My response to people that say humans HAVE to eat meat...



  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I was born with incisors and canine teeth.

    But wait! A girl up there says we're not natural omnivores! It's in writing............on the internet! It HAS to be true! Your teeth can't mean more than blanket statements made on the internet!
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    That "If God didn't want us to animals, why did he make them out of meat" "logic" if you want to call it that, is so overrated, and totally not true.

    Also, humans are not natural omnivores. Just saying :)

    If we are not natural omnivores then what are we? We are not herbivores that is for sure since we can't break down cellulose.
  • revren10
    revren10 Posts: 116
    I'll take my steak medium well please :)
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    The obesity rate is higher than what you posted: 33. 7% of adults and 17.3% of children are considered obese in the United States. That's 50 percent of the population!

    You are correct that many health problems can be resolved by loosing weight. Meat and dairy are two of the fattiest foods around. Dairy, tooted as being needed for its calcium content, is the worst of the two. The calcium in dairy is miniscule compared to that in plants. Additionally, it is very difficult to absorb calcium from dairy products. On top of that, the cassein in dairy products is high and is linked to cancer as well as many other health issues. A slice of cheese has quadruple the cassein than what milk has, so eating cheese is really bad for one's health.

    As for meat, I have watched enough videos about meat glue and other products used to make inferior meat into what appears to be a superior product that I don't think a piece of beef has passed my mouth since. I used to work for the FDA, inspecting slaughterhouses. The atrocities that I saw there made me puke at times. Carcasses being hacked open so quickly that feces flowed onto the meat which was later sent on down the line, carelessly rinsed off, and then sent on for processing. Meat also got dropped on the floor where feces and other things flowed. The other inspectors forced me to look the other way. Instead, I quit.

    Yes, we have irradiated meat these days. That's irradiated feces to me. I don't eat feces, thank you. I really loved an article I read that said that to avoid food poisoning, use a dishwasher because it sterilizes the dishes and any food on them. That doesn't help you avoid contaminated meat and other foods, like eats and vegetables. It is time that the industry cleans up its act and starts to take care in the production of American's food.

    Now for a story with a happy ending:

    I am an RN. I was working on a med-surg unit and had a patient that was admitted with high blood pressure. During his stay, he found out that he had obstructive sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, gastric reflux (which can lead to esophageal cancer), and diabetes. He was young, around 28 years of age, and had three small children. He was told by the ER physician to write his will while in the hospital because his blood pressure was spiking over 200 systolic and 100 diastolic.

    I sat with him one evening because he was despondent. The social worker had come and given him information about wills and advanced directives. He had pretty much given up. He said to me that he was sad to leave his three children fatherless and really wished that he could do things over again. I said to him that the problem was all here and patted my stomach. "What do you mean?" he asked. "The problem is all here." I patted my stomach again. He still looked confused and so I repeated my statement, but patted his stomach instead.

    "You mean that if I lose all this weight I will possibly live?" he asked. I told him that many health issues are caused by the extra weight that we carry and the lack of exercise. Diabetes and heart issues have been very well linked to obesity. With all the fat in the abdomen, pressure is pushed up on the diaphragm, leading to gastric reflux and obstructive sleep apnea. He was discharged the next morning so I didn't get to say goodbye. I could only hope that he did well.

    About one year later, this man came on the floor with his wife and three children in tow. His wife was noticeably pregnant. He had a dozen roses in his hand. I didn't recognize him and walked on by. He called out my name and I immediately recognized the voice. I turned and was totally blown away by how he looked. He was buffed and you could tell that he was a healthy 29 or 30 year old man. They all thanked me, even the children, for helping their dad see that he needed to lose weight in order to live. All his health issues had resolved.

    As a nurse, I have seen many people with so many problems from being obese. It is so sad when you have a 16 year old patient who is over 500 pounds and can barely move from bed because of the weight. I have seen many of these same patients order in chicken wings, pizza loaded with meat, etc. or have family members bring in double cheeseburgers, KFC, or other food.

    Most people on this site have weight issues. You need to ask yourself what role eating meat played in making you overweight/obese. Many Americans don't have a clue about what one serving of meat looks like which leads to the overconsumption of meat.

