Post weight losses. Hold me accountable (Thanks!)



  • aslavich
    aslavich Posts: 250 Member
    I just started on Monday:

    10/15: 165 lbs
    Goal: 145 lbs
    Height: 5' 3.5"

    I've been trying a long time. I'm hoping this helps!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    WOW ! Look at all the successes !

    I am so proud of all of you for sticking with this, and learning to be healthier and happier.

  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    8/20 280
    8/27 270
    9/6 265
    9/16 260
    10/05 258
    10/11 255
    10/18 253

    I didn't figure I would see anything this week but I have and my inches have shrunk some more. Alot closer to my first goal now which is fitting into normal clothes and feeling better in general.

  • julieofthewolves
    julieofthewolves Posts: 339 Member
    Pretty impressive stuff here!

    Healthier - only three to go!!!! Your goal is in sight. I'm pulling for you and I can't wait to hear your news when you have met the goal. That goes for any of us, but right now you are so close.
  • denmother46
    denmother46 Posts: 272 Member
    Started 9/15 @ 170
    Today 159
    Goal 140.

    11 down - 19 to go.............!!
  • kimford28
    kimford28 Posts: 320
    Nice work Denmother!
  • JKArts
    JKArts Posts: 10
    I started in mid March and weighed 202lbs.

    Since then I've been doing (fairly) regular workouts, mainly weights and high intensity interval training (about 3-4 times a week). Today I weighed in at 182!!

    What I'm hoping to do now is tone up some more in time for my wedding on 23rd Feb (and my month of summer on the beach before that!) in Australia. I desperately want back that 6-pack I had 5 years ago!!! :-)

    I guess I could lose another 5 or 6 lbs...but I am 6'2....The weight itself doesn't mean that much, as long as my body is toned :-)
  • kimford28
    kimford28 Posts: 320

    Congrats on the upcoming wedding and your weight loss! What part of Australia are you going to????

    Good luck on the toning! I'm sure you will look great in your suit, and be a beautiful bride:)
  • JKArts
    JKArts Posts: 10
    thanks Kim :-)

    We're getting married in a place called stanwell tops, near Sydney. You can check out our site at

    My bride-to-be is dominating the gym at the moment - we moved here to the US for my work, and she's playing the housewife so she has a bit of spare time to work out! I think she's gone from 125 down to 118...but she's looking very toned already (and hot! haha)
  • Want2feelbetter4me
    I started 10-16 not getting off to a great start!
    I weigh 271 = (
    My goal weight 190 small goal lose 10 pds by Nov. 20th.
    I was doing excerises for almost 2 wks straight at a local YMCA but than I started to eat like crazy. Now I've gained more weight because I didn't monitor my portions or what I was eating. I need to seriously shape it up. Even my pants are tighter. Every time I step on the scale I can't believe it. I'm hoping the Y and this website it will help. It's nice to hear everyone else battle too. I don't feel so alone.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Injury put me on the sidelines this week. I not only missed two workouts, but I had to sit for three days, and sitting meant eating. Oh, well - See you all next week!

    ~Keep your eyes on the prize.~

    Started MFP Aug 22 @ 195 lbs (5’8”)
    (Goal loss 37 lbs)

    Started MFP Aug 22 @ 195 lbs (5’8”)
    (Goal loss 37 lbs)
    Start week 0/ Aug 22 ___________ 195 lbs
    Week 4 / Sept 22 ______________ 186.5 = 8.5 lbs loss in first four weeks
    Week 5 / Sept 29______________ 183.5 = 3 lbs loss / 11.5 total loss
    Week 6 / Oct 7________________ 181 = 2.5 lbs loss / 14.0 total loss
    Week 7 / Oct 14________________178.5 = 2.5 weight loss / 16.5 total loss
    Week 8 / Oct 21________________182 = 3.5 weight gain / 13 total loss
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    UH no!
    What happened Cheryl?!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member

    An entire box of Kashi Probiotic cereal. Three entire whole wheat pitas in one day. Housework - I have an old injury that I re-injured doing housework. (No good deed goes unpunished >>wink<<)

    That's why I was down early in the week. I didn't do much of anything but watch tv for three days. And eat. It's ok. I'm still on track. Kinda.

  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Ofcourse you're stiil on track!
    Don't let Kashi throw you off! =P
  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    Starting weight 9/15 239 lb
    Today's weight 10/22 215 lb

    24 pounds total lost so far....
  • nyjadj
    nyjadj Posts: 1
    I became a myfitnesspal member On October 5th. I started working out at the gym on October 9th with the starting weight of 230. I weighed myself this morning I now weigh 227. I have losted a total of 3 pounds in 2 weeks as of tomorrow. My goal is to lose between 50-60 pounds.
  • dwsmustang
    Hi Friends,

    Joined last week 175 10/15
    weighed this morning 10/22 168.1
  • charley078
    charley078 Posts: 48 Member
    Started Dieting: 7/1/07, Starting Weight: 252 lbs.

    Today's Date: 10/22/07, Current weight: 195lbs.

    Goal: 45 lbs by 1/12/08, Weight Goal: 150 lbs.
  • aslavich
    aslavich Posts: 250 Member
    Hi There!
    I started last Monday, Oct 15th: 165
    Today: 163!
  • redalee
    redalee Posts: 256 Member
    Just have to post my one week victory of down from 210 to 204. And sticking to my calorie count except for one night of being bad.