Age distance between your children?



  • Shutterpillar
    My children are 2 years and 3 months apart. :) One is 6 and the other is 4.
  • machinegunkate
    machinegunkate Posts: 74 Member
    I have 2 gorgeous girls. 1 is turning 9 in March and the other is turning 1 in April :smile:
  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    I have a 22 year old and a 8 year old...and it has worked out great..I got to spend lotts of quality time with both of them..(And They are very close)...:)
  • SmallerBecky
    Mine are 15, 12...5, and 3. Two kids with each of two men, my ex and my husband. That gap in the middle made it really difficult for a while and I felt extremely guilty about the attention the little ones took away from the older two but it has gotten easier since the little ones demand less attention and the older ones have gotten out more on their own with friends and other activities they are interested in. Honestly...I would not do this again if I had a chance at a "re-do." There was a very rough 5-yr period there that ended just last year or so. BUT I am not everyone! No situation is perfect and we make them work!
  • khbsrt
    khbsrt Posts: 33 Member
    i'm 50 :) my kids are 28, 25, 23, and 17.

    I'm the 8th out of 9 kids.

    My sisters are 13 and 15 years older than me tho' !

    I have two grandbabies and one more on the way, yay :)
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    If you have children what is the age of your children or what is the distance in years in between each child? I have a 10 year old and have not been able to get pregnant again since and I dont see it happening any time soon. The way I see it I only have about 8 years left before my child now, is grown and on to college and to think I would have to start all over when he is about 11 or 12 just doesnt sound like a good plan. My children would be 12 to 13 years apart.

    My kids are fairly close in age (all 19-21 mos apart, except for the youngest, who is 28 mos younger than his brother.) I love having my kids close in age, and it works really well for us -- however, I know of a few families who have kids who are 9 to 13 years apart in age (either because of circumstances or by accident!) and they have all had a positive experience with the addition of a baby.

    Starting all over with the baby stage is tough, especially when you're juggling the teen years... but honestly, adding a sibling with any spacing brings it's own challenges. Ideas about what makes the "best" spacing are almost entirely opinion and conjecture. If you're feeling like adding a baby is something you want, deep down, then it's not crazy for you to consider it seriously.

    And if you don't want another child, then having one awesome kid is just fine too. :smile:

    (Of course, adoption/foster-to-adopt are also possibilities, that would reduce the age gap... but again: a whole different set of challenges to consider.)
  • anonymousbee
    I dont have kids, I'm 20, but my sister's 17 and my brother's 15 :)
  • Corbinsmom
    Corbinsmom Posts: 117
    My kids are 4,3, and 1. 17 months between the two older boys and 2 years and two months between my middle and my baby girl We were older when we got married so couldnt wait too long.