    If you do not look at the way you used to eat and just continue to eat the same way with only changing the amount of food ingested, you have a good chance of gaining back the weight once you are done dieting. If you dramatically change the way that you live, your whole lifestyle, including cutting out certain things in your diet, such as red meat, sugar, and fats, you have a better chance of losing the weight and keeping it off.

    I am not putting meat-eaters down here. I am still eating meat, mostly wild caught fish. Never beef. Very occasionally chicken. But I plan to go back to being a vegetarian. I used to weight 294 pounds and went on a vegetarian diet. I lost over 100 pounds. Unfortunately, I lapsed and went back to eating meat, gaining about 25 pounds. That is what meat does to me.

    The added bonus is that my cholesterol labs were very, very good. High HDL, low LDL, very low VLDL, and my triglycerides...well, my doctor said he never had seen lower levels. All because of being vegetarian. I can't wait to get back to vegetarian. Actually, why am I waiting. I think I will start today!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    All things in moderation is the key. BTW, a couple of the most UNHEALTHY folks I know are vegans. They have been unable to cure their illnesses with diet. Just a statement. Diet alone is not a cure all.
  • Indy_Mario
    The obesity rate is higher than what you posted: 33. 7% of adults and 17.3% of children are considered obese in the United States. That's 50 percent of the population!

    blah blah blah

    blah blah blah

    The added bonus is that my cholesterol labs were very, very good. High HDL, low LDL, very low VLDL, and my triglycerides...well, my doctor said he never had seen lower levels. All because of being vegetarian. I can't wait to get back to vegetarian. Actually, why am I waiting. I think I will start today!

    I am not fat because of meat and fat, I am fat because of carbs and sugar.

    I think some of this people would benefit from a nice tender and hard piece of meat, srsly
  • JamieDD
    JamieDD Posts: 175 Member
    Lordy Moses...You eat you want and I'll eat what I want....end of story
  • mamalade1
    And on a more meta level:

    This is a very cool Ted talk about morality. Pay special attention to number 5: purity/sanctity. It would seem we are hard-wired for this type of debate.

    However, it's important to be balanced, do your research & not just "eat up" what people tell you, however persuasive they may be. People have mentioned Forks over Knives on this thread. I found this blog, which talks about the science presented in the film & was pretty impressed with the level of research:

    FTR, I do eat meat, but not a lot & I've had a few vegan & vegetarian years in my life. Over time, I figured out the way my particular body likes to be fed. I do seem to need a fair bit of protein to balance out the sugars, as well as a fair bit of iron as I tend towards anemia. Meat, in moderation, seems to be a good way to meet those needs.
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    Lol will this stupid veggies versus meat lovers war ever stop? It doesn't matter if I need it or not - I eat it, because I want to. Because I have the right of choice and so have you. It doesn't make me cruel to eat meat. I make sure to check where my meat and fish comes from.
    By the way, peopel are starting to fattening up since they've started to grow plants, potatoes, etc and stopped bringing it in themselves. Lets be honest our problem isnt the food itself, our problem is that we are a society of lazy bums, that can;t be bothered actually doing something to earn the food we eat (no fatties when you had to hunt you own meat and collect your own plants mind you ^^)
  • VegesaurusRex
    If humans weren't supposed to eat meat, then why do we have those pesky incisor teeth. They are for ripping and tearing....meat. And yes, most eastern cultures survive on non meat diets......and they are 5'2" and way 100 pounds. They don't eat meat because they can't affort it, not because it's a choice. Let's go stand in some communist chinese families house. You can hand them a bowl of rice and some broccoli and tell them how awesome their non meat diet is. I'll be sitting in the corner not saying a word with a four 18 oz Ribeyes. I'm willing to bet they will beat you silly with a bottle of soy sauce and join me for a real dinner.


    Gee, here is a photo of a carnivore. I assume that next to your post, that is your picture. You know something, your teeth do not look the same. Here is some advice for you:

    Stalk a big, feisty watermelon, as big as you can find. Jump it, and bring it down. Go for the soft underbelly or the genitals. Then when it is on the ground break its neck. Then dig into the juicy red meat.

