Men, how do you feel when you see women in the



  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    happy for them.................
    the majority of people severely under-estimate the value of strength training in weight loss, and focus on spending way too much time on the hamster wheel.

    when you build muscle, you burn more calories doing EVERYTHING, walking, eating, sleeping

    Take if from someone who only lifts, 3 times a week for 45 min............ditch the hamster wheel and pick up something heavy

    I've seen this alot on MFP.... it facinates me!!!
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    I lift everyday! and yes i am one of those girls who goes to the gym after doing her nails. What's wrong with having cute nails at the gym? I don't really care what i look like there tho. However, what's wrong with a pretty girl lifting just cuz she is pretty doesn't make her to dumb to figure out how to lift weights.

    I agree!!!! I go to the gym AFTER work, so when I get there, my hair is still holding up, I'm still wearing make-up....but by the time I leave, I have sexy sweat dripping down my face, neck, cleavage..........:tongue:
  • lizlee8
    lizlee8 Posts: 92 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I *do* like seeing (other) women in the weight room! In fact, this thread is going to prompt me to say "hello" to the one other (regular, female) lifter who is at the gym at the same time of day as me.

    Mind you....I'm just going to say "hello"....I'm sure, like me, she's there to get her lifting in and then get the heck outta there (and on with her day).

    Also, because I work-out in the middle of the day, my make-up is PERFECT going in, but pretty sloppy (and I have to re-apply) when I'm done lifting. It isn't about "looking good" in the gym, but I'm not gonna wipe off my make-up to go and have a work-out, for pete's sakes....
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    When that girl who wears make up and did her hair is doing leg presses on the assisted pull up machine I'm like "wtf is she thinking?"

    But when that one girl comes in who looks like she just rolled out of bed and doesn't give a duck, starts to perform snatches and C&J's with perfect form, i stand square in front of her, right hand over my heart and recite the pledge of allegiance.

  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    When that girl who wears make up and did her hair is doing leg presses on the assisted pull up machine I'm like "wtf is she thinking?"

    But when that one girl comes in who looks like she just rolled out of bed and doesn't give a duck, starts to perform snatches and C&J's with perfect form, i stand square in front of her, right hand over my heart and recite the pledge of allegiance.

    Boy, you're into extremes, aren't you?

    What about the rest of us who have cute workout clothes but are there to work, ignore the guys hanging around on the floor and just get our *kitten* done?
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    oh my godsh! I'm not a dude, but i was at the gym last night with one of my guys buddies, and there is this girl in the free weights section, and she is wearing leggings, a long sleeve button up sweater, and FULL FACE MAKEUP. I mean THE WHOLE 9 YARDS. She even took the time to use a permanent marker to draw on those god forsaken eyebrows! I mean, i put on some powder or whatever to even skin tone and throw on some mascara before i go to the gym, but hot damn if i have the determination to put on my entire FACE! And then it only looks like **** after a while, because you sweat it off and it cakes. <3

    But i agree with you men, when i see a chick just going to town at the gym, i tingle <3
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    When that girl who wears make up and did her hair is doing leg presses on the assisted pull up machine I'm like "wtf is she thinking?"
    but what if she shows up with her hair nice and makeup on and still does a mean snatch??
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    I think most women are intimidated by weight rooms which is really sad. Maybe gyms should do a women's only weight room and see how that goes. Have a trainer there to teach them proper form.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I think most women are intimidated by weight rooms which is really sad. Maybe gyms should do a women's only weight room and see how that goes. Have a trainer there to teach them proper form.

    This is me! I wish someone could show me. I can't afford a personal training session once, let alone continual work with a trainer. I have only ever used the barbie weights, and that while doing a ball fitness class. I have no clue on form or what weight for which exercise. I took a group power class about 6 months ago, did half the class and then puked. Clearly doing something wrong, but with no knowlege, i am no about to try that again.
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    When that girl who wears make up and did her hair is doing leg presses on the assisted pull up machine I'm like "wtf is she thinking?"
    but what if she shows up with her hair nice and makeup on and still does a mean snatch??

