i'l eat what i want and NOT FEEL GUILTY

realllly grinds my gears when other people who are not on a diet look shocked and exclaim "but your on a diet you cant eat that"

eh... yes i can. you can watch me if you want.

people need to understand and grasp that a "diet" is not restrictive. i do not eat lettuce constantly.

i will still go out for dinner and get dessert if i want, i will still go on nights out and do shots of tequilla through my eye if i want.
there is nothing stopping me.

i take into account what i want to eat, i write it down and log it. i might have a dominos pizza tonight but tomorrow i will have chicken breast and veg and make up the calories n work ma butt off in the gym.

so yes. i am on a diet. yes i am going to still eat mcdonalds. and chocolate and ice cream. and i will enjoy it. i refuse to give up the things i like.

and the best part....I WILL STILL LOSE WEIGHT.

rant over. :)


  • stuey39
    stuey39 Posts: 159
    I hear you! My mother(dragon)-in-law is like it with me and really does my head in! I find these people are always quick nag but never support, I had a huge rant at her last week and know she won't speak to me - RESULT!!!!! :)

    Sorry forgot to add I love the attitude, stick with it
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    she won't speak to me - RESULT!!!!! :)

    hahaha my dad is the same. drives me up the wall and causes full scale riots in the house. it honestly makes me more determined to eat what i want :)
  • stuey39
    stuey39 Posts: 159
    the most annoying bit though is my bro-in-law had to lose 140lb for an operation and within 8months put it all back on but apparently it is his 'condition' that makes him so big-yeah whatever!!!

    I just ignore the whole side of my wife's family now and she cool with it as she not stuck in any fall out from all the rows
  • lollye51
    lollye51 Posts: 46 Member
    What about when friends/relatives are eating cakes/sweets etc and say "sorry you can't have this, being on a DIET" and then smugly snaffle what they are eating!.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    People try to tell me stuff like Oh, you can't have ranch! Thats too much fat! At least make it a vinagrette! Or, thats soo much meat! You'll never lose weight that way!

    GET OFF MY CASE. I've lost 30lbs so far and lift more than you. Zip it!
  • delsey2007
    delsey2007 Posts: 68 Member
    I think this is where I constantly give up. I always try to keep myself from eating all my favorite things because I'm trying to lose weight. Then I freak out and go nuts and eat tons of it completely ruining all my progress so far. I need to find a balance.
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    I think this is where I constantly give up. I always try to keep myself from eating all my favorite things because I'm trying to lose weight. Then I freak out and go nuts and eat tons of it completely ruining all my progress so far. I need to find a balance.

    i used to be the same and i would "give up" chinese food, then in about 4 weeks time i would be cravign it so bad i would order one of everything off of the menu. lol
    now i just get what i want. log it. and then make up for it.
    dont give up anything if you enjoy it, theres no point.
    What about when friends/relatives are eating cakes/sweets etc and say "sorry you can't have this, being on a DIET" and then smugly snaffle what they are eating!.
    this is even more annoying lol xxxx
  • SlimmingJules
    SlimmingJules Posts: 6 Member
    I think this is where I constantly give up. I always try to keep myself from eating all my favorite things because I'm trying to lose weight. Then I freak out and go nuts and eat tons of it completely ruining all my progress so far. I need to find a balance.

    I could have written this myself lol!!!

    I'm one of those all or nothing type of people! I too need to find that balance :-)
  • stuey39
    stuey39 Posts: 159
    what these donuts don't seem to realise is that as friends as loved ones they should be supporting us, not alienating(?) us>
    but what about those 'mockers' who clain that that burger or whatever is soooo bad for us then go drink so much they forget their own name and fall over etc?
  • dciantar
    Everything in moderation!
  • stuey39
    stuey39 Posts: 159
    absolutely agree, but does that the include the dislike of my mother-in-law
  • ImaLadyBiker
    My favorite (snotty) response is, "If you're writing a book, leave my chapter out of it." Honestly, that is a boundaries issue. I get to pay attention to me, others get to pay attention to themselves.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    realllly grinds my gears when other people who are not on a diet look shocked and exclaim "but your on a diet you cant eat that"

    eh... yes i can. you can watch me if you want.

    people need to understand and grasp that a "diet" is not restrictive. i do not eat lettuce constantly.

    i will still go out for dinner and get dessert if i want, i will still go on nights out and do shots of tequilla through my eye if i want.
    there is nothing stopping me.

    i take into account what i want to eat, i write it down and log it. i might have a dominos pizza tonight but tomorrow i will have chicken breast and veg and make up the calories n work ma butt off in the gym.

    so yes. i am on a diet. yes i am going to still eat mcdonalds. and chocolate and ice cream. and i will enjoy it. i refuse to give up the things i like.

    and the best part....I WILL STILL LOSE WEIGHT.

    rant over. :)

    :heart: this!! And it's all true! It makes me want to scream when the ladies I work with or my friends are doing some mad diet and they're miserable!

    I :heart: food, I LOVE eating and I refuse to give up any specific types of food. I am however, learning to eat in moderation and not pig-out. I'm better at it some days than others, and same with logging it all. But overall the weight is going down and that as far as I'm concerned, is all the verification I need that what I'm doing, is working for me! :bigsmile:
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    but what about those 'mockers' who clain that that burger or whatever is soooo bad for us then go drink so much they forget their own name and fall over etc?

    ahhh guilty of this as well hahahahaha
    i can do everythin in moderation except, tequilla! oohhh tequillaaaa... it makes me happy.... (well untill the next day when i wake up)
  • bignuce
    bignuce Posts: 52 Member
    You are absolutely right. If you know you are going to have a big eating day take your but to the gym and work like a bull so you can eat like a horse
  • dciantar
    absolutely agree, but does that the include the dislike of my mother-in-law

    Haha il leave that one upto you
  • mckenzieuk
    What your doing though wont be healthy. 1200calories of fruit and veg or 1200calories on mcdonalds. Decide what's best yourself. If your on a diet you obviously want your body in good shape.
  • TahliS
    TahliS Posts: 52
    Everything said in here I agree with. I was sorting out what kind of things I was making for someones baby shower several days ago.. and then someone goes oh you can cook all this stuff but dont touch.. youre on diet! I swear ill almost lost it. I will eat a cupcake if I want it. Yes, I will then get on my bike and burn it back off but thats not the point. And besides, this is not a damned diet. It is a lifestyle change and choice. Diets end at a certain time.. this wont.
  • dciantar
    I'm sure she is not eating bad foods all day every day. It's just a matter of not depriving yourself from the foods you love. Eating all heathly all day every day causes you to crash and burn. And then it's all over.
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    What your doing though wont be healthy. 1200calories of fruit and veg or 1200calories on mcdonalds. Decide what's best yourself. If your on a diet you obviously want your body in good shape.

    i dont do it every day or every week for that matter, but i dont see the point in limiting myself to "healthy" foods.

    i see these things as treats, and special occasions, whereas previously i would eat them 4-5 times a week.

    if i want a wee cake. i will have one. if i dont eat the things i like and enjoy - whats the point??