    Awaiting your report.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    If humans weren't supposed to eat meat, then why do we have those pesky incisor teeth. They are for ripping and tearing....meat. And yes, most eastern cultures survive on non meat diets......and they are 5'2" and way 100 pounds. They don't eat meat because they can't affort it, not because it's a choice. Let's go stand in some communist chinese families house. You can hand them a bowl of rice and some broccoli and tell them how awesome their non meat diet is. I'll be sitting in the corner not saying a word with a four 18 oz Ribeyes. I'm willing to bet they will beat you silly with a bottle of soy sauce and join me for a real dinner.

    Gee, here is a photo of a carnivore. I assume that next to your post, that is your picture. You know something, your teeth do not look the same. Here is some advice for you:

    Stalk a big, feisty watermelon, as big as you can find. Jump it, and bring it down. Go for the soft underbelly or the genitals. Then when it is on the ground break its neck. Then dig into the juicy red meat.

    Awaiting your report.

    You STILL aren't answering my question. :grumble:
  • Indy_Mario
    Lordy Moses...You eat you want and I'll eat what I want....end of story
    That's one weird space between your toes...maybe you should eat more fish
  • TurtleTape
    TurtleTape Posts: 254 Member
    If humans weren't supposed to eat meat, then why do we have those pesky incisor teeth. They are for ripping and tearing....meat. And yes, most eastern cultures survive on non meat diets......and they are 5'2" and way 100 pounds. They don't eat meat because they can't affort it, not because it's a choice. Let's go stand in some communist chinese families house. You can hand them a bowl of rice and some broccoli and tell them how awesome their non meat diet is. I'll be sitting in the corner not saying a word with a four 18 oz Ribeyes. I'm willing to bet they will beat you silly with a bottle of soy sauce and join me for a real dinner.


    Gee, here is a photo of a carnivore. I assume that next to your post, that is your picture. You know something, your teeth do not look the same. Here is some advice for you:

    Stalk a big, feisty watermelon, as big as you can find. Jump it, and bring it down. Go for the soft underbelly or the genitals. Then when it is on the ground break its neck. Then dig into the juicy red meat.

    Awaiting your report.

    Just for the record: Of course we don't look like that, because we are not carnivores. We are omnivores, so we have teeth both to eat plants and to eat meat with. Goodness.

    It is nice to see rational vegetarians, vegans, and meat lovers in this thread (of course, mixed in with the amusing evangelists on either side).
  • colinmcp
    colinmcp Posts: 88 Member
    Did they claim that humans are carnivores?
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Mmm, this burger tastes so good tumblr_lyxjlyNlkw1r8md3yo1_500.gif

    You only live once, enjoy your life & your food.
    We're omnivores anyway, it's natural for humans to eat meat, that's how the food chain works.
  • Indy_Mario
    Did he claim that humans are carnivores?
    I think he said he liked tacos...
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    You STILL aren't answering my question. :grumble:

    Ignored my post too.

    Not surprising.
  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member
    If God didn't want you to eat meat, he wouldn't have made it so dang tasty.

    (Just kiddin'...well, kinda)
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    The obesity rate is higher than what you posted: 33. 7% of adults and 17.3% of children are considered obese in the United States. That's 50 percent of the population!

    You are correct that many health problems can be resolved by loosing weight. Meat and dairy are two of the fattiest foods around. Dairy, tooted as being needed for its calcium content, is the worst of the two. The calcium in dairy is miniscule compared to that in plants. Additionally, it is very difficult to absorb calcium from dairy products. On top of that, the cassein in dairy products is high and is linked to cancer as well as many other health issues. A slice of cheese has quadruple the cassein than what milk has, so eating cheese is really bad for one's health.

    As for meat, I have watched enough videos about meat glue and other products used to make inferior meat into what appears to be a superior product that I don't think a piece of beef has passed my mouth since. I used to work for the FDA, inspecting slaughterhouses. The atrocities that I saw there made me puke at times. Carcasses being hacked open so quickly that feces flowed onto the meat which was later sent on down the line, carelessly rinsed off, and then sent on for processing. Meat also got dropped on the floor where feces and other things flowed. The other inspectors forced me to look the other way. Instead, I quit.

