Curves vs. Skinny



  • speedycakes
    speedycakes Posts: 152 Member
    At 5'8 100 pounds would be way to thin! Do not go that low again, that is terrible for your health. I'm 5'8 and i'm aiming for 125 right now, which is thin and not curvy at all for me. your lucky if you can have curves at 135. I would say stay between 125-135.
  • At 5'8 100 pounds would be way to thin! Do not go that low again, that is terrible for your health. I'm 5'8 and i'm aiming for 125 right now, which is thin and not curvy at all for me. your lucky if you can have curves at 135. I would say stay between 125-135.

    Oh, sweet, 5'8" users unite cx The first time I started to lose weight I started out at 125, I can't remmeber what I looked like, so once I get down to there, I'm going to see what I look like and how happy I am with myself, I have a feeling I will be, I just set myself for 115 because thats what I was aiming for the very first time I got into weight loss.
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    At 5'8 100 pounds would be way to thin! Do not go that low again, that is terrible for your health. I'm 5'8 and i'm aiming for 125 right now, which is thin and not curvy at all for me. your lucky if you can have curves at 135. I would say stay between 125-135.

    Oh, sweet, 5'8" users unite cx The first time I started to lose weight I started out at 125, I can't remmeber what I looked like, so once I get down to there, I'm going to see what I look like and how happy I am with myself, I have a feeling I will be, I just set myself for 115 because thats what I was aiming for the very first time I got into weight loss.

    I'm 5'8 and my GW is 135
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I would try to think more about "healthy" and "fit" instead of worrying about the number on the scale. And you can be very toned and fit without losing your curves.
  • At 5'8 100 pounds would be way to thin! Do not go that low again, that is terrible for your health. I'm 5'8 and i'm aiming for 125 right now, which is thin and not curvy at all for me. your lucky if you can have curves at 135. I would say stay between 125-135.

    Oh, sweet, 5'8" users unite cx The first time I started to lose weight I started out at 125, I can't remmeber what I looked like, so once I get down to there, I'm going to see what I look like and how happy I am with myself, I have a feeling I will be, I just set myself for 115 because thats what I was aiming for the very first time I got into weight loss.

    I'm 5'8 and my GW is 135

    11 pounds down is wonderful c: Don't stop!
  • DS67ATX
    DS67ATX Posts: 289
    I love women with curves,they look so beautiful but I think most guys always start with face beauty before what the body looks like.Skinny or curves,its all good to me:)
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    You need to be happy with yourself before anyone else matters. That's a lesson I had to learn ( and am still working on). I was 185 when I met my husband. (Im only 5'6" tall) He fell for me anyway. He jokingly told me that he had a two bill rule. (Meaning at 200 lbs, I am gone!). After a couple years, guess what....201. He didn't get rid of me. Im now down to 153 and he says my legs are getting too skinny. :-) Your size doesn't matter as much as how you view yourself. If you don't believe that you can hang out with skinnier girls because you weigh more than them, then you need a new view. The view that mainstream media puts into young girls heads is ridiculous. Real women.....Beautiful women...are healthy, and happy with themselves.
    My opinion? Ditch the scale. Track your macros and start some strength training. Build strength and beautiful muscles. They will give you some curves and definition, and you don't need to worry about a number. Being healthy is better! Good luck! !!!
  • I would try to think more about "healthy" and "fit" instead of worrying about the number on the scale. And you can be very toned and fit without losing your curves.

    Oh man, I haven't stepped on a scale since the year began. I'm not even looking at numbers right now, I'd drive myself nuts all over again xc I'm doing a photo progress thing, so I can SEE any physical changes, not let myself be run by numbers. I'm learning the toned side of life, I didn't go that approach before so this time, I am, its just, I don't wanna be curvy and have my stomach stay curvy too, and ab work outs are way too hard man!
  • ilovewings
    ilovewings Posts: 2 Member
    It sounds like you've spent most of your life deferring to other people regarding how you should look. Luckily you are a part of an online community now that generally is more concerned about health than looks, but you might not always have that. I think, second only to being healthy, you should really try to determine what body type *you* prefer. Ultimately, what people are going to be attracted to is your confidence, how happy you are with you. And I don't just mean attraction as in lust or finding a partner; I mean general likability.

    Also, muscle weighs significantly more than fat (as has been mentioned), so try not to get too attached to an arbitrary number. There is nothing wrong with setting a weight goal when you set it based on your own body and not on some perceived standard.

    Hope that didn't come off as harsh. I just think too many people fight with their minds/bodies because they try to be what other people want them to be. It sounds cliche, but be who you want to be, and people will like you for you.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    I am also 18 so in way of a guy's perspective, all I can say is I don't really feel weight matters within a relationship. As long as you like the person, it shouldn't really matter what she/he looks like. I just think the girl needs to be happy within herself, not worry too much about what the guy thinks. Unfortunately, some people can be very picky nowadays especially over trivial issues such as this. I don't think you have anything to worry about :) So to sum up, my answer would be neither!! :)

    I love you. :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Oh man, I haven't stepped on a scale since the year began. I'm not even looking at numbers right now, I'd drive myself nuts all over again xc I'm doing a photo progress thing, so I can SEE any physical changes, not let myself be run by numbers. I'm learning the toned side of life, I didn't go that approach before so this time, I am, its just, I don't wanna be curvy and have my stomach stay curvy too, and ab work outs are way too hard man!

    :heart: Love this! That's my approach now, too.

    At first, I didn't care about losing weight because I didn't think I could. Then I did and I liked the thrill of it... the tangible progress of logging weight loss and seeing the number on the scale drop. But since going on maintenance in October, I've gained pounds, but gotten leaner. I'm about the same weight as I was in June... even my measurements are very close, but the way clothes fit, and the way I look out of clothes is so much different.

    Photos are the way to go.
  • I believe you should do what makes you happy. But a 5'8" at a 100 lbs sounds very thin maybe you should shoot for say 120 lbs then you would have the best of both worlds
  • best way 2 answer this.......

    think about angelina jolie.... how sexy she was as lara croft............. compared to her skin n bones look now!!!

    back then she was perfection - toned, fit, healthy with killer curves. :happy:
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    I think it all depends on you and what you feel the sexiest at. Not what others think.
  • Foofyknickers
    Foofyknickers Posts: 37 Member
    best way 2 answer this.......

    think about angelina jolie.... how sexy she was as lara croft............. compared to her skin n bones look now!!!

    back then she was perfection - toned, fit, healthy with killer curves. :happy:

    ^^^^^ THIS. So true.
  • hitman1978
    hitman1978 Posts: 5 Member
    I've always thought that real women have curves! To me the hour glass shape along the likes of Eva Mendes is way more attractive than the bean pole image of the Kate Moss' of this world. I suppose its just a personal preference though. But you shouldn't focus on what guys think...or anybody else for that matter. True beauty comes from within....if you think you're sexy, than that's all that matters.
  • best way 2 answer this.......

    think about angelina jolie.... how sexy she was as lara croft............. compared to her skin n bones look now!!!

    back then she was perfection - toned, fit, healthy with killer curves. :happy:

    ^^^^^ THIS. So true.

    thank u. lol :wink:
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    Personally if you are 5 foot 8, I think that the 135 lbs would be better on you. I dont think that stick skinny is attractive. YOu have to have some are a woman.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    Curves. No doubt about it.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    My goal is fit and curvy.