Food you HAD TO give up...



  • neaneawy
    neaneawy Posts: 146 Member
    I've tried to find satisfactory replacements for my favorite bad foods. I LOVE pizza, so we make sure we only eat thin crust and choose better toppings. Pepperoni is definitely a no. Ham and pineapple actually isn't that bad. I am also an ice cream addict. I can't eat in small amts. For now I will only buy skinny cow ice cream treats or other low cal. portion controlled ice cream, NO TUBS. Some times it's hard not to eat a second I.C. sandwich, but I won't cheat myself.
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    Herr's cheese curls! Very addictive and once I start it's over. I don't even look at them if I go past them in the supermarket.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I HAD to give up Dunkin Donuts and regular soda. I realized I ate more than an actual day's worth of calories with just one Dunkin breakfast.

    I have to find an alternative to my favorite latte coffee drinks in the morning for I drank 20% of my daily calories alone...:sad: and I chose to eliminate soda all together because of the carbonation.
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 391 Member
    If anyone dare present a Little Caesar's Hot N' Ready Pepperoni Pizza in front of me, I will diminish in seconds.
    I try to avoid it, or else.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    Definitely popcorn! My favorite was the kind you pop on the stove then smother with real butter. Or bags of cheese popcorn. I cannot eat popcorn in moderation so i don't buy it at all.

    I'm with you. I used to eat a huge bowl (about 15 cups) with a stick of butter and 1/4 cup parmesan cheese on it every night. I went without it for a year and now limit myself to once a month, but only 6 cups and no more than 2 tbsp butter and 4 tbsp low fat cheese. I just had mine on Friday, my next treat is scheduled for Feb 20th. Sad that I have to schedule it, but I would just keep eating it every night and I don't want to go back to where I started.
  • Pizza and chips i just cant eat those things in moderation they make me not care about my calorie count
  • is it mean to say that i havent given up anything but fast food? i mean i find eating in moderation easy, gives you an opportunity to eat a lot of different things, just in their correct portions, id DIE with out candy corn and pizza and nachos!!!!!<3
  • rahrah82
    rahrah82 Posts: 30 Member
    anything with dairy in it.. I had a big cheese craving for most of last week and this week I would kill for milk chocolate!!!
  • Cupcakes. God, I miss cupcakes so bad. Buttercream frosting, the spongey cake. Mmmmmmmmm.

    ^^^^This is me too!!^^^^
  • Guardien
    Guardien Posts: 109 Member
    There are SO MANY dangerous foods out there! When it comes to chip, whether corn or potato, who can eat just one (serving)? Items like pizza get worse. Who can eat just 1 slice? To me, the ultimate kill your diet (people from the Rochester, NY area will know this) Garbage Plates. There is a generic garbage plate inthe food list here that shows a whopping 3,995 calories! There are so many variations of meats and sides that I have no idea how accurate this is, but the thought of consuming more than 2 days worth of calories in one plate is mind boggling. That's why I only allow myself 1/month.
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    Bloomin Onion. Can't even have one piece.

    I'm one of those people who can't have just one bite or just one chip, I always have to eat as much as I can possibly stomach. Or until I get bored of that food.

    Now I just portion everything out in little bags and ziploc containers so when it's gone, it's gone.
  • Iced caramel lattes (with extra caramel) from Dunkin Donuts. Yeah. I don't even want to look up how many calories would've been in that drink. At one point in time, I'd drink three or four a week... plus I couldn't resist the donuts, so I'd get a donut to go with my horribly unhealthy drink.
  • Carbs 6 days a week. Day 7 I go wild <33333
  • Fast food and anything processed. :-)
  • tina9988
    tina9988 Posts: 369
    Pizza, I could have pizza for every meal of the day! I am going to a birthday party next weekend and I am going to restrict myself to 1 piece.... I think I can, I think I can, I know I can! I will also pass on the cake and ice cream.
  • GlenWalterGal
    GlenWalterGal Posts: 85 Member
    Chocolates......I just can't trust myself around chocolate. I always say: I'll take just one or two squares but end up eating the whole bar in one sitting.
  • Sydney0710
    Sydney0710 Posts: 61 Member
    I really haven't made anything totally off-limits, but I do try to avoid "trigger" foods. I no longer buy chips, and I have seriously cutdown on my baking. I used to bake almost daily (not always sugary baked goods, but still too often). I do bake about once every couple of weeks now, but it's muffins with whole grain, fruit, and low sugar.
  • Bread... ugh I loved bread. But the carbs in it were killing me
  • ShannanLaNae
    ShannanLaNae Posts: 434 Member
    pop and fried food!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    During the current 90 day transformation challenge I'm involved in I refuse to go to the movies cuz I don't think I can resist that freaking popcorn. It owns me...I'm it's ***** calls to me. Eat me, Eat Me...YOU LOVE ME...EAT ME!!! ugh!!!