i'l eat what i want and NOT FEEL GUILTY



  • What your doing though wont be healthy. 1200calories of fruit and veg or 1200calories on mcdonalds. Decide what's best yourself. If your on a diet you obviously want your body in good shape.

    There are other ways to get your body in good shape besides diet... Hello exercise anyone? Plus who really eats 1200 calories of McDonald's or 1200 calories of fruit and veg? No one.. Hence the moderation aspect!

    As long as it balances it out in the end, you're going to be ok.

    Hell yesterday I ate a chocolate chip-oreo-brownie bar with my lunch... did I feel guilty? Nope.. but did I go to the gym and exercise that night? Yup!

    lol you ARE what you eat, theres no getting away from it.

    1200 cals of MCD's is about 1 happy meal if that, merely ONE meal, 1200 cals of fruit and veg could be a full day of eating, THREE good meals.

    You cannot just eat what you like and expect to be healthy just because you worked it off on a exercise.

    Where are all the vitamins and nutrients that your body needs in the calorie rich fast foods? Infact due to recent studies, MCD's burgers, nuggets, fries etc aren't even classed as food. Scientifically, do the research.

    Take a quick look; http://www.naturalnews.com/030074_Happy_Meal_decompose.html

  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    RESPONSE to You Are on a Diet you can't eat that: "OMFG how many times must I say I AM NOT ON AN F'N DIET" - I am loving myself to the fullest, that includes eating healthier and exercising - one of the major parts of it is giving my body what it is asking me to... so if my body is asking me to have McD's or chocolate or ice cream or chzzz balls - that is what I will feed it - "IN MODERATION OF COURSE"

    We all need to learn how to mind our business and give our opinion only when asked, LOL...

    Good for you by the way for keeping your ground :)
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    What your doing though wont be healthy. 1200calories of fruit and veg or 1200calories on mcdonalds. Decide what's best yourself. If your on a diet you obviously want your body in good shape.

    There are other ways to get your body in good shape besides diet... Hello exercise anyone? Plus who really eats 1200 calories of McDonald's or 1200 calories of fruit and veg? No one.. Hence the moderation aspect!

    As long as it balances it out in the end, you're going to be ok.

    Hell yesterday I ate a chocolate chip-oreo-brownie bar with my lunch... did I feel guilty? Nope.. but did I go to the gym and exercise that night? Yup!

    lol you ARE what you eat, theres no getting away from it.

    1200 cals of MCD's is about 1 happy meal if that, merely ONE meal, 1200 cals of fruit and veg could be a full day of eating, THREE good meals.

    You cannot just eat what you like and expect to be healthy just because you worked it off on a exercise.

    Where are all the vitamins and nutrients that your body needs in the calorie rich fast foods? Infact due to recent studies, MCD's burgers, nuggets, fries etc aren't even classed as food. Scientifically, do the research.

    Take a quick look; http://www.naturalnews.com/030074_Happy_Meal_decompose.html


    i dont read stuff like this because i honestly dont care. i am not obsessed with whats in food, or super foods, or any of that 100% natural miracle organic no added bad stuff food malarky. im just intresed in counting my calories and losing weight.

    my debate. I like mcDonalds. I think McDonalds tastes good. therefore i am going to eat McDonalds. (in moderation). i am still going to lose weight. dont belive me...... just watch. end of debate for me :)
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 177 Member
    I absolutely love this post! I was thinking the same thing on my lunch break today :)
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 177 Member
    My previous comment was about the actual topic post. And for all the haters that I have already read on this, get over yourself. I don't think she said she is only eating restaurant foods. I know people who don't eat at restaurants and are in bad shape, so really just get over thinking that you are perfect.
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    realllly grinds my gears when other people who are not on a diet look shocked and exclaim "but your on a diet you cant eat that"

    eh... yes i can. you can watch me if you want.

    people need to understand and grasp that a "diet" is not restrictive. i do not eat lettuce constantly.

    i will still go out for dinner and get dessert if i want, i will still go on nights out and do shots of tequilla through my eye if i want.
    there is nothing stopping me.

    i take into account what i want to eat, i write it down and log it. i might have a dominos pizza tonight but tomorrow i will have chicken breast and veg and make up the calories n work ma butt off in the gym.

    so yes. i am on a diet. yes i am going to still eat mcdonalds. and chocolate and ice cream. and i will enjoy it. i refuse to give up the things i like.

    and the best part....I WILL STILL LOSE WEIGHT.

    rant over. :)

    I absolutely LOVE it!!! You have a great attitude about it!!!
    It irritates the crap out of me when I get funny looks (mostly from my husband) when we ate 2 hours ago, and I'm having a snack before bed!!! He forgets that I'm hypoglycemic, and need to eat every 2 hours..plus it's good for the metabolism!
    You go girl!! Don't let ANYONE or ANYTHING stop you...and add me if you want to! :)
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    realllly grinds my gears when other people who are not on a diet look shocked and exclaim "but your on a diet you cant eat that"

    eh... yes i can. you can watch me if you want.

    people need to understand and grasp that a "diet" is not restrictive. i do not eat lettuce constantly.

    i will still go out for dinner and get dessert if i want, i will still go on nights out and do shots of tequilla through my eye if i want.
    there is nothing stopping me.

    i take into account what i want to eat, i write it down and log it. i might have a dominos pizza tonight but tomorrow i will have chicken breast and veg and make up the calories n work ma butt off in the gym.

    so yes. i am on a diet. yes i am going to still eat mcdonalds. and chocolate and ice cream. and i will enjoy it. i refuse to give up the things i like.

    and the best part....I WILL STILL LOSE WEIGHT.

    rant over. :)

    :heart: this!! And it's all true! It makes me want to scream when the ladies I work with or my friends are doing some mad diet and they're miserable!

    I :heart: food, I LOVE eating and I refuse to give up any specific types of food. I am however, learning to eat in moderation and not pig-out. I'm better at it some days than others, and same with logging it all. But overall the weight is going down and that as far as I'm concerned, is all the verification I need that what I'm doing, is working for me! :bigsmile:

    I agree!!! BTW: please tell me how you made those hearts in your post? <3
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    Loved this and couldn't agree more!
  • karensa_goodman
    karensa_goodman Posts: 3 Member
    Tuesday is a busy night at our house. Pick son up from afterschool at 5: 45 then scouts at 6:30. We went to Chick-fil-A last night (Tuesday is kids eat free!) got a fried chicken sandwich and fries and only went 122 over my goal of 1200, which I easily make up by walking on my lunch break. I don't like Chickfila salads or grilled chicken so I ate what I wanted. Didn't hurt at all and I wasn't starving myself the rest of the day. On a side note, my son chose the new grilled chicken nuggets. I was proud of his smart choice. Hopefully my choices are rubbing off on him.
  • great attitude! I do the same thing - everything in moderation and as long as you're balancing it out and working your *kitten* off with exercise, then I say LIVE! I mean, we have to impart a plan that we can sustain FOR LIFE. Complete restriction to only brown rice, veggies, and baked fish may work for some but for me, NO THANKS. I love food too much to give it all up. It's all about balance.
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member

    "but your on a diet you cant eat that"

    eh... yes i can. you can watch me if you want.

    LOL! I love it.