February-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • AmandaDaley
    AmandaDaley Posts: 15 Member
    My name is Amanda. I live with my husband and his friend who is renting a room in our house. Also two dogs and a cockatiel. Full house by my standards, but anyone who's got kids disagrees with me.
    I scored a desk job after working on aircraft for about 7 years. Being in the military means I don't always have the time to do the things I want to. (meaning I don't always have the day off I was planning to use to relax)
    The doctor recently told me I have slight tendonitis in my knees, which has got me super scared because I love running.

    So on with the goals now?

    1- drink enough water
    2- resist the urge to eat junkfood at the game store
    3- achieve todays 'FLY Lady' goal
    free publicity - www.flylady.net - it helps you get organized. I'm on baby step #2.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,628 Member
    February 3rd
    1. Water (10-12) Yes
    2. extra 300 calories burned only 150
    3. stay in calorie goal Would have been in goal if had burned that 300!

    Happy Saturday! Work is calling my name til 2. Maybe get some laundry done. Dinner at J Alexanders tonight with in laws for birthdays. Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow!

    Saturday Feb 4
    1. Water-12-14 Increasing due to eating out and salt! plus alcohol. :)
    2. Try to burn an extra 300 calories today!
    3. Get laundry going.
    4. Wash face at night- Strange, but get yelled at by friends for not doing it, so am going to try to make a habit at 49! ;(

    Have a wonderful day!
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    Got lost for a little bit which is not unusual for me, turn me around and I get lost. LOL

    My goals for Saturday

    journal my meals honestly ( slightly modified meal plan from my trainer since I will be working offsite for the next couple of weeks)
    drink water and green tea
    food shop (need more fruits and veggies... cant believe all the broccoli and mushrooms we have been eating in our home)
    go to gym.... must, must, must, I gave my word that I would restart my workouts.
    clean at least the bathrooms and kitchen
    relax tonight in a nice long bubblebath with music and candles. (cause I am worth it !!)

    have a great weekend everyone.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Today is birthday so unsure of evening plans, hard to plan ahead that way! Just will give myself a little extra space. At least chocolate cake is gone. Husband asked if I wanted one for my birthday. I told him no, I just helped him eat his. I may make one on sunday when people are over.

    Have a great day!

    I'm sorry I missed this! Hope you had a great day and a wonderful weekend!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for Feb. 3:
    1. Drink more water.--Need to do better.
    2. 2 mile walk and 15 minutes ab workout.--Yes to the walk, no to the abs.
    3. Healthy choices and portion control.--No and no.:angry:

    Focus! I need to focus! I ended up giving in to emotional eating last night (I think there was some thirst involved, too!) and now I feel like crap. My plan for today is to eat as clean as possible and drink LOTS of water! I'm going to do the abs workout that I should have done yesterday, too.

    Goals for Feb. 4:
    1. Drink more water.
    2. 2 mile walk and 15 minutes ab workout.
    3. Healthy choices and portion control.
  • AmandaDaley
    AmandaDaley Posts: 15 Member
    My name is Amanda. I live with my husband and his friend who is renting a room in our house. Also two dogs and a cockatiel. Full house by my standards, but anyone who's got kids disagrees with me.
    I scored a desk job after working on aircraft for about 7 years. Being in the military means I don't always have the time to do the things I want to. (meaning I don't always have the day off I was planning to use to relax)
    The doctor recently told me I have slight tendonitis in my knees, which has got me super scared because I love running.

    So on with the goals now?

    1- drink enough water
    2- resist the urge to eat junkfood at the game store
    3- achieve todays 'FLY Lady' goal
    free publicity - www.flylady.net - it helps you get organized. I'm on baby step #2.

    1- um... win? I think... I need to track these things better. I was missing my water bottle yesterday, though, so it was really hard. I usually just count how many times I get a refill

    2- ok, this one... I'm gonna count as fail because although I literally didn't eat anything at the game store (cuz game was cancelled and I didn't go to the store) I did have a beer and a bunch of bar food.