    Yes, we have irradiated meat these days. That's irradiated feces to me. I don't eat feces, thank you. I really loved an article I read that said that to avoid food poisoning, use a dishwasher because it sterilizes the dishes and any food on them. That doesn't help you avoid contaminated meat and other foods, like eats and vegetables. It is time that the industry cleans up its act and starts to take care in the production of American's food.

    Now for a story with a happy ending:

    I am an RN. I was working on a med-surg unit and had a patient that was admitted with high blood pressure. During his stay, he found out that he had obstructive sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, gastric reflux (which can lead to esophageal cancer), and diabetes. He was young, around 28 years of age, and had three small children. He was told by the ER physician to write his will while in the hospital because his blood pressure was spiking over 200 systolic and 100 diastolic.

    I sat with him one evening because he was despondent. The social worker had come and given him information about wills and advanced directives. He had pretty much given up. He said to me that he was sad to leave his three children fatherless and really wished that he could do things over again. I said to him that the problem was all here and patted my stomach. "What do you mean?" he asked. "The problem is all here." I patted my stomach again. He still looked confused and so I repeated my statement, but patted his stomach instead.

    "You mean that if I lose all this weight I will possibly live?" he asked. I told him that many health issues are caused by the extra weight that we carry and the lack of exercise. Diabetes and heart issues have been very well linked to obesity. With all the fat in the abdomen, pressure is pushed up on the diaphragm, leading to gastric reflux and obstructive sleep apnea. He was discharged the next morning so I didn't get to say goodbye. I could only hope that he did well.

    About one year later, this man came on the floor with his wife and three children in tow. His wife was noticeably pregnant. He had a dozen roses in his hand. I didn't recognize him and walked on by. He called out my name and I immediately recognized the voice. I turned and was totally blown away by how he looked. He was buffed and you could tell that he was a healthy 29 or 30 year old man. They all thanked me, even the children, for helping their dad see that he needed to lose weight in order to live. All his health issues had resolved.

    As a nurse, I have seen many people with so many problems from being obese. It is so sad when you have a 16 year old patient who is over 500 pounds and can barely move from bed because of the weight. I have seen many of these same patients order in chicken wings, pizza loaded with meat, etc. or have family members bring in double cheeseburgers, KFC, or other food.

    Most people on this site have weight issues. You need to ask yourself what role eating meat played in making you overweight/obese. Many Americans don't have a clue about what one serving of meat looks like which leads to the overconsumption of meat.

    If you do not look at the way you used to eat and just continue to eat the same way with only changing the amount of food ingested, you have a good chance of gaining back the weight once you are done dieting. If you dramatically change the way that you live, your whole lifestyle, including cutting out certain things in your diet, such as red meat, sugar, and fats, you have a better chance of losing the weight and keeping it off.

    I am not putting meat-eaters down here. I am still eating meat, mostly wild caught fish. Never beef. Very occasionally chicken. But I plan to go back to being a vegetarian. I used to weight 294 pounds and went on a vegetarian diet. I lost over 100 pounds. Unfortunately, I lapsed and went back to eating meat, gaining about 25 pounds. That is what meat does to me.

    The added bonus is that my cholesterol labs were very, very good. High HDL, low LDL, very low VLDL, and my triglycerides...well, my doctor said he never had seen lower levels. All because of being vegetarian. I can't wait to get back to vegetarian. Actually, why am I waiting. I think I will start today!

    "Most people on this site have weight issues. You need to ask yourself what role eating meat played in making you overweight/obese. Many Americans don't have a clue about what one serving of meat looks like which leads to the overconsumption of meat. "

    Meat isn't the problem, its the over indulgence of it and overeating. Ive been getting my health back in shape and I'm not vegan or vegetarian. As the saying goes, moderation is the key.
  • Gharley64
    Gharley64 Posts: 37 Member
    This moronic argument continues through time...lets go to religion next.
    I'm so sick of hearing these bessie huggers whine about eating meat.
    Using the Dukan diet, I've lost over 40 Lbs. I feel great, and added a few more years to my life to be with my kids.
    In case you're unaware, Dukan is all about proteins..lean meats mostly.
    Lean beef, turkey, chicken and fish.
    Man, animals fish & birds have been eating meat since they could swallow. I don't eat dessert, but I would if it was made of meat. My love of meat has helped me live longer (I type as I have my extra lean broiled beef).
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