Best alcoholic beverage to manage calories?



  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    sailor jerry and coke zero -- its like 94 proof and after 3 you wont need another LOL
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I no longer drink alcohol, but when I did I always drank club soda and vodka with a twist of lime. If it is too bitter for you, have them add a splash of cranberry juice.
  • thpeek
    thpeek Posts: 76
    Just about any spiced rum mixed with diet soda has very low calories and sugar, it is my favorite!
    I do enjoy my wine a few evening per week, 4-5 ounces of a really good smooth Mascato from Italy usually does the trick usually adds a few carbs to my day but not more than 11.
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    I drink Dewar's White Label (scotch whiskey) with water. 69 calories per shot, zero calories for the water. For mixed drinks, use diet mixers, but water is best. Planning is also key. I try to make sure to plan my alcoholic beverages into my food plan for the day. And I also try to make sure I get a good workout in to cover the empty calories I plan to drink. :drinker: Sorry, but I don't drink beer.
  • m_mackin
    The problem with any alcoholic beverage is the higher the alcohol content the higher the caloric intake, no matter what you mix it with. Every gram of pure alcohol that you ingest is 7 calories no matter what kind it is. So if you want to get drunk, there is no way around the calories unless you are drinking straight shots with no added sugar/carbs. The reason MGD 64 is only 64 calories is because they not only lowered the carbs (taste) they lowered the alcohol content.

    My advice - vodka, seltzer with a splash of lime, or anything that you can make taste good without sugar.

    No matter what you do, each 1.5 shot you are taking is about 100 calories from the alcohol.
  • Shazam27
    Riley said it right - plan for it in your daily caloric intake. Sucks cause you sacrifice nutrician for the drinks - but eat enough other good stuff and just compensate for the appx 100 calories per drink. And on a drinking day do some excersize in the morning or during lunch break to pad your calorie stat.

    For every hour you walk, thats 3 drinks :) and that is outside of the daily calorie goal you have set.
  • caitlinmt726
    im going to try trop50 with pinnacle's whipped, the whipped has 110 calories in 1oz, and the trop50 has 50 calories, so a 160 calorie drink. im hoping it tastes creamsicle-y.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Become a lightweight and learn to enjoy less :)

    I enjoy my heavy beers, or mixed drinks ... I drink them because they taste good! However I don't drink 2,3,4,5,6 ;) ...

    Gives more incentives to your burns too ... coming off a heavy run and enjoying a nice dark beer with a slice of pizza and still being under is pretty awesome! :)