    Even if dave tate showed up and started doing leg presses on the assisted pull up machine i would still think "wtf". I will sometimes show up with my hair still done from work I understand that people have lives. There is a kid who comes to my gym in abercrombie and aeropostale clothes, hat tilted sideways, and does 10 different types of curls. what a dueche, but even if he knew how to snatch he probably couldn't in his holister shorts. Come to the gym and lift like you know what you are doing, that is all i ask.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    How do you do leg press on an assisted pull-up machine?

    And I totally wore makeup to the gym yesterday.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I'm the only woman I've seen doing bench press and REAL dumbbell curls. The other ladies hang out there but use 5 lb dumbbells.
    For those afraid to ask guys questions, don't be scared! Seriously, I'll ask a guy in the weights section for help before I'd ever DREAM of asking a woman on a cardio machine for help! Just yesterday, a guy helped me with my deadlift form-he spent probably 10 minutes with me. I was doing my curls and both curl bars were being used. I hadn't attempted the 25 lb dumbbells since my first day 2 weeks ago when it was an EPIC fail. I asked a guy next to me "How often to you try to up your weight?" He said "Every week." I said "I tried the 25s 2 weeks ago and was a no go. Should I try again?" He said "Heck yeah! The worst that can happen is you can't lift it right?" So I managed 3 on each arm and he high fived me afterwards. Sorry-but no woman would have high fived me after I ran 5 miles on a treadmill.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    How do you do leg press on an assisted pull-up machine?

    And I totally wore makeup to the gym yesterday.
    You know how your knees go on the bench part? People put their FEET there and hold themselves up by the pull up bars and then push down with their feet. I saw this once, and I, too, was like "WTF?"
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I think most women are intimidated by weight rooms which is really sad. Maybe gyms should do a women's only weight room and see how that goes. Have a trainer there to teach them proper form.

    This is me! I wish someone could show me. I can't afford a personal training session once, let alone continual work with a trainer. I have only ever used the barbie weights, and that while doing a ball fitness class. I have no clue on form or what weight for which exercise. I took a group power class about 6 months ago, did half the class and then puked. Clearly doing something wrong, but with no knowlege, i am no about to try that again.
    At my gym, I ask for help with 1 thing. So yesterday, I asked if someone could help me with the bench press. It was basically a mini personal training session. Watch you tube videos for form. Look around the gym and watch people who have good form and buck it up and ask them "Hey-I just saw you doing squats. Would you mind watching my form and helping me?" So long as you ask after they are done or between sets, they are usually really helpful. I've never had anyone say "Nope-sorry-I cannot help you out"
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    When I first started going into the "man cave", they just stared, after a week of just being watched, I got a nod, then a "hey", after another week, they asked me my name, another week, they asked me to leave the 125 on the squat rack so they could use it. Now we help each other all the time. Other girls look over from the Cardio Hell area longingly and I can see it in their eyes, they want to be brave and join us, but they never do...just me and the boys.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Hahaha... I totally got the "what is /she/ doing here look today... and the staring... all while I was thinking, "can you two "girls" shut up and move on so I can use the Lat pulldown? or do they think I'm just in here for the treadmill? Too bad they don't know that I hate the treadmill with a bloody passion."
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Much respect to the ladies that hit the weights and do the right lifts. They are the 1%s of their gender.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    one of the reasons I love my gym is that there is always women in the free weight section. The head trainer/manager is a woman and all the trainers work with women in the free weight session so there is nothing unusual about it. Not to say all the women there are with a trainer as there are always some working out on their own, with another woman, or with a guy also.
    Oh and the machines usually have a 50/50 ratio of guys to girls.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I think most women are intimidated by weight rooms which is really sad. Maybe gyms should do a women's only weight room and see how that goes. Have a trainer there to teach them proper form.

    This is me! I wish someone could show me. I can't afford a personal training session once, let alone continual work with a trainer. I have only ever used the barbie weights, and that while doing a ball fitness class. I have no clue on form or what weight for which exercise. I took a group power class about 6 months ago, did half the class and then puked. Clearly doing something wrong, but with no knowlege, i am no about to try that again.

    All the trainers I know if they are there and not with a client or their client is doing a cario burst on the treadmill or something are always willing to help people with their form. What they are thinking is "hey this person might not be able to have a personal training session right now but if I help them now and I am friendly they might be able to get sessions later." So go ahead and ask one if you are doing it correctly.