    3- made my reminder notes, did not post them around the house yet. I think I'll do that now, actually.

    New Goals for Today:
    1 - find water bottle to accurately track water (and figure out how to remember where I put it)
    2 - do 1 load of laundry completely (wash, dry, put away)
    3 - fit in a small workout today
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    Got lost for a little bit which is not unusual for me, turn me around and I get lost. LOL

    My goals for Saturday

    journal my meals honestly ( slightly modified meal plan from my trainer since I will be working offsite for the next couple of weeks)
    drink water and green tea food shop (need more fruits and veggies... cant believe all the broccoli and mushrooms we have been eating in our home)
    go to gym.... must, must, must, I gave my word that I would restart my workouts.
    clean at least the bathrooms and kitchen
    relax tonight in a nice long bubblebath with music and candles. (cause I am worth it !!)

    have a great weekend everyone.

    I followed me updated meal plan. The premixed protein drinks are not as good as the protein shakes I make in the blender....but they are do able since I will be in and out of the home office for the next few weeks and it is important that I get all my protein in. I got the food shopping done and even got to the gym. I made it a point to find my personal trainer to show that I was there. ( I really hate working out at the gym....just not fun, but it is necessary for me to be healthy and achieve my goals.) Afterwards, I went over to the Farmers Market and walked around for about a half hour outside looking at all the yard sale items. I didn't get to do the deep cleaning that I wanted....tomorrow is another day. And I am looking forward to my relaxing bubble bath. In all, today was a really good day...
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Sunday

    get caught up with my bible reading....I always seem to fall behind during the week.
    Ride my exercise bike for 30 minutes....got to get cardio in
    journal my food honestly
    drink my water and green tea
    do some deep cleaning
    get my laundry done

    Not sure if I am going to watch the super bowl...I do want to watch the puppy bowl...it is so cute to watch.

    Have a great day everyone !!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,628 Member
    Saturday Feb 4
    1. Water-12-14 Increasing due to eating out and salt! plus alcohol. :) yes!
    2. Try to burn an extra 300 calories today! yes
    3. Get laundry going.yes
    4. Wash face at night- Strange, but get yelled at by friends for not doing it, so am going to try to make a habit at 49! ;( Nope!

    Where did I miss the wash my face before bed gene! Really not hard, but man, I can't seem to get it done! Anyway, SUPER BOWL Sunday! Love the commercials and friends. Don't really have preference for winner. Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!

    Sunday February 5
    1. Water Really hard on sundays!
    2. Get in some exercise 300 calories before everyone gets here
    3. Finish laundry, vacuum, and pick up
    4. Wash face before bed!!!!
    5. Enjoy friends and family!

    Smile everyone!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 5:
    1. Drink more water. --Yes but should have been more.
    2. 2 mile walk and 15 minutes ab workout. --No to both.
    3. Healthy choices and portion control. --Did better but not like I wanted to!

    I prefer the puppy bowl, too, but I do like seeing MOST of the commercials that air during the Super Bowl.
    I really don't think we have any real plans. We have a veggie/cheese tray and that's about it.
    We don't have much of an interest in either of the teams (sorry fans!) so I'm not even sure we will be watching the game!

    Goals for Feb. 5:
    1. Drink more water.
    2. 2 mile walk and 15 minutes ab workout. (I'll try again!)
    3. Healthy choices and portion control. (Watch the snacks!)
  • salvarado08
    salvarado08 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello. My name is Steph. I thought I would try this type of challenge. I'm not sure I whether I will be able to comment every day, but I would like to be held more accountable.

    I am a Program Manager for a non-profit in Miami and have a semi-sendentary job, though my husband and I like to stay active the rest of the time.

