Most Embarrassing Gym Moment...



  • I was running on the treadmill and wanted to envision something better than the person running in front of me. So I closed my eyes and fell off, and hit the next treadmill and messed up the person on that one.
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    OMG this is too funny. Great for a Friday!
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Got to bump this...
    I tried to be cocky and do chest press with too heavy dumbells (12kg each) - it fell of my chest while everyone was watching! Had to go and put it back and get a lighter one... :embarassed:
  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
    I was on that thigh thing, abductor mebbe?
    The one where its on the inside of your legs and forces them open and you have to push them closed and its attatched to weights....ANYWAAAY (sounds like a molesteror machine)

    I was doing that
    I stopped to talk to someone
    My best mate put it on the heaviest weight
    My legs got wrenched open
    All the muscles ever got pulled
    And I screeched:


    Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared, and I hobbled away

    OMG!!!! I'm sorry but this made me almost pee my pants....:laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: been there in thought lol
  • arsenal45
    arsenal45 Posts: 211 Member
    I ran for 40 minutes on the treadmill, finished and went to the restroom to see my sweats were on backwards with 'Adidas" across my butt cheek.
  • marquesajen
    ~When I was younger I would go work out at the YMCA, mainly because I had a crush on a guy who worked as a lifeguard there in the afternoons. I was walking around the pool staring at him instead of paying attention to where I was going and ran into this guy who was built like a brick wall. It knocked me off my feet and I not only fell into the pool but lost my top as I fell and hit my head too, so the boy I had a huge crush on in high school had to come drag topless me out of the pool.

    ~I was done with my workout and talking to a few people who had been in the class after. Someone said something funny and we all laughed...and I farted. But it wasn't just a fart it was incredibly loud and my fart "laughed" with me. Everyone heard it and we couldn't help it because it sounded so much like a laugh...we laughed at it...which caused me to fart laugh again...and again...and again. By the time my body decided to stop being a side show attraction we had all laughed ourselves into tears.

    That last one, oh wow! I'm trying not to laugh out loud at work, must try harder!
  • GoldenGirl1979
    GoldenGirl1979 Posts: 716 Member
    i don't go to the gym... but last nite i was on my treadmill @ home & i was doing a little cool down walk & i was singing kanye west's "all falls down" REALLY hard... & i close my eyes (still singing hard) & lost my balance!! didn't fall, but i laughed so hard at myself!! like, how funny & ironic would it have been to "fall down" while singing "all falls down" :laugh: :laugh:
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    This was years ago- before I had kids. I was doing really well with diet and exercise and was in great shape. I wanted to change up my exercise routine a bit and thought I'd swim laps for a half hour or so. Well, you don't just wake up one day and swim laps. Swimming is very strenuous. Unfortunately, I had to learn this the hard way. So I get to the YMCA and there's the obligatory hot male lifeguard there, but nobody else is in the pool. I thought they were maybe closing soon, so I asked how late the pool is open. You know- like I'm going to shut this place down after midnight or something. He says 8 pm, and it was around noon. Plenty of time. Yeah, I managed to swim one length of the pool before I started sucking wind, then slunk out of there with my tail between my legs. I haven't tried swimming laps since then.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Tripping on the long distance treadmill w/ the tread - my 1st time at my WORK GYM!
  • lackofnames3
    lackofnames3 Posts: 30 Member
    I teared up at spin class last week I had a pulled muscle in my neck but I was crying more bc I stepped on the scale before class and felt sad and the workout was even tougher than before and I teared up!! luckily it was dark!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    i tripped and fell on a treadmill, sprinting, and hit it, and it immediately shot me off the back into the wall.....................

    OMG that is my absolute fear every time that I'm on the treadmill!!!

    Oh my.....hence the reason I don't do treadmills! If I'm gonna run..I run on the indoor track! Plus, treadmills whack out my equillibrium!
  • BelievePersevereInspire
    LOVE IT!!!
  • mbilling
    mbilling Posts: 30 Member
    I, too, biffed it on the treadmill. I was running, trying to adjust my headband when I accidentally slid it over my eyes. I couldn't see, and somehow in the process ended up with one foot on the tread and one foot on the side of the treadmill. I was trying desperately to correct my footing and restore my vision, and let's be real, I'm not that coordinated. There was a moment of clarity when I was able to recognize that I had to give up and just what that meant...right before I flew off the treadmill into an eliptical machine behind me...that was occupied. It was like watching a funny scene in a stupid romantic comedy, except it wasn't a movie. And it hurt. But not as much as I'd always thought it must. I skinned up my knee pretty bad. And I was so embarrassed that my only solution was to get BACK on the treadmill and finish my last two miles as if nothing happened. A few minutes later an employee of the gym was walking toward me. I was convinced he was going to cancel my membership. Clearly anybody who can't work a simple treadmill doesn't belong HERE. But, no. He was just checking to make sure I was alright.
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    i tripped and fell on a treadmill, sprinting, and hit it, and it immediately shot me off the back into the wall.....................

    :noway: :laugh:
  • scorpiogirl100
    This guy in front of me farted in hot yoga one time....but the smell would not go away!!! I had to move before I got so sick...only I didn't get away in time and totally threw up right there in class!!! needless to say I quickly left and have never been back again :(
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member

    Just thought it fit with this thread.

    I've actually tripped on air at the gym. I was walking to the water fountain and just fell. Not sure how, not sure why, but I completely face planted. Luckily for me it was after the staff and most of the people there have left so no one saw me except the people on the treadmills.

    I trip on air alot
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 184 Member
    I was on that thigh thing, abductor mebbe?
    The one where its on the inside of your legs and forces them open and you have to push them closed and its attatched to weights....ANYWAAAY (sounds like a molesteror machine)

    I was doing that
    I stopped to talk to someone
    My best mate put it on the heaviest weight
    My legs got wrenched open
    All the muscles ever got pulled
    And I screeched:


    Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared, and I hobbled away

    Ok so I literally laughed out loud!!!! :drinker: to that!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I was on that thigh thing, abductor mebbe?
    The one where its on the inside of your legs and forces them open and you have to push them closed and its attatched to weights....ANYWAAAY (sounds like a molesteror machine)

    I was doing that
    I stopped to talk to someone
    My best mate put it on the heaviest weight
    My legs got wrenched open
    All the muscles ever got pulled
    And I screeched:


    Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared, and I hobbled away

    OMG!!!! I'm sorry but this made me almost pee my pants....:laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: been there in thought lol

    OH MY GOSH!!! That's hilarious...although I'm sure you weren't laughing at the time!!! OUCH!!!
  • dzilobommo
    dzilobommo Posts: 73 Member
    bump! Priceless :laugh:
  • BelievePersevereInspire