What was a your wake up call?!



  • lol when i looked at my legs and was like uggg i got phat girls leggs.. i don't have much chest so legs is my thang and i have messed that up:blushing:
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    Going to doctor seeing I was 320 pounds! Having the same doctor see my blood pressure and hooking me up to a ekg machine, because he was so concerned about me. Finally doctor sent me to a cardiogist for a stress test, and the cardiogist scared the cramp out of me saying I was at risk for a heart attack.
  • High cholesterol.
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    My best friends daughter who needs to lose a lot of weight snapped a picture of me at her son' s bday party without my knowledge and posted in on Facebook. The pic was so huge and in my face showing my double chin, I looked like I could reach out and eat someone. I was so mad not just about the pic but because she didn't have one pic of herself for her own son's bday party. So I made everything private no one can see tagged photos of me on Facebook and I got off my butt and said time for a change I won't let anyone try to embarrass me like that again!
  • Julesh964
    Julesh964 Posts: 51 Member
    Not fitting in an aeroplane seat properly, and the tray in front of me wouldn't go down really embarrassing xx
  • Realizing I couldn't fit into "normal" sized clothes at the mall and had to shop at "plus size" stores. Which, for a 19 year old, is the end of the world. Muumuus and spandex to suck everything in underneath clothes were the only thing I could find in my sizes and not a single store sold my size in clothes while still being stylish.
  • I was doing my hair and I used a mirror to look at the back of my hair. When I ran my hand through my hair, it didn't even look like my hand. It looked so fat. I knew I was overweight, but for some reason this really struck me. That day I went and got a gym membership. That was Nov 14, 2011.
  • ShannanLaNae
    ShannanLaNae Posts: 434 Member
    I have had a lot of wake up calls but the most recent was...When one my my longest pals deleted me because had no prgress in like almost a year. It hurt but I did understand why. I was cheating myself. i should be further along but im not. its my own fault. No longer getting in my own way!!!
  • Going to the Dr and not only was I over 200lbs she told me that my blood pressure was so high that she wanted me to make an appointment with a cardiologist that day to be put on blood pressure medication.

    I talked her into giving me one month to get it down with diet and exercise changes and I started running and seeing results. My blood pressure is now in the normal range and the weight is slowly coming off.
  • kris472
    kris472 Posts: 61 Member
    I was 268 lbs, and I refuse to see 270! I remember saying this when I was approaching 200, but this time I was scared for my life.
  • Being diagnosed with Kidney disease and high blood pressure at the age of 34.
  • LatinaButterfly
    LatinaButterfly Posts: 192 Member
    August 2010 I was pregnant with Identical Twin Boys. I lost them because of heath problems that were brought on by being morbidly obese.
  • Buying an elliptical and not being on it for 1 full minute (on the easiest setting)..before my legs were crazy heavy and tight..I got to thinking ..if I am ever in a situation where I have to run for safety...I may as well lay down and tell em to kill me or whatever the plan is...I couldn't get away from a 90 year old with a cane SMH ..then after that I started paying attention ...just going up the steps to my room made my heart rate go up and my breathing heavy...that's just insane!
  • I enjoy running but my breasts have gotten so big it is very painful and I've developed ugly stretch marks on my breasts because, literally, no bra will keep the suckers in!
    If the losing weight thing doesn't work to make 'em smaller, I'll have to get surgery.
    But, I guess, I really did need to lose weight. I wasn't and still am not in the healthy BMI range. (However, I've gotten close)
  • When I found out I have a genetic disorder that causes cancer. I want to be in the best physical shape possible to give my body a fighting chance.
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    I've tried on and off for years but never made a real dent in the problem. One morning about three months ago I had a cousin and a friend both post pictures on Facebook. The cousin had dropped 95 pounds using the lap band, and the friend had dropped 40 using THIS site. Inspired, I decided to give MFP a try - after all, nothing else was working. As of today I'm 25 pounds lighter. I've got another 85 to go and have set a goal to get there by my 50th birthday in September.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Lose weight or we may have to cut off your legs. - per my wound care doctor
  • I knew i was gaining weight but i didnt think i gained that much.. when i went to the dr we weighed me and i was 180.. at 160 i was still trying to lose more weight, and when i seen that it totally put me into depression.. that and ive been trying to conceive for 6 months and nothing yet :) i hope this weight loss with benefit me and help me conceive but as well as to get me healthy and out of this depression :)
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    Visiting my granny for her 95th birthday party and went to the store and had to buy a size 24 for the first time in my life, though probably needed a 2 a while ago and the 22's just stretched outtot fit all this time. What a wake up call to walk in the store pick up the size you think you wear because you have been wearing it and the reality sinks in that NO you need a bigger size. After that got on the scale and the first number was a 3, that was it for me!
  • My kindergarten daughter came home off of the bus when I was standing outside waiting for her, and she said "a boy on the bus told me that my mom is fat". Ouch!