What motivated you to begin your weighloss journey?



  • Two things actually....when I hit a 100k I began feeling so HEAVY!!! And then I looked around and saw what heavy people really looked like - even my walk looked so ungainly! I felt I had to do something...
  • At first, to be totally honest--wanting to look great for a guy...I know HORRIBLE!

    Now, to look and feel great for ME:)

    (Also, I want Killer Buns and Thighs;)
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    Finally seeing my scales tip into the 300 pounds. It was bad enough having a weight that started with a 2, but starting with a 2 is just unacceptable for me personally. When I'm done with this weight loss journey of mine I refuse to even have a weight that starts with a 2.
  • Abbey70
    Abbey70 Posts: 82 Member
    Seeing old pictures of myself. Also being diagnosed with premature ventricular contractions AKA extra heartbeats and leaky heart valves. Dr said it is nothing to worry about but I can't help but think my father had a coronary heart attack in his 40's, my brother was born with a hole in his heart and died at 28 from heart failure along with other health issues. My mom has leaky heart valves and has had a small heart attack and is battling emphysema. I don't want to go down that road so I am doing what I can to better my health and to set a good example for my children.
  • sulph
    sulph Posts: 3
    a couple of reasons, one, it was either loose weight or gain weight whilst waiting for my greencard ( being 4500 miles away from wife and kids) i chose to loose weight

    2. new baby due in august

    3. hated the way i looked
  • My moment was at the dr's office. He told me he wanted me to have gastric bypass. I was 314lbs and my Fibro was out of control. I am in my late 30's and it does not get any easier to take off weight as I get older. I just decided this was enough. I was tired of being tired and fat.

    My husband got a new job and they have a lot of corporate type events. I was embarrassed to go because I was so heavy. I want him to be proud to have me on his arm.
  • newma6
    newma6 Posts: 100 Member
    I will be celebrating my 30th birthday this November. I feel I am entering a new phase of my life. I know who I am as a person, and am strong in my faith and beliefs. There is one thing left...to be comfortable in my own skin. I have been big my whole life. For once I want to be the thin one. I want to be completely healthy, to live a long life with my Husband and children. To set a good example for my children, and have more energy for them. My 1st goal is to be under 200lbs. by my birthday. I have 46 lbs. to go!! I can do this!
  • I work part time at a restauant. One night I had a table of people from Ireland. It was a man's birthday at the table, and after he got done with his large plate of food his family ordered him a dessert that feeds like 8 people! I sat it down infront of him, and said now you need to eat it all!! (you know as a joke because of it's size). He said " I'm not fat like you I couldn't eat it all". I went to the back and cried and felt so worthless. The sad thing was that it was true...I was really fat, and needed his comment to change my life. I joined a gym the next week, and from that moment on started eating a lot less calories. (wouldn't say healthy all the time, but always stay under my calories!) I guess if anything it motivated me to lose the weight, and when that Irish man comes back if he ever does...Ill show him who isn't going to be fat anymore!!!
  • Kerryket
    Kerryket Posts: 19 Member
    My weight gain has been on my mind all the time, then my clothes were getting uncomfortable, I could not believe how fast I was packing it on. I think it was my bra that did it, I could not stand how tight it was!

    Then I had a weight loss challenge come up in an online group that started me going again and I found MFP :)
  • Last company required physical dr gave me very ugly results. tipped the scale at 250 lbs, high blood pressure and colesterol was at 1008 (200 is high). Plus I get that runners high you hear about from marathon runners by climbing a flight of steps. Figured its time to start living
  • sarahness
    sarahness Posts: 80 Member
    basically being unhappy about the way i look and feel. when i have to ask myself...."am i going to be the fattest person in the room?" when i go somewhere and then having that answer be yes is a real eye opener. in the last 6 months i have been called "fat" one by a male co worker and another by some random guy at the bar. i havn't been called fat since like middle school. that really sucked. looking at myself in pictures compared to my friends i just look disgusting. im tired of being the girl at the bar with her friends who NEVER gets approached. just tired of feeling horrible about life. THIS is why i am getting on board of the weight loss band wagon.
  • Well, what motivated me to begin THIS time (and hopefully this is the LAST 'beginning') is the fact that I graduate law school in 103 days AND have my 10 year high school reunion in July. Those are two very monumental events in my life and I don't want to let my weight hold me back from really enjoying those times.
  • basically being unhappy about the way i look and feel. when i have to ask myself...."am i going to be the fattest person in the room?" when i go somewhere and then having that answer be yes is a real eye opener. in the last 6 months i have been called "fat" one by a male co worker and another by some random guy at the bar. i havn't been called fat since like middle school. that really sucked. looking at myself in pictures compared to my friends i just look disgusting. im tired of being the girl at the bar with her friends who NEVER gets approached. just tired of feeling horrible about life. THIS is why i am getting on board of the weight loss band wagon.

    **HUGS** I can really relate to a lot of your post. I'm so glad you're here and that you're taking action! You deserve to go out in public and NOT think those things about yourself. We're always our worst enemies though, aren't we? :(
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    When my boyfriend began to lose weight and eventually started to weigh as much as me, even less...
  • I have always been bigger than most people my age and i hated it. having to wear crappy clothes i didn't like just because they fit me. so i decided i needed to change, and a bunch of friends decided to try to lose weight i figure what the heck i might as well so i jumped on the bandwagon. :laugh:
  • These types of online forums only inspired me to start body building.
  • Ladytulip
    Ladytulip Posts: 24 Member
    After sitting on my *kitten* for 3 yrs doing a degree and working full time, and realizing that none of my "going" out cloths fit ....... now i have the free time in the evenings, decided to put the time to good use and not become a couch potato :)
  • tdaddybarlow
    tdaddybarlow Posts: 673 Member
    I already knew that i had been gaining weight and was already miserable but coping. Well there was a day I was going to this men's Conference at church adn was rocking my "God belongs In My City" shirt with my fro-hawk...thinking i was looking like the man that day. i even posed for a picture (check my profile) and was anxious to see it. Come to find out someone had replaced the person I saw in my head with some fat, unhealthy, out of shape guy who vaguely resembled me...No wait! That is me!!!! Ugh!!! I was mortified!
    From now on! It's beast mode for this guy!!!
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Went to the fairground at Xmas and barely fit in the bucket seats on the rides, made me feel huge :/

  • ready2smile
    ready2smile Posts: 37 Member
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