    My goals for today:
    1. Log everything I eat and stay within calorie goal
    2. Drink 2L of water
    3. Do 3 10-minute trainer workouts or go the gym (haven't decided yet)

    See you all tomorrow!
  • karalynnroll
    karalynnroll Posts: 33 Member
    Goal 1: Finish laundry
    Goal 2: Clean kitchen
    Goal 3: Eat a balanced dinner
  • aandbthomas1
    Hi! My name is Bree and I am a 27 year old grad student in special education. I started this journey with my husband because we both need to lose weight and start a healthy lifestyle. We don't have any children yet but we have 2 large dogs who are our children for now. As of today I've lost 3lbs and still have 41 more to go, but it's a step in the right direction.

    My goals for 2/5
    1. Drink more water
    2. Finish homework
    3. Clean the kitchen
  • AmandaDaley
    AmandaDaley Posts: 15 Member

    New Goals for Today:
    1 - find water bottle to accurately track water (and figure out how to remember where I put it) - well, I still haven't found that water bottle, but i found a substitute, and I think I did well
    2 - do 1 load of laundry completely (wash, dry, put away) - i started the dryer before we left to see some friends, came home too tired to remember anything
    3 - fit in a small workout today - oh...yea, that didn't happen....

    Sunday February 5th

    1- clean inside truck (I think that's where my water bottle went)
    2 - laundry, a load a day for the week and i can reward myself with a little dark choclate or something
    3 - make To Do list and post reminders
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Sunday

    get caught up with my bible reading....I always seem to fall behind during the week.
    Ride my exercise bike for 30 minutes....got to get cardio in done
    journal my food honestly done
    drink my water and green tea done
    do some deep cleaning putting off til another day
    get my laundry done done

    Not sure if I am going to watch the super bowl...I do want to watch the puppy bowl...it is so cute to watch.

    Have a great day everyone !!

    Also settled my check book, paid bills (now I am broke) and dyed my hair a nice auburn brown shade. It was a good day.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Monday

    back to work....sigh

    no stress eating
    journal my food honestly
    drink my water and green tea
    make car appointmenf ro new brakes
    see if I can change the vet appointment to Monday night

    hope everyone has a great day...
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,628 Member
    Sunday February 5
    1. Water Really hard on Sundays! Done
    2. Get in some exercise 300 calories before everyone gets here Not sure. Forgot to put on hrm. Early guests, so no zumba!
    3. Finish laundry, vacuum, and pick up. yes
    4. Wash face before bed!!!! Yeah remembered to do it!
    5. Enjoy friends and family! Was so much fun!

    I hope everyone had a great Sunday! I am thankful I took the time last night to clean up the crock pots! Don't think I could have faced them this morning! Don't think I did too badly on calories as I am starving this morning! No real plans for today other than work and pay some bills.

    Monday, February 6th
    1. Water (10-12)
    2. 300 extra burned calories
    3. stay near calorie goal
    4. Finish up Toro and Stihl training today
    5. Wash face before bed!

    Have a smiley one!
  • TraceB
    TraceB Posts: 26 Member
    Well my cold is better so now I need to make some progress this week. Today my goals are
    1. 30 min cardio
    2. abs
    3. stay under calorie goal
    4. DON"T eat left over cake and cookies from son's birthday(the hardest one for me)
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for the weekend were:
    1.finish making tamales
    2. take it easy!! Too many 1000 calorie days burned in a row!
    3. do one thing in my house & be satisfied. (laundry OR clean OR something)

    I completed all 3 of these goals.

    Goals for Today are:
    1.get a handle on at least laundry.
    2.help my parents w/a load to the dumps & hope to sneak some of our crap there too!
    3.stay at calorie goal because I'm making progress!

    Happy New Week in February challengers!! Let's make it a good one!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 5:
    1. Drink more water. --Good
    2. 2 mile walk and 15 minutes ab workout. (I'll try again!)--Yes and yes (finally!)
    3. Healthy choices and portion control. (Watch the snacks!)--Mostly and yes.

    I need to get back to doing my quiet time/meditation in the morning. It helps with my stress levels and that helps with my overall eating choices!

    Happy Monday, everyone!

    Goals for Feb. 6:
    1. Do my morning meditation.
    2. 2 mile walk in the morning and another in the PM.
    3. Healthy choices and stay in my calorie goal.
    4. Water!