me! Talk about emotionally invested... you're the one going on the defense about suggestions that were not even meant for you!
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    AND YES, DEAR GOD, YES I AM TALKING ABOUT OVERALL HEALTH. That should go without saying.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member

    And your statement, "The only thing makes you lose weight is a calorie deficit" is simply not true. It is ONE thing that makes you lose weight and is necessary for weight loss, but it is not the ONLY thing, and I really think that's where many of the people to whom my post was directed have problems (which you thankfully do not have). If I eat 1500 calories worth of fast food and Oreos a day and you eat 1500 calories worth of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and lean proteins--you will lose more weight, more quickly than I do (not to mention feel a heck of a lot better than I do). Guarantee it.

    you are 100 percent wrong, I'm afraid, on that ... and I'd put money on that bet.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Will I be overall healthier? Will I possibly lose more fat than muscle? Sure.

    But I can eat 1200 calories of cheesecake and I will lose weight. It is a simple method of my body burning more energy than it takes. I don't think you have the slightest idea of how this works. And quite frankly your accusation that "I will lose more weight more quickly!" is humorous.

    And your statement, "The only thing makes you lose weight is a calorie deficit" is simply not true. It is ONE thing that makes you lose weight and is necessary for weight loss, but it is not the ONLY thing, and I really think that's where many of the people to whom my post was directed have problems (which you thankfully do not have). If I eat 1500 calories worth of fast food and Oreos a day and you eat 1500 calories worth of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and lean proteins--you will lose more weight, more quickly than I do (not to mention feel a heck of a lot better than I do). Guarantee it.

    you are 100 percent wrong, I'm afraid, on that ... and I'd put money on that bet.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Will I be overall healthier? Will I possibly lose more fat than muscle? Sure.

    But I can eat 1200 calories of cheesecake and I will lose weight. It is a simple method of my body burning more energy than it takes. I don't think you have the slightest idea of how this works. And quite frankly your accusation that "I will lose more weight more quickly!" is humorous.

    And your statement, "The only thing makes you lose weight is a calorie deficit" is simply not true. It is ONE thing that makes you lose weight and is necessary for weight loss, but it is not the ONLY thing, and I really think that's where many of the people to whom my post was directed have problems (which you thankfully do not have). If I eat 1500 calories worth of fast food and Oreos a day and you eat 1500 calories worth of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and lean proteins--you will lose more weight, more quickly than I do (not to mention feel a heck of a lot better than I do). Guarantee it.

    you are 100 percent wrong, I'm afraid, on that ... and I'd put money on that bet.


    oh. wait. yeah, she did.
  • seven8nine
    All I can say is Wow.

    Someone who has had success takes the time to be supportive and tries to be helpful by offering tips that worked for her and gets challenged left-right-and-centre! Thought these boards were supposed to be supportive?
    There are nice ways to disagree....
  • emstgm
    emstgm Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to provide some helpful tips! I enjoyed reading your blog and you have inspired me to look more closely at my diet. I bet for some, they like variety in their diets, but I am like you - I do best with more of a predictable routine. Thanks for sharing this! :flowerforyou:
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    All I can say is Wow.

    Someone who has had success takes the time to be supportive and tries to be helpful by offering tips that worked for her and gets challenged left-right-and-centre! Thought these boards were supposed to be supportive?
    There are nice ways to disagree....

    you know, you're right in that maybe I was overly sarcastic. but it was really only in response to to a flippant remark about other accepting mediocrity if they eat another way. maybe the OP didn't intend for it to sound that way, but it's certainly the way it came off. and that's wrong and unfair.

    and then to start to talk about how weight loss isn't about just caloric deficit? seriously? on this of all sites, a place dedicated and built around people losing weight by creating a caloric deficit. it's the basic, bedrock principal of weight loss. period. just is. so to say otherwise is just silly.